Sup Forums absolutely BTFO by a transsexual. This is pure logic
Sup Forums absolutely BTFO by a transsexual. This is pure logic
All men are paedophiles
Why do you spell it like that?
I am, yes. But your argument is retarded
Degenerate nip
Be bebee bee boop ?
you're a jap, we just assumed it
nip bantz are best bantz
Is she actually wrong though?
Males are designed to mate with girls who are just about to get their first period, that's why the older girls get the more likely the kid will turn autistic. I'm not even baiting, sex with a 10 year old girl who can menstruate and have a child should not be illegal or unethical
>Willful sexchange status != Compelled to age by time.
>ancap logic
The girl >used to be a child. The role playing man only ever stopped being a man in his fucked up psyche.
Troll or retard?
t. Muhammed
Until genetic engineering, etc. comes along which drops off their dick and makes them grow an actual vagina, womb, and female organs, they're still dating a male as most of them have a fucking hole where their dick used to be.
Like fuck me, sure, transgender girls can call themselves girls, but most of them look like fucking freaks, and like men, and all of them are not genetically nor sexually a female.
I actually try to think about things from a logical perspective and not mix emotions into things.
Saying ancap logic is a non-argument
Its like comparing naturally ripening apples to inverted oranges
lol! do both parties have dicks? it's gay and both are faggots aka homosexuals!
False premise
The current state of a woman who used to be a child is a woman with 2 X chromosomes in each cell.
The current state of a trans """female""" is a being with a Y chromosome in each cell, also known as a biological male.
post pic of ur loli
A grown woman is not biologically a child. A man is biologically a man no matter what they're LARPing as.
Cunt speak for yourself!
I love huge fucking tits!
Fucking shitcunt
Biologically you aren’t a child just like biologically you aren’t a woman. End of discussion.
OP is translogical. Using cishet logic to disprove xir is hate speech.
t. insane person throws out absolutely insane leaps of logic that make no sense.
I'm not surprised that an insane person has trouble rationalizing things properly. The only thing that bothers me is that not enough of you know how to sage useless threads.
is it ok to fuck a 12 year old as long as she puts her mom's dress on and claims she's 25?
Tfw comparing a natural biological advancement to some plug n play parts.
Try harder next time.
you've had your fun. Now into the oven.
Here I'll explain it to you in terms you can understand, pablo. Many words used to have the æ which gradually fell out of use as "ae" became more popular. This sound, over time, became so close to the "e" sound so Americans just started writing e while the brits kept the old "ae".
You can't be a pedophile because that child used to be a clump of cells and we all know those aren't people ;^)
I got banned from twitter for one of my replies to that thread lol
Men who trans to women are neither woman nor man, he is but Untermensch.
You don’t get to change your birthday just like you don’t get to change your biological sex. You will forever be born on the day you were born, and you will forever be the sex you were born as.
We still call it "pædofil" her.
This is the correct analogy.
>false analogy fallacy
hot dayum that was good
Holy shit. This is a prime example of the mentally ill thought process.
Nukeboy bringin the radioactive heat
fucking degenerates
the absolute state of West
One thing is a natural biological process.
The other one won't happen without makeup, new clothes, hormones and surgery(and you still won't be a woman, just a trans woman(male).
Biologically speaking, they still are men.
I do enjoy how they compare gays to pedophiles and don't understand the irony behind it.
> freakin based
sing it girl
> traps are not gay
False equivalence; growing up is natural and involuntary, taking hormones and removing your penis through surgery is not.
>getting fooled by a tranny in the first place
>implying the hands, height, shoulders, jaw, voice, adams apple and walking gait aren't dead giveaways
No, they're called gay for dating a guy, not someone who "used" to be a guy. Chromosomes are a little harder to change into than a skirt and heels.
Fine two can play at stupid word games. It's gay to date people with the same chromosomes as you.
Sorry Stacy, you're a beautiful (((woman))) now, but my dating preference is strictly XX chroms.
That guy is a faggot
Because aging and transitioning are the same.... You know how girls develop into women meanwhile men have to force hormones in their bodies and slice their dicks and invert them yea totally the same thing. I think most men would date trans women if they pass but let's be honest a lot it trans women look like dudes in wigs and that's not attractive
> implying a man can become a woman by fiat
We should call dating same chromosomes Chromosexual.
It's pretty fucking chromosexual to date a woman who used to be a man.
I only date people preferably one chromosone short of myself
> When you realise there are men out there putting their dicks inside of inverted dicks.
Oh hellllll nah!!!
It's the same second I realize not everyone should be allowed to vote.
Fugg :DD
add me to the screencap
Over 20% (that have reported it) regret the surgery and try and have it reversed.
Liberals hide this statistic from them, allowing them to ruin their lives. Almost no one would even cut their hair if they were told there was a 20% chance you'd regret it and it wouldn't grow back.
Crazy but not surprising. They most likely argue that the 20% only regrets surgery because society stigmatizes transgenders and therefore society is responsible for their unhappiness.
If only this were the case, then I would stigmazise them ten times as hard.
That's how it's spelt, retard.
They think they're going to get a real pussy until the doctor gives them a set of dilators and tell them they have to stick them in the fuckhole for the rest of their life or it will close up like an open wound.
>if sex doesn't change then why does age change??? Checkmate bigots
That post number is something else.
I was also a child once. Is she also a pedophile? Are we all pedophiles?
|the fact that your gf is an animal (opposed to vegetable or mineral) makes you a zoophile|
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Says the emoji mutt
Absolute politically correct is to date 2D gf
>post 4-year-old bait tweet
>Sup Forums responds in droves
Why am I even here
>happens to be ancap
Nope, kike shill, bruh.