What was the video that got him famous?

When you put it that way...

Who knew the norks could bantz

they can't you gullible retard

>he doesn't know it's a parody account

Is this really an official NK account?

I'm pretty sure it's the same leftie that runs the God twatter.

Haha is that a shop? Oy vey!

Its a parody account you morons

>Is this really an official NK account?

Why wont they just shitcan him? If this was the Roman Arena homie got the thumbs down

Nuke them and then they'll start making anime like Japan did.

The world is throwing a tantrum because he tased a dead rat. An already. Dead. Rat. Yeah the guy hug in the wood was bad, but I sincerely part of the elephant in the room here is Japan cartoonishingly high rate of suicide, so people got really buttmad about it. But now, they'll lynch him for merely breathing the same air for god sake. Oh, and Ethan and Alex are going to go to town on him with this one, I and already see Ethan's unsynchronised blinking and forced cough all over this shit.

>watching e-celebs mutts on jewtube
group KYS all of you then bury each other

The gooks fear the aryan chad

To my knowledge he didn't get famous from a single noteworthy or quality video. He's one of those talent-less, right place, right time, vapid, heart-throb, bro bro broseph "stars" who put enough material out there that it gained traction and took off. I had only ever seen his face once before the suicide forest fiasco.

I'd mock nK for caring some much about entertainers and YouTube "celebs", but we elected a reality tv star into office so fuck

North Korea BTFO vapid JEW.S.A kike culture.

I just don't understand how he got so much money to burn. Retards doing stupid shit on jewtube are a diamond dozen so what makes this idiot special?

Uh, You know, one thing I sh...
excuse me for one second...



>using nukes because e-celebs annoy you

Those people are really deranged and aren't in position to call anyone degenerate.

or maybe they're just fucking with us and we still haven't understood yet best Korea's satire.

It's a shit movie
But I'm willing to bet money that Kim Jong Un is exactly like how he's portrayed in The Interview

who else would hang out with davis rodman

>who else would hang out with davis rodman
I'll give you a guess

Funnily enough, everything in that tweet is factually correct

We should all tweet responses back to DPRK News saying "Kim Jong Un is a dick smoking faggot and North Korea is a shithole that will soon glow in the dark"


Ya'll do know that he is a Jew just look at that nose, and he seems to be a great manipulator in that he is able to do some fucked up shit and kinda get away with it, but like all Jews they can only get away with it for so long.

are these all real, shopped or hacked?


They got a point


He and his brother use to be on Disney channel too I think

kek XD LOL, is dis da reel twitta of da bad cuntree? XD So epic!

Why not?
Trump has a twitter account and he's a supervillain.