If you watch porn, you're a cuck

If you watch porn, you're a cuck.

Shut up. I don't care.

You. Are. A. Cuck.

You're literally getting off to watching another man have his way with a woman you're attracted to.

Get it together.

You fucking cuck.

She was fuckable until


Into the bin it goes

was hot until I saw those disgusting earings

This is why I only watch gay porn.

omg shut the fuck up, you're type makes me puke, you bleeding malodorous pervert.

A cuckold is somone who has another man fuck someone he is in a relationship with, not "someone that he likes".

This is the equivelent of saying that you are cuck because that girl on the street you thought was hot is getting boned by her boyfriend.

It's even stupidier than that because porn stars are literally payed actors who are pretending for the camera.

Thats not what cuckolding is. Being an actual cuck only applies if the woman is in a romantic relationship with you. None of the porn bitches are my girlfriends or wives. I don't care about them. This is not cuckoldry.

You however, are retarded and sliding better threads. Kys.

I fuck my loyal waifu daily in VR so I'm all good


Since when is all porn involving men?

>4tb of stuff, none of which involves a man penetrating a woman

I am going to pretend this is that Blizzard Soe girl. Yum...

I only watch female masturbation videos while my bitch sucks my dick.

Also why don't you have a Latina cum dumpster?
Pic related

its not cuck if im not in a relationship with her
besides the porn i enjoy is men getting assfucked by trannies, i think there's more problems there than cuckoldry

>implying you don't want to fuck her ear lobes

vanilla. as. FUCK

Cuck is basically the new fag sometimes used ironicaly sometime not

>if you watch football (soccer), Youre a cuck
Shut up. I don't care.
You. Are. A. Cuck.
>You're literally paying to watch a professional have his way with the sportball you love.
Sure you could learn some new moves by observing and replicating. But thats not the point.
Get your shit together.
You fucking Man City cuck.

what if there is only one chick and no one else, OP?

What about female solo masturbation?

>Implying a mans involved.
Are you gay user.


>You're literally getting off to watching another man have his way with a woman you're attracted to.
Lesbian porn tho

> porn is bad
> posts porn



>You're literally getting off to watching another man have his way with a woman you're attracted to.
What if you watch lesbian porn?

t. retard how don't understand linguistic conventions
>huuur a cuckold is actually a bird

I strictly watch solo porn because i dont like seeing other dicks bigger than mine.

>What about female solo masturbation?
Is there any other kind?

the only reason I quit jerking off is for the sick gains bro!

ironic, coming from you who got cucked even when leaving eu...

Because you're gay.

>You're literally getting off to watching another man have his way with a woman you're attracted to.

You seem to be implying that the only form of porn is a man fucking a woman, My child you are so young.

I don’t even know what your flag is your that irrelevant

The male actor in porn is your avatar, thats why its so gross to watch black dudes. Just wait for VR porn to hit big, male actors will lose their jobs.

Women can jerk off in groups. It doesn't have to be a solo project.

You’d still beat guts. Stop lying

>Because you're gay.
Iron Man is offended

Young men are learning to be faggots by watching all this anal sex. How many of you were grossed out by gay porn when you were kids, and now you have moved on to tranny porn?

>Young men are learning to be faggots by watching all this anal sex. How many of you were grossed out by gay porn when you were kids, and now you have moved on to tranny porn?
When I was in high school in the 80's we could beat up fags and the Galveston cops didn't give a shit about it.

Fun times.


Female solo + lesbian is fine. Watching a man plow a woman makes you a cuck. Watching a man fuck a woman anally makes you a cuck faggot. If you like watching any bizarre fetishes (foot, scat, diaper, vomit, bdsm), you're a degenerate who needs to remove himself from society. It's all very simple.


Hentai is fine though.

Why’d she fuck up her ears?


I like Porn though. I'm bad with women so I get off to Porn instead m80

>Doesn't know the definition of cuck
What a faggot


>If you watch porn, you're a cuck.

No that's not tr-

>Shut up. I don't care.


>You. Are. A. Cuck.


>You're literally getting off to watching another man have his way with a woman you're attracted to.

It's entirely healthy!

>Get it together.


>You fucking cuck.


What if all I watch is hentai?

I want to stick my dick in those gauges.

>get boner
>see piercings
>stop getting boner

Porn can lead to some fucked up decisions and fantasies. Bad enough to end your life.


what if i watch porn get a hard but dont wank?

is it the same or am i going no fap hardcore

You don't know what that means either apparently.

What if it's a girl solo masturbating and shes not in a relationship?
What then, I understand the logic if shes getting fucked by another man but what if it solo masturbation, is that different and if so how

That's why I only watch girls solo or /s/ style.


If you have a woman who is mentally ill enough to put up with that, don't have kids with her. She is fucked up.

The real champions watch porn at night, get hard, don't wank, got to sleep and then have wet dreams.

>If you like watching any bizarre fetishes (foot, scat, diaper, vomit, bdsm), you're a degenerate
I fuck my cum dumpster like I'm trying to rupture her uterus but she's into being man handled so it works out for both of us.

>not jerking in /e/
Do you even browse Sup Forums?

begone commie

>he doesn't record videos of himself masturbating to videos of himself masturbating, to masturbate seeing your own self masturbate to your masturbation video

get on my level you fucking cuck

No one cares about your race mixing mutt

Commies always submit in the end.

>No one cares about your race mixing mutt
You don't need to

I did that shit until I was 22. I discovered fapping then, and my life became a little bit brighter

>implying migrants from r/the_donald can stomach Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums

I don't know if I'd agree watching porn is cuckoldry, but you're right that it's degenerate and damaging.

I care because it seems to make him happy :)

This guy deserves everything he got.

Dumbass thinks the only kind of porn that exists is 2 people fucking.
Look, some guys actually like the way a female's body looks, faggot.

>300 replies
>no sauce

So, you have justified your kink by brute force.

>discovered fapping then
how do you not even accidentally discover it in your 22 years on earth

But if I don't fap to porn i feel like going outside.

Why do hotties do that shit to their ears?


u can tell he fucking got off writing that story. what a self loathing cuck


Those are some w i d e shoulders

At least my capital isn't ran by shitskins

fuck you, I only masturbate to vanilla hand holding hentai

>What is Hentai?
>What is Solo Female Mastubation vids?
>What is Solo Female JOI vids?

Nice bait faggot, while I agree porn and masturbation should be in moderation. You are just fishing for (you)'s.

>Doesn't know the definition of faggot

We can all play this game.
The truth is, he is right. If you're watching another man fuck a women you like, it's cuck behavior. Porn and masturbation is degenerate.

You should only ejaculate inside a women.

Does watching hentai make me a cuck then?

What if i watch Solo or lesbian porn?

>Not exclusively fapping to written porn games where you are the main character and control the scenes

I pity you.

A cuck is someone who gets off to his gf/bf getting fucked
Getting off to some random bitch on the internet isn't cuckoldry because you literally don't even know that person.
Maybe if you go to one of those ex gf revenge websites and watch your current gf getting fucked by her ex, I could see that being cuckoldry of some sort. Normal porn? Nah, stop using logic leaps found in Tumblr.

I've never thought watching two people have sex is attractive or a turn on.

If I watch anything pornographic at all then it's usually just a woman with little to no clothing, and that's it.

Am I still a cuck?

But I only watch solo or lesbians.

whats the deal with masturbation?

its like guys enjoy handling dicks so much they just gotta do it

Seems to me that being used by a women and divorced raped makes you more of a cuck
Especially if she takes your kid or makes you raise someone elses
Porn exists because most women are terrible people and men dont want to deal with most of them except for sex
Maybe women should get better?

Can I get sauce on that pic OP? A cuck friend of mine wants to know.

Amen. Our people will never make it through this and kill the kike until they stop watching porn

Women only get shitty when men are shitty.
Take care of your women

>This guy deserves everything he got.
Accepting anything less than completely over the top domineering and degrading your victim while damaging her internal organs.

>>a women you like
>he 'likes' pornstars
Oh god. You losers are sad.

HD (solo) Camgirls are the best porn. Prove me wrong.

he's right tho. i took the nofap pill 71 days ago

Okay but who is that?