All Trigger Staff Loves _____ !!
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
Hot underage women
Good times.
When did this all start?
Is it just me or has it been a while since I've last seen this post? Either way, have some best girl, my friend.
To walk over Yoshinari.
does not compute
5 Facts About Yoh Yoshinari
1) He has a brother!
2) He's able to eat anything!
3) He likes to draw on his own free time!
4) He's not interested in clothing! Always jeans+shirt!
5) He never gets grumpy!
6) Yoh Yoshinari!
Can someone give me the original 5factsdiana?
I want to hug him.
Diana will never confess her love to you. Why even live? ;_;
If there's a season 2 I can't imagine how much more of this will happen, they get any closer and people are going to start shipping them
Yeah, because people don't already ship them.
Speaking of shipping, after watching the Trigger makings of, does anyone else ship Yoshinari and Imaishi hard?
No, they both have wives.
Shipping real-life men regardless of their own circumstances puts you on the same level of a One Direction fan.
I blame the singer, the voice actors, imashi and the producers. Yoshimari himself doesn't seem to think that much about them to the extent the others do. Kinda like how I blame Satsuki's VA for supporting the "Satsuki has a sister complex" angle and now there's tons of doujins of Satsuki trying to get under Ryuuko's skirt
Shrinking at Sucy's feet!
I want Yoh Yoshinari to adopt tiny Chariot and raise her
and Producer-san decided to indirectly name her after Yoshinari because his name is the constalation that the big dipper is in
and the Chariot is the french name that it's in
I love them as a combi, but I respect their wives. I rather ship Chariot and Akko since it's the closest thing as shipping Yoshi and the producer.
>Shipping husband and wife
Are you ok user
Dianna's white and pristine pantsu.
It's amazing how much pottery this character has. A cute.
I'm so desperately lonely!
Dianna's lewd smile
These threads belong to /trash/
S-Shut up, they make feel happy.
They are too cute together though. Producer-san and Mrs Imaishi can't compete.
Shipping a married couple is the most patrician thing ever
I want to stick it in this Puppet Master Finn!
What's wrong with that?
My life is a lie.
Not him, but I don't see anything wrong with the pic, despite being from there.
If you really need to get your pics from there, atleast change the filename.
>and Producer-san decided to indirectly name her after Yoshinari because his name is the constalation that the big dipper is in
I wouldn't phrase it that way, it makes it sound like Producer-san named Chariot. There's enough misinformation in these threads as it is.
What she said was:
>This is just my personal take to the series, Yoshinari Yoh (吉成 曜) "Yoh" means the big dipper, and also the dates of the week in Japanese. Maybe that's why LWA is about astronomy.
Fair enough. The filename alone makes people go automatically autistic.
I should change all my filenames to tumblr filenames just to annoy the autists.
That's still my favorite Sucy smile.
I need full witch name list for darkest dungeon
Honestly I'm more triggered at the blatant blogging and Sup Forumsposting that occurs in these threads.
>there's tons of doujins of Satsuki trying to get under Ryuuko's skirt
these threads should be dead and buried already.
One certainly finds some oddities sifting through Tumblr.
>Hey, Barbara. I'm not going to let you practice on me anymore if I see you kissing Lotte again...
What is it about Japanese names that are even more potterish than other names?
So I guess Megumi doesn't need to keep Yoko in her basement anymore.
I want to be the little witch and get cum inside!
Kanjis have a lot of meanings in a single character.
How does Diana remain straight with those two lezzing it up at every opportunity?
>ywn be Megumi and get to physically hug your waifu
>ywn convince her to reenact one of the cutest scenes in the show
Life is suffering, lads
Did they get married? Does Yoko's current husband Nana know?
She doesn't.
lotte is shy.
Forget Nana!
Same, mfw I will never be a cute witch like Akko
That's advanced autism.
I know we meme a lot about Megumi, but she must really, really love Yoko. It's kinda endearing.
*blocks your path*
Shit show
Cancerious general
Yuri cancer
Sup Forumsssboarding faggots
tumblrite den
a real thread could fill this general's spot
memes and baits
MLp of anime
Can't fucking raise MMR for shit fuuuuuu
She's not so shy when she wants to eat that bully ass.
This is true
/ag/ when?
You forgot to mention Sup Forumsermins.
I have to agree with this even though i like LWA. These threads have no purpose now that the show is over and Q&A is pretty much cancelled.
100% true
Yet the same people come in here every day and post the same things
Amazing, isn't it?
Posting Lotte fills the hole in my soul!
Mah nigguh
>Can't fucking raise MMR for shit fuuuuuu
Back to Sup Forums, also there was real discussion yesterday after the falseflagging shitposters.
None of those are Sucy though.
I wish there is more art of these two. The same ones get reposted since we obviously don't get enough. Even if they're just hanging out and bring comfy is fine with me.
Every topic has been discussed to death already. These threads are worthless.
Look dianon, the stars are out
Would you rather have Trigger make the first season of LWA into a CGI-fest and keep the IP, or produce a well animated series, but give it up to a committee? Try to answer as if the first season didn't currently exist.
Why even bother thinking about that?
This We don't gain anything by thinking about the past "What if's?" at this point.
Why even bother with anything?
Barbtte, Barbtte, Barbtte!
A committee. And I have nothing against CGI, but japs are shit at it.
who the fuck is barbara and why should I care about some little finnish literally who
Please educate yourself about the best ship before posting your art user.
I wondered about that while I made this shitty oc. I couldn't bothered to fix it and kind of assumed this was some weird Bürger spelling.