Her smile is as fake as her virginity. Fake. Sad
Princess Principal
Fun show.
It's not a lie
>[HorribleSubs] Princess Principal - 02 [720p].mkv
So she is used goods? Good to know that I can just avoid this
Find a flaw.
not gay enough
Important point: Princess knew Ange was a spy because of the note, but she knew she was Charlotte from the moment they started speaking. Their entire conversation seems at first like typical pseudo-philosophical anime bullshit, but was them reenacting how they became friends as children, hence Princess's shocked gasp at hearing "Could we become friends?", their companions' confusion, and loli-Ange being overlaid on top of Ange.
Ange a whore, A WHORE.
This paper.
So are people memeing or is Ange actually used goods? I can't watch the episode for a few hours yet.
>actual spoiler in spoiler tags
>So are people memeing or is Ange actually used goods?
She's a spy and their body is definitely one of their 'tools'. Now you figure out the rest
So memes, good to know.
So is Ange just an act or what?
Memes are spy tools too
Fuck Gravity
Yeah, Russian memesters hacked the election, after all
She looks like Aoyama Blue Mountain
>the direct approach
>Dorothy was a slut all along
Who’s better at making fake smile?
What's she the principal of
Ange. It looks fucking genuine. Top-tier smile, right here.
>What's she the principal of
The School of Water Business
Truth are overrated. We all know fakery have its own value, and truth be told, we love it more than cold, hard, truth.
It's difficult to compare there. Dorothy's is forced and she's sweating while Ange is cool, but that's because Ange is the mastermind and knows what's going to happen.
Ange. She is so deceptive It's actually scary
>it's another episode where Ange just lies non-stop
>it's literally non-stop bullshit
>implying wearing underwear is slut
I would assume not wearing underwear is rather more slutty
With Ange lying to everyone non-stop, It's actually hard to believe she would earnestly work for anyone
Holy fuck, we were actually correct in our speculations.
Truly the Izetta of our generation.
Yay, another week of lieposters.
Princess was pretty good on the lying front this time.
Please stop turning these thread into next flip flappers, there is no need for 2ch comments, unecessary charts and collages. Sales/stalkershitters will ruin these threads if we will overhype it needlessly
I miss Izetta
Best part of the episode.
The only thing unnecessary is those 2ch comments. Stupid cringe weebshits giving a fuck about what fellow cringe landwhales on 2ch think
I don't get the ending?
Why did she want to kill the princess?
Please don't end up being disappointing wreck.
What do you think any of that shit has to do with Flip Flappers? Those get posted in all shows threads.
She didn't, she told that for their boss agree with the princess proposal.
All original show threads at least
She was going to kill herself to avoid giving up any information.
There is shitload of newfags who think same studio means completely same staff. Especially retarded stalkershiters
>communist britain
You 'aving a giggle, mate?
>Ange is Charlotte
>Charlotte is Ange
Now that I didn't expect
Cute girls shouldn't lie.
Still can't decide whether she's best girl or not.
All hail your Queen.
When Ange said "we'd kill the princess" that meant killing herself.
Ange is the real princess.
>Ange and Charlotte facing each other like seeing themselves on a looking-through glass
>camera rotates so their position constantly swaps back and forth
This scene was so straightforward that it made me realise that Ange is actually Charlotte and vice versa
Ange is cute.
I'll post collages all I want. I started way before Flip Flappers and I'll continue doing it for shows that I like regardless of popularity.
I have no idea what the fuck happened again.
Infographic when?
>Operation Changeling
This show has great potential but they are stepping on very thin ice.
Got any idea where communism was born? You're bloody clueless mate
And they're republicans
I apologize for taking her virginity.
What? Ange's superiors were concerned that Princess knew about Principal's identities because of an information leak, and she actually planned to be a double-agent. Predicting that, in order to get them to agree Ange told them she'd kill Princess if there really does turn out to be a mole leaking her information - but the mole leaking her information IS Ange.
>I have no idea what the fuck happened again
Literally how?
yes, lots of cute girls in skimpy clothing..
but can someone post the male love interests please. I wanna see if this is worth picking up
They Japanese do the same to our threads you know. They have entire websites dedicated to posting translations of our threads.
>Got any idea where communism was born?
Germany. Republicans are commies anyway. Monarchism wave when.
I like your collages. Please do keep on with your great work
I have no idea what you're even saying.
this show is just too complicated for me.
I did.
Why not just call it Unknownistan?
Somtimes I wonder whether people are just trolling or legitimately stupid
>communism was born in Germany
This is what Brexshiters actually believe
Marx and Engels were writing about english conditions while partly being in England
Here. The love interest of the Princess.
She's in love with herself?
>but the mole leaking her information IS Ange.
Who is also the real princess
Good to know bunch of losers doing the same shit regardless of nationality, language or whatsoever
At what level of lies and deception they operate??
Marx was living in Britain when he wrote Capital
The princess(Queen) not the princess(spy)
Sorry, I should have said communism was born in Israel.
Condom edit when?
Keep making fun of yourself, fool
Not soon enough.
Wait... so how exactly is the Queen of 10 years actually a fake?
What the fuck?
Do you think Her Royal Highness Charlotte is more dyke than Archdyke Fine?
Do people actually know the commonwealth is a republic? The British commonwealth IRL is a constitutional monarchy.
So smug so perfect.