Symphogear AXZ

>Saves everyone from the subspace
>Resolve isn't shaken by that dumb cunt complaining about her saving a kid's life
>"Even if it happens again, I'd do the same thing every time because I know it's right."
>Ignite (supposedly) has drawbacks
>There was almost even a full conversation without a fight starting in the middle of it
AXZ is significantly less bad than I was worried it'd be.

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I fixed her.


After season 3, I knew the only place to go was up, so I wasn't worried.

It's only been three episodes. They still have plenty of time to go off the deep end with bad melodrama.

>less bad
How about "much better"?

I want this to happen.
I don't know how this could happen, I have no clue what kind of crazy shit must go down to make this even remotely possible, but I know Symphogear can do it if it tries to.

>How about "much better"?
How about "GX also started off pretty good, and topdad still exists, not to mention nods to all the plot stuff like alchemy and autoscorers from GX so let's wait and see?"

Topdad hasn't appeared yet and I don't see why you would consider alchemy and related stuff bad.

Alchemy gave us Carol and Elf "World's most useless scientist" 9.

Words to live by

You're just proving my point.

The first 6 episodes of G and GX were also fine, they only shit the bed after that.

GUYS, GUYS, WHAT IF Carol actually was a little boy who later used alchemy to become a girl and over the venturies her memories slowly changed and she started believing she always was a little girl?

GX was already deep into the "I lost muh voice I can't sing!" subplot at this point. Instead we've a Chris subplot that's fairly innocuous.

But G never shit the bed.
It was great up until the finale, during which it was just mediocre.

G was the messiest Symphogear season so far.

Oh no, he's retarded!

It's not just innocuous, she actually did something that was neither "preach about perfect ideals where they save everyone squeaky clean" nor "break down and cry because someone used mean words." They haven't done that in a while.

It's basically what she said there.

What was FIS girls' plan in G, again? I remember part of it was about americans' being cunts and wanting to only save themselves, but I can't remember why they needed to play the bad guys if all they wanted was to boot up Frontier and fix the moon's orbit.

Was it just "we need those gears to make some phonic gain for us" kind of shit, or am I forgetting something important?

>Help, we want to do the right thing but we're stupid and useless and being manipulated!
Basically they tried to do Chris's thing again, but they forgot to do a focused character arc, gave up half way through and then just made it about Mikugear.

What parts of G do people dislike?
The only things I hate about it when rewatching is the stupid DMJii/Who's Fine drama at the end.
Most everything else was either fine or great, and Rainbow Flower from ep10 was voted best scene in G in the Best of Symphogear contest.

They listened to Ver and Ver is insane.

They originally intended to use Frontier to save all humankind and played terrorist just do that their solution, and the government's betrayal if its people, would get exposure.

Apparently the alchemists backed them just because they wanted to turn citizens against their governments and destabilise the threatening world powers

Some people hold the opinion that Mikugear was a complete mistake, confirmed by the author himself who was absolutely against it but ultimately had to write it due to producer request for adding one more character song single.

How can anyone dislike Mikugear

Will the Illuminati's grand plan make sense in the end?
>destabilise the entirety of Europe except Greece
>cause the fall of America
>support FIS' plan to save the planet
>also support Carol's plan to destroy the planet
How will any of this help them challenge God?

>except greece

I really should rewatch S1, because I entirely forgot what Finé's endgame was. Did the Illuminati action help her or did she just not care to interfere with them?

>I entirely forgot what Finé's endgame was
Disregard moon, fuck God.

Destroy the curse of Balal that makes people not understand each other anymore by destroying the moon.
She was basically a good guy, I kinda forgot what the reasoning was to not let her do it.

But what about the tides

She wanted to use the chaos to seize control of the world.

>still no subs

Oh, yeah, there was that.

>Needing subs


Here's hoping the dolls come back.

Tiki a cute.
>3 days until sword songs

Rape Chris!


That's too long.

Chris is the cutest!

And so punchable


we need more SOL Chris, the girl has went through enough already


Really though, and it needs to be something else than her yelling at the kids to study harder, seriously.

She knew that blowing up the moon would also be a cataclysmic event. She planned on ruling over the survivors and probably rebuilding the tower of Babel because she wanted that God dick.

Remember when we thought GX would be great at the start?

Unfortunately you'll probably get that only in the mobage, like in 3.5 where it turns out Chris is deathly afraid of ghosts

GX was already shitting itself by now with Hibiki acting retarded, have faith

she's definitely underused.

>and probably rebuilding the tower of Babel because she wanted that God dick.

>get slapped with another curse of balal

>Hibiki&Kirika vs Germain
>Tsubasa&Shirabe vs Prelati
If you tied up Kirika and Shirabe then took one and drove without stopping the other would probably start teleporting till they're together again. If Kirika and Shirabe are actually fighting separately that can only mean some serious shit is going to go down fast and without warning. I say we're in the breather part of the season until episode 6 or 7, Hibiki's birthday is probably the day shits going down.

Yeah, and I'm not playing that crap.

There's a reason the mood here is "cautiously optimistic" and not "already celebrating". Plus GX had Hibiki's retarded fucking drama by this point already. Remember that plot point where the armed gears were sentient and had a will of their own with regards to how they felt about their user and that was really important and not just a one off excuse to give Hibiki some shitty drama? Yeah.

Not really defending retarded GX character arcs, but I never interpreted that part as gears having "a will of their own". It just seemed to me they wouldn't activate if the user weren't determined enough.

Section 2 should really just tell her to cut Bikki some slack already.

The way it was worded made it sound like Gungnir was tired of her indecisiveness which would imply it had a will of its own on some level. They tried to copy Nanoha's cartridge system with ignite (and failed) and then it looked like they were trying to copy the sentient equipment for a minute as well, but they gave up,

Why? Best girl doesn't have trouble getting best grades.

She still has gross silver hair.

>Best girl doesn't have trouble getting best grades.
Best girl is also not some air-headed dunce.

Yes, and? Your homosexual preferences don't have anything to do with gears getting good grades.

I never read into it as sentient devices. Sounded more like a generic "machine isn't cooperating with me" rather than "the machine has a will of its own which doesn't like me".
though its a bit closer because the gear works off your inner emotions still. so gugnir not working was because hibiki was being a shit, but not because gungnir was sentient.

Mikugear was only a mistake in that it took time away from other material that ended up underdeveloped in the finale. By itself it was the biggest highlight of G.


>still no subs

poor girls don't even have nipples. truly they carry the worst burden

It sounded like a "Gungnir won't heed my call" which sounds like a "being deemed unworthy by the spear of fucking Odin." I can see how the weapon of a God wouldn't want to put up with a little girl whining about killing murderous dolls.

>silver hairs
>the most perfect thing on earth
>anime's biggest accomplishment as a medium
>Calling it "gross"


they're all a bit chuu2 at heart anyways.

>Why? Best girl doesn't have trouble getting best grades.
It's really difficult to take Chris' past seriously when the writers ignore it half the time. Shouldn't she be in elementary school?


Either our Commiefriends aren't updating their website, or they seem to be going slower than the past two weeks. I'd expect an extra long wait.

Are all terror organizations like this?
brb, gonna sign up with ISIS or something

Absurdly long, pink hair and unusual eye colors are better.

Purple eyes are pretty unusual
And cute

I cannot disagree.

Eldritch abominations are CUTE!

That's the thing, Chris got over her past after Genjuro (remember when he was important and did things other than yell in a command room?) helped her learn to trust adults again, and that they wouldn't betray her or abandon her. Her biggest problem to deal with was guilt over killing a bunch of people even though Fine was pulling her strings. She felt bad over getting to have friends and go to school after what she did. I was worried bringing her back to Val Verge and exposing her to poor kids would bring up some shitty melodramatic trauma, but it's actually been handled surprisingly well so far. She had to make a tough call, and she's generally uneasy without completely breaking down. It's actually a really reasonable response, and her teammates even noticed and talked to her about it. Outside of the retard twins fighting over who loves each other more, than kind of conversation hasn't happened since season 1.

And she's smart. If her parents were rich philanthropists, she probably inherited some of their smart rich people genes.

I will post this every thread until they dock if you catch my drift.

Sorry Crack-kun, you are the crack-shipper.

She also was raised by Fine, arguably one of the smartest scientist in history.

Did Fine actually teach her anything or did she just feed her electricity and squished her tits against her every now and then?

That was only for what, 2-3 years? Dunno if even Fine could teach someone that fast, if she even bothered to try.

That's true. I think this week's echolocation trick inside the subspace was the smartest in battle thing any of them have done.

I'm sure she killed a lot of time by reading all the shit Fina had lying around.

considering she did see fine as a mother figure, its likely fine did more than just torture her all day. there was probably some carrot for the stick, and teaching probably would fall in that.

The point where it didn't have a plot. It was basically
1. Ver shows up, does random shit
2. Bikki kicks his ass
3. Ver falls down some stairs but gets away anyway
4. goto 1
for 10 episodes. Meanwhile all other Geahs on both side of the conflict where completely irrelevant until Mikugear.
The show had no credible villain and nowhere near complex enough character interactions to get away with that. Season 1 might have been an indecisive mess, but at least they figured that mess out in the first half and then had a good run with that in the second half.

She spent 4 (?) years as a child slave in Val Verde and 2 years as Fine's lackey. I somehow doubt she spent much of those years studying.

IIRC, her parent's were killed when she was 8 and she's 16, so it should be 6 years as child slave?

She was a rich girl growing up, so until Val Verde she was probably getting tutored in all kinds of shit, and then she had 2 years with the worlds oldest and smartest person. Smart people learn things faster, that's just how it works. Besides, while she was with Fine, it's not like she was out fighting every day. She probably spent a good deal of her time reading.

Ver falling down the stairs was definitely the highlight of the season.

This time around at least we still don't know what exactly enemies are planning or why they're doing all this shit.
GX was way too obvious about it from the very beginning.


Obvious is fine, not everything needs to be like Fine's late game "I'm trying to build a giant tower to blow up the moon and fuck god" plan, but Carol was both boring, annoying and not even a little bit empathetic.

I want to protect this smug

Or maybe Chris getting good grades was just a poorly thought-out punchline.

Ver must return. It must happen.

Ver AI, Shirabe/Fine and Elf9 in Carol's body are going to team up to fight the trannies.

You seem upset that my waifu is smarter than your waifu. Chris is the smartest gear, and you being assmad won't change that. Someone being smart isn't a plot point that needs building up to, some people are born smart, and others aren't.

Chris was only portrayed as smart to further the waifubait.
Its disgusting desu senpai

Ver AI just needs a body.