Reminder that you will never have your own orphanage

Reminder that you will never have your own orphanage.

Garbage show. Thanks for tricking me again, Sup Forums.

This scene was so unnecessary

On the off chance you aren't trolling.

Dude, she's 12

that guy belongs on reddit because he doesnt want to see a pointless scene?

She likes it. She wouldn't keep getting into trouble if she didn't.

My dick found it necessary.

You limp-dicked faggots should go back to where you came from.

Come on, I like me some anime ladies, but this is going a bit too far.

In the manga, they use Riko's naked hanging as a way of communicating that Nat likes her, because he peeked every time she was hanged naked.
It was an important enough detail to Riko that it was mentioned again as late as volume 6.
Can we stop false flagging and arguing about it now?

Your pretending is going a bit too far.

Pretending at what?
I'm not the one who thinks scenes like this are OK.

I know she's a little on the older side but that's sexy in its own way too you know.
No, he belongs on reddit for using cheap shitty bait for replies, like you are right now. The scene is important because it shows how dedicated they are to preserving the spirit of the manga, go against that and you end up with shit like the later LotR and Hobbit movies.

A little old but still okay.


you will also never venture down into the abyss where only death awaits.
why live?

I also kind've saw it as a bit of world-building. It's harsh punishment out of desperation to keep their indentured servants in-line.

That, too. It says something about a society that uses humiliation as its go-to form of punishment.

read this as "world-budding."

how old are girls in SZS OP?

I got the definite impression this was a very harsh place.


would be understandable, had this been shown in the anime, like anyone who doesnt read it would even know this detail and not assume we see it just to see it.

I never had sex.

get out of Sup Forums r-t-rd

Poor blind-user.


>The scene is important because it shows how dedicated they are to preserving the spirit of the manga,

It's a good thing nips are making this, it wouldn't even have the same feeling as the manga if retards like were in charge.

They're doing a 10/10 job at showing off the characters and atmosphere.

read the manga

>you'll never exploit the underprivileged for profitable gains
this makes me a sad panda

>you'll never cook a healthy soup with your daughter
think of that, user


Oficial top 5 of best girls: