There is a pention to have Disney donate 25% of the Black Panther profits to black neighborhoods in the United States. I believe this something US kanga can work with U Natzi’s. Just keep your Sup Forums lingo out of comments so the media doesn’t gaslight our effort. Time to make Disney put their money where there mouth is. Please sign crackers.
There is a pention to have Disney donate 25% of the Black Panther profits to black neighborhoods in the United States...
Yep already signed it for you.
It's Jew blacksploitation.
The very second you start talking about taking money out of Jew hands? Even to give to blacks?
Is the second you have the full support of white nationalists. Odd I know, but it's the way it is.
>t. nigger who wants more gibs than they already get
Can we get a fund going where we buy niggers guns? It's a win-win situation really
You realise that they won’t make Lang movies anymore
Why don’t niggers make movies for niggers like Eddie Murphy used to that mother fucker was funny plus he loved traps
We Wuz BUMPing and shit!
Signed. for the poor nig nigs.
>making money off blackness and than pocketing the money without giving a single damn thing to black people is cynical, greedy, evil, and racist. white movie execs, don't pretend to be woke just to get black people to watch your movies, put your money were your mouth is. help these people.
These comments are gold
Imagine how sad they'd be if Disney agreed and gave all the money to actual africans.
Done, but it won't change anything. This is where you officially have society's permission to push Disney's shit back in over this issue. I would even say raise it to 80%, since they never needed the money in the first place.
After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax, the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.
90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.
you should post a link to this as a comment to the petition.
Outrageous. How could they not donate 110% of the revenue? African Americans, and whites that benefit from the contributions of African Americans, need to pay it forward to the less fortunate communities that suffer the most. This injustice just proves once again how blacks are used as talking points and nothing more. Burn the whole thing down.
>110% of the revenue
And the budget, why should they keep the budget & just give away the revenue ? they should give away BOTH !
I already signed your petition so lets try to meme them back home now.
So basically the kangz want reparations for going to see a movie about a fake kang...
i signed it for the kangz
Kek, good observation
Guys what the fuck did I say about leaving Sup Forums comments that can be traced back here. There is even a Pepe.
That's a good read and better than most of these SJW comic revisions Marvel is putting out.