Princess Principal

A cute spy offers you a glass of wine

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

What a cute dress.

Literally what the fuck is happening?

Is someone making an infographic? I can't follow shit.

Now that all the shitposting is done, let's talk about the episode.

>butterfly wings
what a dork

Let us discuss how lucky Ange is to have this girl.

So why did Charlotte and Ange switched places with each other in the first place?

>a girl this pretty is a lesbian


I found it fairly difficult to follow sometimes.

Yea, Ange is so lucky to have such a nice body. Charlotte on the other hand is flat.

Archdyke knows a dyke when she sees one

>My dear Ange,
>I have waited a long time for this moment. There are many thing I'd like to talk about.
>But there is little time to explain my [...]
>I have become a spy like you became a princess.
>I am a spy on a mission [?] [...]
>Would you lend me your dress for this purpose?
>I'll explain in detail later.
>I have to take responsibility for your difficult [...] to spoil your dress.
>Your[s] truly,

Why didn't she hide the key in her rectal cavity?

I believe they were separated by circumstance when the kingdom split in two, and Princess was forced to assume her role. Remember in episode 1 when she looked at a picture of her and the queen and hinted that everything was a lie.


Nice cropping, fag

That's still way too tight. She only just reunited with Princess.

Damn she got them sexy stick arms.

>We're not Assassins

>I have to take responsibility
What did she mean by this?

Is this yuri?

Why are you so obsessed with things being pushed up someone's asses? Do you happen to be a homosexual, or what?

It was either for fun and they got seperated in the revolution, or so Charlotte could escape from the revolutionaries.

She is going to be the King.

That's ep13

>undressed Princess
>Dorothy's rack
Lord have mercy on me

No. There's no yuri in this.

That's Charlotte in the disguise.

So episode 1 was in the future, and now we're seeing what leads up to it?


So this is just Joker Game but pandering to the moeshit crowd instead of the manime crowd?

Actually, it's Ange pretending to be Charlotte pretending to be Ange.

You know as much about the timeline as anyone else, but I doubt ep 1 was the last case.

Would any kind user remove the key from the pic?

The princess is the dork when she is not being smug.

This actually makes sense.



We now know that Charlotte and Ange can easily disguise themselves and no one will ever know who is the real Ange and who is the real Charlotte..
Is that right?

What kind of clusterfuck is this show going to be?

I got you pal, but I'm going to need several hours.

Dunno, I don't really get whats going on most of the time, seems like a string of incomprehensible nonsense, but the girls are cute so I will keep watching it.

Woah ok kid nobody said anything about sex. This is about tradecraft.

I believe in your autism, user.

Please stop what you're doing. I'm begging you.

I tried

>My dear Ange
>You waited a long time for this moment. There are many
>things I'll like to talk with you
>but there is little time to ______________ my _________ ____________
>I have _________ a spy like you __________ __ __________
>Im a Spy __________ ________________
>The ____________ _______________
>Will you lend me your dress for the __________?
>I'll explain on detail later
>I have to take _________
>Sorry I Spoil your dress
>Yours Truly,

It's Joker Game with females nothing else and it's also good.

>What are we?
>Spies, Creates who live by lying.

Godspeed, user.

How is everyone enjoying Plot Twist: The Anime?

This anime makes M. Night Shyamalan look like a hack when it comes to twists and turns.

Pretty much. That is why all the manime Sup Forumsredditors are going butthurt over the show.


You could make infographics about all these anime Sup Forums is too dumb to understand and sell it as a book.

This is not a yuri series



Just sell it to these retards for money. Brainlets should pay.

I believe in you user. For great justice.

The action and girls are pretty nice, however, as a spy anime, it's complete fucking shit.

But user, Shemalean is a hack.

Sincerely, Sup Forums.

You need to post an Ange picture when you Ange post.

>Et tu, Ange?

Is this the most confusing anime there is?

It's Ookouchi Ichirou, we can only expect things to get crazier. It's the reason why Valvrave threads were so great.

They explained step by step what was happening in episode 2, Why do people need this?

Are you guys genuinely finding this hard to believe or is it a meme I lost since I wasn't here for the first episode's thread?

How about you fix the last one first.

The fact people are confused by this show is more confusing.

Tell me this isn't foreshadowing


I have to agree with you there. I would like this show more if it just focused on the SoL moments instead.

So why is this shit non in chronological order? Whats the artistic value?

[Glass her]

It's Joker Game for smart people.

Honestly I think its just because most people weren't totally clear what everyone's name was to start with.

it's gonna be a fake death because lies and shit

>I don't know what assassin means.
Assassin isn't equivalent to "one who kills". Try checking your dictionary next time.

>So why is this shit non in chronological order?
>ep 1
>Introduce ange as a Spy
>Introduce Princes
>Ep 2 Ange is Princess and Princess is Ange
>Shock value
its not rocket science user

>Princess Requiem

except Joker Game is terrible

So just like Princess Principal?

I can't believe this shit is actually good.

>Assassins are harmless hashish smokers
I want this meme to be beheaded.

2/10, you can do better than that user

Is there one for episode 1?

You're a lost cause user.

the first episode was awful, but the second is a standard episode.
i wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being terrible, though.

So people aren't surprised when Ange lies all the fucking time and Chise isn't seen as a random add-on later.

But she is Ange.

>Puzzle gameplay

I hope it's fun at least because the art is cute

>dorothy is actually 20

Dropped like fatman on Hiroshima.

The princess will try to pull a zero no requiem on Ange but Ange will stop her and make her the fake princess a real Queen.


Yuki Kajiura never did scores for terrible animes.

Except SAO, fuck that shit.

The problem is that everyone is lying all the time ontop of things being seceret and covert. So I don't even know what to trust as actually happening. Also if you look away it can ruin whole episodes or miss something small.

At most, she betrays them but it turns out Princess knew and was playing along her side as well because she trusts Ange implicitly, like Chris's betrayal at the end of Symphogear G.

So was she referring to the real Princess or was she lying altogether because in Episode 1 she was genuinely sad about how things went down with Eric.

Unless I'm missing something, the confusing things I found were that they didn't explain that this was set before the first episode and that they're explaining what lead up to that episode, so I spent a lot of the time thinking "Wait, they're not friends suddenly? What the hell is going on, I thought they were all spies together?"

Also, they really don't spend much time explaining who the hell both sides are and wait they're trying to achieve. I hope they detail it further later on.

My point is that the average viewer wont understand this. They watched the first EP and saw all the character having a meeting at the garden, and in EP2 they are all of a sudden strangers. Or rather, Beatrice at least is. 3hz really doesn't ned to be surprised that their shows keep flopping. Most viewers are to retarded for this and wont even realize that its not in chronological order.

>Fate Zero
>Mai Hime

>I found were that they didn't explain that this was set before the first episode
Episode 1 was Case 13.
This episode was Case 1

What's wrong?

Episode 1 happened way after the events of this episode you dork.