You have signed it, right Sup Forums?
Blacks start petion to get disney to give 25% of Black Panther profits to black communities
Other urls found in this thread:
don't forget to sign this one as well.
>please don't stereotype us
>but gibsmedat tho
i would for shits and giggles... however you're a tard for trying to improve nig nog neighborhoods
Why do they always ask for gibs? I do not see any other group of people do this.
Why don't all the faggots just keep 25% of their fucking ticket price then. Or donate the price of a ticket to black programs instead of seeing a dumb movie?
>implying I made it
It's just blacks doing as blacks do, demanding gibs
user, a trillion could be air dropped into nigger hoods and it wouldn't make a difference. However making Disney lose money is a worthwhile venture.
I'd love to see them do something like donate it to the Baltimore pd or law enforcement in some way. The nogs would go nuts.
Too bad Disney is run by a bunch of kikes.
ya know, if niggers demanded 25% or more of any media that had niggers in it, wouldn't (((they))) eventually have to stop loading everything with niggers?
>shekels before speckles
Bumping for keks.
Everyone sign both pets - I see the way this is going, and the spectacle of black people starting a legit social movement based on a superhero film is too hilarious to miss out on.
It's like us chimping out about Iron Man and sperging on twitter about how we're all Elon Musk because of our skin colour and demanding equal rights to send cars into space or fly around in mechs.
i know, i don't want to give them the gibs tho.
there's truth to this, and i say fuck nu-disney for sure. but still, memes aside, i'm too racist to condone giving nogs anything but a ticket to africa, or vaccines that "coincidentally" have the side effect of sterilization/death.
>shout out to bill gates
meh.... fuck it i'll sign
>Sup Forums accidentally gives niggers millions of dollars
what an amazing campaign
blacks right now are truly like a child playing with a lion, thinking that the lion can't eat them.
The movie is based on black history so it's only fair royalties are paid back to black people
You fucking know this petition was started by some malt liquor or menthol cigarette company right?
>film about achievements forged by blacks alone
>demand gibs anyways
Really makes you think
The way this movie has been shilled is a fucking joke. I'm all for Jews being forced to put their shekels where their mouths are and hand over the gibs for their blaxploitation
No skin off Disney's back since there won't be any profits
That would actually be an amazing experiment.
Despite all the shilling this is one thing Disney isn't going to do
Fucking lel. Where do they come up with this shit? Honestly they should go after music labels and TV too.
I like this idea. NFL and NBA should do the same.
>shout out to bill gates
and Margaret Sanger
guarantees there will never be another black panther movie and blacks will be underrepresented in media for generations to come
Signed to help the poor blacks ;)
My grandpa said this years ago.
>If they ever got the reparations they want, the Jews would make a killing.
Why don't they do something about it themselves? Why do their communities need handouts? Why don't they ask the nigger rappers that propagate violence to donate? Does yg do anything for community, TI at least builds houses, has that had any impact or have niggers robbed the copper out of them?
Everyone should sign this. Making Disney fall is a civic duty.
Grand pappy sounds smart.
Niggers waste money frivolously, Jews use money cunningly to undermine white nations
They won’t get 25%, that would absolutely kill Disney’s growth model for filming all of these movies. A smaller percentage, between 3-5 would be a great gesture though and may do some good.
Everyone, not matter what their race, gender identity, or political beliefs should be able to fly around in mechs. That should be a goddamn basic human right.
>I do not see any other group of people do this.
Come to Alaska
We should make a go fund me to make Wakanda real and then use the money to send blacks to the Congo
I think all british men should get a cut of every james bond movie ever made
Neat name amigo.
Anyway, with the way Hollywood does their accounting, the amount of profit this movie's going to make is a lot smaller than actually is. 'cause if Hollywood is good at one thing, it's pretending the movie that sold fifty times its budget didn't make a profit.
Stop telling fags to come up here. It's bad enough with the natives, niggers, flips and retarded californians
this is actually a really good idea, niggers aren't going to do shit with the money anyway and it cuts out profits for the kikes, which they will absolutely hate
Is this a Sup Forums subversive ops or are niggers really this dumb?
they're that dumb and we're subverting it
>giving my name and address out to sign a meme petition
baby's first day on pol
It’s actually used to be strongly looked down upon in the black community for millionaire celebrities, athletes, etc to NOT give back to their communities. Many still do help out in various ways, but those that do not help do not get shamed anymore. The black community loved OJ Simpson for being successful and talented, but those paying attention hated that he never gave back to his hometown around Oakland.
Need to shift this into "give 25% or we boycott the movie"
Please force Marvel to give all their shekels away after pandering.
This. If they agree to it at all, it will be to give 2% of their (((((profits))))) then claim they didn't make any and blame that on China's racism problem.
using your real name and any email account that is tied to you for meme petition
>retard tier
>he doesn't have fake names and emails to use on stuff like this
Hello retard
yes goy
>Stop telling fags to come up here
I'll tell them to do whatever I want.
that was good, just stupid enough to be legit, but not so stupid it was obvious. Do another one and i'll copypaste it when i sign?
Yeah, there’s some truth to this. Studios already have the expected profits for Black Panther tied to the funding of projects 5 years in the making like they have the previous 100 films.
>...the opportunity to invest in programs which focus on the fields - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - that make such advancements possible, in real life.
whom put chlorine in that snow
Getting Disney to loose 25% of total profits, sign me up m8!
>using your real name and address on
babby's first day on the internet.
>sum nigger is thinking he is gonna discover Vibranium
Yes this is better. Can we get it trending on black twitter?
Need more of dem programs. Muh midnight basketball for dem niggas. Gots dem free lunches for da summer.
silly cotton pickers think they get money just because they were represented in a movie.
>mfw the movie doesn't make a profit and no donation is made
25% towards plane tickets back to africa lol
Haha the Jews getting taxed and the movie probably won't even do well.
Ooh, how about a faux black campaign demanding all the blacktors donate their fees to the 'community'?
Why are black folks always after the gibs?
>nigs want disney to give to black communities
>disney pays for the construction of a few community centers in black neighborhoods
>they chimpout because they didn't get a check in the mail to buy crack with
Considering Disney's racist past... I say we push the reparations angle... lol
Oooooh thats good 100% for the black community
Hey Disney....GIBBS ME DAT
I swear niggers are the dumbest lowest most vile parasitic pieces of sub-human garbage to have ever existed.
Fuck these god damn animals.
They are going to really chimp out when they have tons of signatures and then disney doesn't agree to it.
It's going to happen.
I'm drunk but I'll try and come up with a meme. Help me.
I was thinking a pic of the main actor and a caption like "Now we are represented in Hollywood, time to show them how we roll" and a hashtag insinuating all actors will pay money to the community
It would be a fucking economic disaster. KFC and Popeyes would have a huge surge of income. They would build new stores to meet demand and then the income would rapidly fade off leaving them with hundreds of people they would have to lay off and a bunch of useless locations
lol this is good. this is very good
Lessons are priceless user
#show your pride
disney is run by kikes , they kind of do owe it tho
Sure thing, Nogs.
This is a great plan actually. I unironically back this petition. Fuck Marvel
Don't copy-paste comments, it will not look legit.
I'm not great at memes, but here's the base idea. I can adjust if anyone thinks it needs more ebonics.
Anyone with faux black twitter profiles share.
far too big for a start, here's a smaller one
What is a "black community" are you implying they somehow are a separate nation?
If disney has to do that, they needto give 25% of their profits to white communities, aswell as like 90% of their profits to people of germanic ancestry because almost all of disneys shit was stolen from public domain fairy tails.
be needin mo ebonic
GUYs GUYS please don’t fuck this one up.
My liberal communist fuck buddy ATE this up quick.
You really don’t have to make memes. This is solid