>life is defined by suffering no matter what you do so reject the alt-right and its pasty whites, grow the hell up man, clean your room, sort yourself out and become a productive individual in order to...
So where does it go from there? Assuming you succeed, what are you fighting for as an isolated human unit in this dying society? More consumerism. Peterson is very vague and doesn't address the meta.
Life is defined by suffering no matter what you do so reject the alt-right and its pasty whites, grow the hell up man...
Other urls found in this thread:
post peterson memes
Still not working, Schlomo.
...feel happier and more fulfilled.
I assume.
Stop shilling your Zionist boomer eDaddy here. He's been fully exposed and a Zionist shill:
peterson is gay
>anyone has questions for Peterson is a Jewish subverter
Thats very vague. How does going to the gym address the miasma of contemporary issues?
It doesn't, user. Peterson is flat-out wrong in his support for individualism, but so are his pro collectivism critics. It's possible to harmonize our individual interests and values with the community's. This synthesis combines the originality and flexibility of individualism with the cohesion and strength of collectivism, but it can only work when both individuals, considered as such, and society are responsible enough to work in tandem to remove vice and solve problems that hinder the satisfaction of fundamental human needs. We need to promote individual AND social responsibility by throwing light on the consequences of degeneracy.
What would you rather do. Crumble and fade into nihilism along with the rest of society, or carry your day to day life with principle and self love, making your decisions for the sake of benefitting in the future? In a crowd of people with blue hair, face piercings, backwards ethics and ever changing morals, wouldn’t you feel immense valor making great money, being physically fit, and loving yourself among them?
And by getting organized, of course.
*frogs kermitly
That's Dr. Peterson to you.
wow user, you so smart. You should write a best selling book
>he still believes in praxis
To the state the obvious, user? The individualism collectivism is a spectrum. Too much individualism and you have a society of narcissists who don't get along to solve shit. Too much collectivism and individuals are depressed by the will of the collective. It's obvious you have to strike a balance.
*to state
Agreed. I like Peterson but he's just not brave enough to really tell the truth that needs to be told. "Mohamed" is now the #1 name for babies born in Britain and soon Germany too, and the rest of Europe is on the same course. Peterson's radical individualism doesn't and can't address this. He says individualism is 'what the West does,' but the West isn't magic dirt; it's people, and the people are being replaced, and as long as even our heroes can't even tell the truth about this then there is no message that can offer anything but the delusion of hope.
Peterson's entire message is built around the foundational principle of the importance of telling the truth, and yet there are truths he can't address, and so his entire message is flawed and faulty.
brainlet rebuttal
nice pleading fallacy there
He's telling us to be ultra hermits, powerful and stolid in our own right. This is the right goal for pol dwellers - it's something within their reach.
It's funny that I can accurately guess all your political positions solely from the way you're fellating Peterson's cock in this thread. Go back to r/the_donald with your BASED black friends and fight the good fight against the divide and conquer identity politics behind white nationalism.
Quit posting this drag queen weirdo.
The thing is Peterson's advice still applies even though he's a pussy on the JQ. It's good advice honestly, the stuff about responsibility. I don't see why you can't be responsible and also collectivist but whatever
I'm by no means what you would consider an "intellectual" but what i believe from Peterson is that his whole take on individualism and making yourself the best you can be is so that you can fit into society and help shape it the best you can. He talks a lot about making yourself into someone others want to be around and see value in. It's not like he is nihilistic and shuns society.
Now this is shitposting
To the extent that you value your community, your individualism is relativized, as it should be, but you're no longer engaging in radical individualism. But this alone still doesn't suffice. People feel alienated from each other in the West, often claim no one cares about them. You need groups in which members support each other in their individual development as well as disseminate their message and make their work available to society at large. Self-regulation requires us to have something greater (not alien to) than ourselves to overcome our hedonic impulses. This is why integration is a must from the outset.
>So where does it go from there?
You clean your asshole, bucko. What else are you supposed to do, care about other people's well being or somethings? Pfft that's so childish grow the hell up and clean your daddy's balls
>Assuming you succeed, what are you fighting for as an isolated human unit in this dying society?
More money, more personal greed
If white individuals are improving themselves how is it bad for white people as a whole this thread is nonsense
Read this reply to your words hue.
That's a different hue, user.
His message is for lame virgin neets. Thats it. And theres nothing wrong with getting rid of virgin neets and stopping there.
Everyone talks about Peterson, but the dude is fucking clueless
Ironically Tom fucking Delonge of Blink 182 has a better grasp on reality than this overhyped intellectual. The truth is that there are "others" aka other intelligences interacting with humanity right now and in history. They have extremely advanced technology (anti grav, time manipulation) and extremely advanced psychic abilities.
Some call them aliens, ETs, gods, angels and demons.
Frankly it doesn't fucking matter. What matters is that we wake up from this facade of a reality and take back what is ours.
THAT is what we fight for.
Roswell was July 8th 1947. On July 26 the National security act of 1947 was passed. It commissioned the CIA, the Air Force Branch, the National Security council, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, as well as Vannevar Bush's Office of Research and Development
Petersen will likely be irrelevant in the next couple years. Maybe I eat my words tho.
...serve the Jews.
>cries in I CAN'T
ignore all shill threads
>Ironically Tom fucking Delonge of Blink 182 has a better grasp on reality than this overhyped intellectual
opinion discarded
>in all fields
Roswell crash was a trojan horse. We built the Internet with the reverse engineered tech. Now they watch everything, study us.
Confirmed pederast with a nerd fetish.
pretty decent response. i suppose that is essentially what needs to happen. we would all have to do our part to fix ourselves then begin to work together to build a strong collective body which is unfortunately required to have any political power.
>muh joos ate all my cereal and stole my free toy mom REEEEE
Stormfags are the worst cancer on this board, they only complain about shit but don’t have the balls to do anything, literally nigger tier.
They only drive people away from the conservative movement. Literally no one likes you, edgy soyboy faggots, even if you just shut your fucking mouth you would be 100 times more bearable.
>X doesn’t name the jews, he’s a Zionist/jew puppet!!!
Boo hoo, anyone that doesn’t agree with you is instantly an enemy for you? You are surely headed to having a great life bro; I guess all your friends have very important careers and you have a great social life.
You love seeing other races as inferior but the moment a race seems to be superior you sperg out and piss off everyone worth being around. You are manchildren comparable to niggers chimping out or the Argentinian feminist march.
Jews control the world or you just are a fucking loser that can’t achieve anything? Get out of your mom’s basement instead of posting the same thread with the same 1000 infographics about jews because you can’t get anything more than a McDonalds job.
good christ. no amount of room cleaning can redeem that.
>JIDF the post
If you didn't want your boomer puppet to be exposed as a Zionist you should not have let him give a speech in celebration of Israel and Zionism.
1. Self
2. Family
3. Community
4. State
5. Humanity
6. Planet
thats the order of importance you straighten yourself out then your senpai then your community etc until you have the whole world sorted out
>life is defined by suffering
This is objectively wrong. The universe is not inimical to human existence, as evidenced by the huge profit margins of insurance companies - because, in general, things go right more often than they go wrong.
Your life is defined by your failures and successes, and 'failures' does not necessarily even mean suffering.
Love JBP but on this point he's flat out wrong.
>muh individualism don't criticize Jews or you're automatically going to fail
False dichotomy spic. You can both criticize Jews and improve yourself.
Provide for your family and raise children, you dolt.
Theres a difference between criticizing something and being an edgelord.
Lead a more self-actualized life? Reach a point where you can die with zero regret or worry?
*tips in individualism*
This part of the right wing is just as bad as the SJW infighting. You must have absolute purity for your position and you will deride anyone who is not a full blown Zionist Zealot for Israel. JBP is a great shill, has recently labeled Martin Luther the creator of Protestant Christianity as "mentally ill" for writing his famous 1543 book.
Jordan Peterson's Cult goons would literally outlaw Martin's wonderful book.
You may order a copy of this book,
or, aquire a copy free
That was final bucko
What's wrong about improving yourself?
>What's wrong about improving yourself?
Is that the only thing Peterstein teaches the young men? Or does he also teach them that Whites must never again "be tribal" because he had a dream of a nuclear Apocalypse?
What's wrong with exposing jewry?
Fuck off Miscaviagebot
tbqh he's right, would you rather improve yourself to survive coming hardships or sit about whining about how we need a white ethnostate that will never happen and then get your shit JUSTed when you need to secure your own food and you dont even have the life skills to drive a car?
>a full blown Zionist Zealot for Israel
Peterstein's Zionism is not up for debate. He's very open about his support for the state of Israel:
Nigger individualism is fine but once you are isolated you are far easier to dominate. Peterson's message only focuses on the micro and not the macro. It does not address how an
Indivudual is supposed to thrive in a hostile environment without support.
>a white ethnostate that will never happen
Keep telling yourself that poovinder.
>you dont even have the life skills to drive a car?
Because anyone who doesn't follow your eDaddy and buy the fucking rug is a loser who can't feed himself or drive a vehicle.
This is what Peterstein cultists actually believe.
There goes the edgelords again
There is nothing wrong with self-improvement. The problem occurs when self-improvement gets mixed with a very dark political agenda called Neoconservatism.
If young men & women wish to improve themselves we recommend American psychologist Kevin B. MacDonald for a much more enlightening intellectual development.
Jordan Peterson is an intellectual restrictionist.
So, you're saying none of this makes any sense to you.
Not an argument
wow, a beaner who doesnt get convoluted gaslighting... or.... wait....
at least you guys are trying hard
maybe you will get some dirt on him. right now you are just shilling.
You have your premise before you look into arguments.
your are not better then femnazis insulting normal people for being not as retarded as they are.
why do catholic squantos love da juice so much?
>It does not address how an
>Indivudual is supposed to thrive in a hostile environment without support.
He also denies that society and nations are hierarchies of collectives that protect the individual to different extents.
Immediate family Extended family Ethnic group Race
>maybe you will get some dirt on him
He's a proven Zionist: youtube.com
This can't be argued against.
>right wing movements that I don’t like are all secret Jew plots
>be nigger
>"fuck whitey"
>be whiety
>"muh joooz"
Sounds like an straw eating anglo perspective. Manipulated Commie Aztecs is the correct group you're looking for.
triggered much Hans?
>Peterson: Improve yourself
>Edgelord: But what about the jews
We're well aware the yids consider all criticism of their behavior to be too edgy. That is precisely why it is so richly deserved in addition to self-improvement.
White men should be hitting the gym, getting skills, getting careers, and getting a family going. And they should also criticize the Jews.
Peterson is simply restating what the Stoics mastered millenia ago: MAN UP. QUIT BEING A FUCKING CRYBABY.
No shit Sup Forums doesn't wanna hear it. The board exists to complain about "disenfranchisement" and the mean girls keeping men down. boo-fucking-hoo
>be jew
>"muh nazis"
This false analogy always make me laugh because the only reason there are niggers in our countries are because of the jews (they ran the slave trade, owned the most slaves, and opened the floodgates to third world immigration).
>improve yourself while shit talking evil kikes
>spic JIDF: but muh edgelording
>peterson : wash ur balls
>losers : waaaaho
>Peterstein Cultist: Because he tells people to wash their balls the rest of his motives and behavior are beyond critism
What a fucking terrible analysis of stoicism.
Why doesn’t she walk?
One becomes all.
The individual unites, the individual destroys. Better a unit of like minded peers than a mass of mindless bodies. Yet there must be synthesis. Hegel is key.
You actually sound pretty reasonable
Israel isn’t nearly as bad as the slow degeneration of society. It began before Israel and its due to decadence. Blaming the Jews is like blaming a pharmacist for drug overdoses. Everything comes down to what the individual chooses to do. No matter what the Jews say, they never controlled your will, you always make the decision and must take responsibility
You can criticize anything you want but don't sperg out because someone else doesn't share your toughts
>jordan peterson should water-down white people because I'm seeing visions of adolf hitler in my schizophrenic mind.
>Peterson: Jews are simply better than you goy, no matter how much you would improve yourself; their IQs are too superior for goyim to comprehend
>Now shut up about the JQ and clean your god damn room
Yet another anti-JP thread. Why are you guys so afraid of him?
>Supreme Leader Peter
>Beyond criticism
Catching a ride on the comet 2018.
>No matter what the Jews say, they never controlled your will
What does exposing Peterstein as an agent of our enemies have to do with personal responsibility?
>Israel isn’t nearly as bad as the slow degeneration of society.
Zionist jews created and pushed Cultural Marxism in our countries with the express intent of degenerating our societies.
Fuck off kike.
>never again be tribal
Tribalism would significantly reduce the power of whites. The idea of a white identity runs counter to tribalism, as it would prevent intra racial cooperation (ie Russians and Poles working together)