Just had a nigger threaten to shoot me at work after he grabbed me by the arm when I tried to hand him his change. Said I snatched the dollar from his hand, and apparently that was enough for him to want to beat my ass. Why are niggers so quick to chimp out over the littlest things?
Just had a nigger threaten to shoot me at work after he grabbed me by the arm when I tried to hand him his change...
Because they're niggers.
Low intelligence
because their lives are filled with squalor and confusion
You are lucky he didn't rape you thot.
Low intelligence, high testosterone and an inability to utilize forward thinking to repercussions of current actions.
its dangerous to go alone, here take this
Mostly raised by women and only seen a woman’s rage. A woman’s rage is mainly emotionally reactive so that’s why these black so called men have small fuses, they are men with a woman’s mind. Plus the low IQ that most blacks have adds to their lack of proper judgment and tendencies to violence.
Ramps and lampposts to these less than animals.
they come from a people that until recently did not even have a word for the word 'future' and thus no concept of repercussions
>he grabbed me by the arm
he liked you, in their culture you gotta show a woman you're going to be violent with her so she behaves
Get an armed man to escort you home. That nigger will be waiting.
>talking to niggers in the first place
That's where you messed up
bet you didn't call him a "nigger" to his face
why are white people such pussies?
low IQ and high testosterone
The last time a nigger threatened to shoot me, I left the building, he followed me out, and then I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall telling him no never threaten me again or I will kill him.
- strange, I haven't seen him for a while.
You probably apologized too didn't you faggot?
You live in America, you should own a gun. Nothing to worry about if you're packing heat.
haha, enjoy your (((diversity)))
I'm assuming you work at a gas station. Find a new job before you end up on Liveleak.
When I was in college I worked at a gas station part time and this exact situation happened to me. Was very jarring and redpilling.
>be cashier
>shit job but gotta do what you gotta do
>big prison nigga comes in
>buys his weed supplies
>hand him his change
>he stares at me with pure rage
>slowly put my hand on the bat below the counter while asking if there was a problem
>he tells me i put the change in his hand without touching it, felt it was racist
>honestly didn't do it on purpose, what the fuck does he expect me to put lotion on his fucking hands and give him a nice hand massage?
>he leaves after a few more seconds of tense stares
Around blacks never relax.
Insecurity. Stress. After being told their whole lives that they are worthless because of their skin color, some feel the need to overcompensate. And life as a black person is more difficult because of racism, so they are more likely to be stressed and quick to anger.
Pre-frontal cortex is practically non existant.
>working retail
desu you deserved it
black fragility
Sounds like a fantasy.
...fukin thot.
yeah thats niggers for you. we really gotta have separate countries. they are animals.
>I didn't call the police so they could shoot him on sight
Well isn't that a self fulfilling prophecy
>Be worthless cause they are violent and get gibs
>Become violent cause they are told they are worthless.
>giving money to niggers
>helping niggers out in any way
Now what did we learn today?
Low impulse control. Their subspecies has never had to use words and systems to hash out disagreements before they were brought to white land.
They have trouble not defaulting to punching people when they have disagreements as a result.
Get the footage, press charges.
Niggers miss court dates. They suck at obeying the rules. Press the tiniest charges against them, and they let it snowball until they're a felon running from warrants. All you have to do is get the footage from the store.
this, niggers are this fucking stupid and stubborn
Worst thing niggers do here is tell you that you look pretty in the creepiest way possible.
Yes, it is a vicious cycle which is why white people need to do what we can to help break it by overcoming racism and including them in our society (in ways which don't explicitly put white people at a disadvantage, of course)
Less Developed Prefrontal Cortex
>This guy slaps your gf's ass then gives you 4 thumbs up
What do you do?
give him an apple
>things that didn't happen for 100
Good guess, I need to get out. The more I work here the more 1488 I get.
>Why are niggers so quick to chimp out over the littlest things?
It's true, niggers have the highest impulsivity of all races. Let's just separate from them.
>The more I work here the more 1488 I get.
And the great mechanism is revealed. Euros are naive about race relations until they get a few shitskin experiences, and then they go full 1488.
So which way do we go? Less racial integration, or more ... to bring out more revulsion? And what if less integration isn't a political choice?
Things like this are very common. Have you never been around blacks? Working retail for a year in a negro zone should be a requirement for college students, so they can see what the real world is like.
I worked at a gas station in college and the trivial things I've seen blacks lose their shit over would blow your mind. Having grape swishers (racist), NOT having grape swishers (racist), not taking EBT for beer purchases (racist), running out of hot cheetos (why yall aint buyed enough you know we loves that shit), requiring ID for alcohol and tobacco, and my personal favorite, a black guy wearing a star of david telling me that I'm part of the illuminati because exxon stole all that oil from africa and sells it for a higher price to blacks while selling for less to whites. And that doesn't even get into the random violence and theft.
Accelerationism is a prospect that I have good faith in. Basically, it's taking a small loss, to get faster future gains.
That's why I'm going to vote for Corbyn to try to get his commie party elected in 2020. Once people feel what its like to live in a commie Britain, Nazism will come back 10x faster than 30 years of soft cuckery of tories.
My best story is from back in university when a nig shot someone, and thought he could lose the police by taking a shortcut across campus at 2am. Spoiler: It didn't work. What he did accomplish, however, was waking up everyone in the dorms and putting it on lockdown until morning
Tits or GTFO.
>Living in Mississippi
There's your problem
Texas actually. I’ve learned to love spics over niggers because of it. At least Mexicans can fucking take a joke.
This gave me feels
Get yourself a glock 26 or similar sub compact 9mm practice and gift gud.
A nigger threatened to kill me at work the other day after I refused to give him gibs. I was confused about how he could feel so entitled to gibs until I read They have been subsisting on gibs for thousands of years. They can't do better.
>Berlin to Warsaw by car is 573.7 km/5 h 30 min
Is that supposed be impressive?
Maybe with Europe's density.
Lol, it is plausible.
You realise national socialism isn’t all just ‘go whitey’. Corbyns Britain would have 80% in common with a natsoc society.