>Civil war in the US
>Left receives unlimited military support, supplies, and volunteer fighters from Europe, Canada, India, China, Mexico, Latin America, East Asia
>Right wing BTFO within months
US Civil war outcome
>Right wing
he still believes the lie hahahaha
>Civil war in the US
>Left receives unlimited military support, supplies, and volunteer fighters from Europe, Canada, India, China, Mexico, Latin America, East Asia
>Left wingers of the world BTFO within hours
>fighters from canada
>Unlimited military support
I had to stop I'm laughing too hard holy shit
You understand our military and police are right wing, right? All the lefties would have is the CIA and FBI
>Left receives unlimited military support
>volunteer fighters from Canada
>Civil War in the US
>any outsider that even looks like they're infetering gets a nuke, no questions asked
>everyone minds their own fucking business until we're settled
>a single leftist is alive when the first volunteer fighter reaches the staging area
>300 million raifus in US
>right wingers own the vast majority of them
>op is a fag
Seriously though best of luck and happy training
>thinking chinks and poo's will die for your shitty cause
Without them, you could never win a war of attrition. With 4 million reaching military age annually, even if that's halved, and the U.S having the strongest economy in the world, it would be impossible.
I doubt even Putin would touch a US civil war.
The next civil war will be an ethnic cleansing desu. It's coming sooner rather than later desu.
If you try to help their left wingers in a civil war I'll kill you myself.
Left receiving what? Millitary support like SJWs with sticks? Oh please, just hire about 10000 of my countrymen with toitlet pushers and tell them, that they are allowed to fight against leftist without any consequences.
So what's this faggot doing 1 hour into battle?
T. Based pokeball
>Civil War in the US
>Liberals, Moderates, Independents, and Conservatives fight Radical Seditionists
>Rebel group blown out in weeks
You must be crazy if you think the number of people who will actually break from the union is a meaningful number.
>not just letting your enemies kill themselves
>what is the Spanish civil war
Leftists got BTFO anyway. Leftist unity is a meme either war, Marxists were infighting while Falangists, Fascists, National Socialists, Catholics, and volunteers from all around the world were marching on Barcelona.
Russia has actually pledged to support Texas secession, but if they tried to make any material support the USA would seriously fuck them up.
>Civil War
>Tulsa Oklahoma is considered a hostile city by the feds supporting the deep state
>Send in tanks and choppers and missiles in, to take out targets
>Everyone ignores them, goes about their business
>That night, every pilot and tank operator dies from 30-06 wounds....
>Missiles are launched tearing up a few buildings
>That night, all the missile operators die from shotgun blasts to the face
i thought the left has been constantly trying to cut our military budget
Yeah....it's like if my neighbors got into a fight that spilled out into the street.
I'm not getting involved in that fucking shit storm.
More like
>Civil War
>everyone and their mothers invades US
Seems a lot more appropriate
>get killed
Bravo Canada
Look at all those Canadian veterans
Real Canadians are waiting for an excuse to slaughter you soyboy faggots.
Your wife's nigger wont save you.
Wait what? Why would they support Texas seceding but not Alaska?
>post contains retarded /leftypol/ fetish
>check flag
Yep, checks out
I must agree. It's day of the grill soon: we'll cook some burgers and /leftypol/ will take over
there is never going to be a civil war retarded leafs
leftpol can't even take over their own bank account from their mom, how are they going to take over anything?
They do fight for your children..literally
>All the right wing clearly overestimate their numbers, capabilities, and popular support
>Destroyed within weeks
Lol this thread is hilarious seeing how delusional the right wing in the US is.
"Real Canadians"
Lol yeah country hicks who are constantly losing ground to liberal parties? It's incredible how delusional conservatives are, they look at how much they are losing support and numbers and convince themselves that there's some hidden population supporting them.
>Right wing - gun owning, food growing, intact families
>Left wing - dildo owning, walmart going, ruined families.
Hiding in the basement getting his boipussy devastated by a dirty nigger who got in to loot.
Funny OP from Canada. A how's that going A? You are wrong anyway A. There won't be left vs right civil war A. There might be a Deep State vs everyone else A. Then again A, if I do my job A, there won't be any war A. Ok A?
You can't even fight the bears in your country shit the fuck up
Is that supposed to be a good thing? You'll either go full 1488 race war within a few decades or slowly degenerate into a le 0% face shithole.
The one on the far left has got some nice tits. Shame it's a follower of Slaanesh, it burns with the rest of them.
>muh right wing fantasy
Right wing is white trash garbage lol, you just have this fantasy picture in your head of a base that doesn't exist
I'm sorry for my fellow leaf. We good, eh?
>left receives unlimited military support
underrated post from leafy
Fuck you.
If King Leaf enlists me to fight, I'll defect to the winning side and blast your brown ass back to Pakistan.
True, it's not his fault, the external media is bent the fuck over by CNN and ABC.
'White trash garbage' control the farmland, the guns, the militias, form the bulk of the military, ETC.
I don't know about Alaska, but I do know they've stated they will support Texas seceding. It might have just been to spite Obama because he was a weak president, I don't know.
Always a leaf
You faggots think we aren't going to take hold of at least some of the nuclear arsenal?
Nothing, and I mean nothing, is beyond our reach. Interfere and we will bring about the apocalypse.
You can't even get laid
More like
veterans from actual conflict not just a welfare tour will get shit done.
although I've noticed most of the time it's the welfare tours that open their mouth the most.
This. OP is a fag and I'm gonna rake the shit out of them mercilessly when the day comes.
Because in Texas secession, russia would be moral support for texas and at most a thorn to the US. In Alaskan secession, Russia is a legitimate threat, being closer to the contested territory than the US itself.
>Civil war in the US
>Left thinks it will receive unlimited military support, supplies, and volunteer fighters from Europe, Canada, India, China, Mexico, Latin America, East Asia
>wing BTFO within months when they find out that's a complete lie.
Left wingers are anti gun, anti cop, anti military, etc so who is fantasizing here fagggot. Come at me with your cardboard weapons I fucking dare you. I guarantee that you've never even been in a fist fight your ass is toast should a war happen i don't think you understand that most of us unironically look forward to that opportunity. If mean words get you shaking holy shit are you ever in for it.
What are the Mounties doing in a deep woods? Amazing how they walk bow legged A?
Will literally be Spanish Civil war v2 where thousands of faggot anarchists and communists come in with their stupid right fist held up thinking they'll bash the fash only to be obliterated by the sky
The only fighters coming from canada wont be left wing
left wing tyranny as a response to right wing tyranny then right wing tyranny rises as a response to left wing tyranny. an endless cycle
it's all so tiresome. why do we keep playing this game? time to decentralize
> civil war in the us
> right has 90% of the total guns in the Usa which is about 300 Million
> mostly all military and police forces are conservative right-wing whites
>Will get volunteer fighters from Fascist militia camps from The Anglo-Sphere and Europa
>NatSoc Russian militias number in the millions just in Russia alone
> Will also get Chechen Fighters to fight for us since we share almost identical values with them except for religion
>fighters from India
>from China
>Latin America
> East Asian
>the subhuman brown shitskin asians
Listen, man, no need to internet tough guy here. Your stance on federalism has little to no bearing on your combat prowess.
>Left receives unlimited military support, supplies, and volunteer fighters from Europe, Canada, India, China, Mexico, Latin America, East Asia
Sweet supply lines, bro. Shame if somethibg happened to them.
Wheres your nearest powerplant, by the way? Rural area? Thought so ;)
This.When the time comes the soyboys are going to bite the dust or be turned into personal cum dumps for our soldiers.
omg pls gib me the left one !
Yeah I dont even have a dedicated nigger to fuck my girlfriend. I am a bad person.
Not all Canadians are violently gay like in your fantasies and they mostly do not like you and want you to leave.
I'm happily married. You on the other hand will die alone with nobody to miss you. Sad
>unlimited military aid
I'd take an unarmed marine over a well provisioned leftist any day. God Bless America!
Those milkers ain't worth it, user.
Attracting flies and other scavengers.
> leftwing fighters
No he's correct. Almost everyone who owns a gun in the U.S. leans towards the political right. The left is absolutely terrified of guns. Also most rural people (i.e. people who can grow food) learn right. OP is an idiot anyway since the military would side with the right and the U.S. spends more on its military than all of those countries combined.
ironically beaners have actual militias where they practice what they preach everyday, but you don't hear about it because the govt covers it up. yet 99 percent of right wing muh militia is a bunch of fags that want to play at war and masturbate at the idea of how bad was they would be
>>Left receives unlimited military support, supplies, and volunteer fighters from Europe, Canada, India, China, Mexico, Latin America, East Asia
They pretty much have to rely on everyone else fighting their battles because they can't do shit themselves... sounds about right.
>The "rightwing" controls the actual US military >Blockades any and all foreign intervention
>Bombs the shit out of leafland and any other country dumb enough to intervene
>Rounds up frightened leftards without even firing a shot
>Imprisons or deports them to bombed out shithole countries
Go find out, faggot
>LARP'ing as a married man
At least tell me you're a prince from Dubai
>the Anti-American left has been hurting the military, disrespecting everything they are fighting for.
>thinks the military will help them in the case of a civil war.
the autism is over 9000 on this one.
The right understands that there are five strategic choke points that break the country apart. The right also know the major vulnerabilities of all the major cities that are bastions of Leftist ideology. Yeah, my money is on the right-wing, Monarchists, and Anarcho-Capitalists.
> what is Quebec
> based french leafs
> what is the state of Louisiana
> the only french state with french descendants in Murica
> What are Cajuns
> gun-toting and bible carrying fucking muricans
> hate shitskins
> still speak french in open public
> cajun qts have huge french tiddies
>OP is an idiot anyway since the military would side with the right
The military would side with the federal government, no matter right or left.
OP is telling us the right would get BTFOd in a civil war I'm merely pointing out how absolutely delusional that is from someone who hasn't been in a fucking scuffle that's pretty fair I think. Not being a tough guy just a realist
>cuzzyin no ounze sez leaf got a brain beweein them ears
>Not all Canadians are violently gay like in your fantasies and they mostly do not like you and want you to leave.
You're absolutely wrong user. I don't want him to leave. I want him to die. I want these cucks to be culled off. They deserve it. They're degenerates. I don't want them to leave, because that means they've escaped my righteous wrath. I want them all to die. They have to die.
Trudope got like 30 percent of the vote in the first place. No one likes him except micropenis libs and minorities.
>the right wing would receive no backers
>NOBODY would want to disrupt the hegemony of the western countries
>yea especially not china russia or NK
yea nobody
>Split the US in half
>gain an ally while doing it
70iq brainlet and dropping
>losing ground
You mean cancer ridden cities like Montreal and Toronto? Both are going to get the nuke big guy. Stop trying to act though on the internet you dirty sandnigger, you and your kind are literally going to be blown the fuck out of our country for good. You'll be either sent back to africa, turned into a cum dump or executed by the strong, educated and courageous forces of the right.
The left is made up of pussies who constantly cry and whine, run immediately after they land a punch, cover their faces to commit violence. You people literally get triggered when people tell the truth, how the fuck are you going to handle bullets flying towards you?
The right is made up of hard working, honest citizen who will go to any lengths to defend their freedom and their families. These people get hurt doing their job on a daily basis and still wake up to do it the next day.
It's pretty obvious who's going to win this war you soyboy. And it's not looking good for your side.
lol because you're sad and lonely we all must be too? How many cats do you own?
I took a screenshot for the next election
Is also in it
Its eh
>when a leaf isn't being a FUCKING LEAF
Thanks but I don't actually have a pic for this.
this guys is hyping his faggot ass up.
user, we don't just want them to leave..
I'm telling you that your posts sound like posturing and reminding you that your political opinions don't translate to skills in other areas.
I'm right leaning as well, but this idea going around that everybody who votes GOP is a beacon of masculinity and competency is a joke. There are just as many conservatives who are inept wimps.
>Europeans siding with democratic amerimutts xD
Top fucking kek. Think again.
let him hype himself
no one else will
Inexperienced useless fighters from different places will not work good as a unit. They'll be killing each other the minute they get there Achmed.
There's a contingent force of fashy leafs in this country that the left simply does not know about or at the very least heavily underestimates. We're all ready and waiting.