[spoiler]Okay we get it, he's imploding, the next step is to stop spamming him all over the fucking site, you stupid nigger.
Please spell his name property so this shit doesn't get by my filters, Leaf.
Richard broke him kek
I feel like he's going to break and maybe change something huge
elaborate? i've been living under a stone
ohh sarg*n...
I don't keep up with youtube personalities. Who is he and who was he going to debate?
Sargoy backed out of his upcoming debate with Richard Spencer for fear of being embarrassed again.
You want to spell his name property?
More like Sargone
Not gonna lie, former Sargon of Akkad supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sargon crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get more subscribers.
>Makes a career pandering to the far right
>Right wingers cannibalize him anyway
fuck spencer and fuck huwyte people
>libertarians who deny race
>far right
you're going to have pick one
He is a radical centrist with the only reason why people see him as far right is cause of media smear campaigns and he holds old liberal views and a bit of common sense.
>checked and kekd
e-celebs are faggots
Tomorrow's debate against Anglin? source?
Will Sargon ever apologize for his slander against the Serbian people?
He can have whatever opinion he wants, all that matters is the effect of what he does. He bashes the left 99% of the time, and doesn't stand for anything
source or gtfo
will he not debate angling on baked alaskas channel?
It's Afraid!
You are right, he can have any opinion he wants. Lately though he has been really spergy and little self control it seems.
Because the left are fucking retarded, this is what happened when he took one swing at the right.
Is he not going on The Baked Alaska Show?
vee told him to because they were treating him mean on tonkasaw's show
Sargon's henchman Vee confirmed it on the kumite earlier this morning.
Who fucking cares you absolute retarded leaf. sargon shill faggots
Which debate? Anglin, or Spencer rematch?
Sargon is done, liberalism is done.
Who cares about ecelebs?
Quick Facts Rundown:
>Gets humiliated by Spencer
>Gets mocked by Murdoch Murdoch
>Gets laughed at by Jim
>Gets called a retard by Andy
>Runs away from his debates
>12 year olds shit on him on Youtube
>Sends his Gypsy to fight his battles
Sargon on suicide watch
I do.
He means, post a link you fucking retard.
I like that picture, what is it?
Hahahahahahahahahahaha muh intellectualism hahahahaha
anyone care to link?
no one, but you're a newfag if you don't like watching them crash and burn
It's even funnier that he doesn't acknowledge it, he keeps on trucking attacking the left as if the right isn't taking him apart right now
The debate was about creating an ethnostate
His argument was how do you define white
And he was asked if Lawrence Fishburn was white then he was turned into a studdering mess
Good. Sargon was never our guy and just another status quo leftist faggot
Holy shit this guy is just embarrassing himself at this point
He has absolutely imploded
When will he join us
fuck your faggot shill slide thread e-celebs
>for fear of being embarrassed again.
Get back to sucking dick you lefty faggot.
who in the fuck respects this retard, used to be a fucking JANITOR, then made a living off of calling everyone he doesn't like a SJW. S
you ubset?
>and doesn't stand for anything
you're talking about sargon "muh principles" of akkad. the guy whose most recent criticism from the internet is the very fact that he is forming a movement that explicitly outlines what he and his buds stand for, and giving it a name
standing for neither your commie leaf shit nor pol's muh ethnostate does not equal standing for nothing. he does nothing if not stand for things
"Why won't you niggers respect me" Sargon screamed as his pet Gypsy played polka music on his accordion. Vee was a good pet, loyal and well trained, and always wiling to calm down his master when a tantrum came on. Sargon for his part appreciated the little Romanian as he was well aware that at his weight to much stress and anger would eventually lead to a heart attack. "My little Vee, you always know how to relax me" Sargon muttered turning away from his screen and starting longingly at his favorite pretend doctor. It had been years now that the two had lived together; most people didn't know but then why should they - people just wouldn't understand the connection the two had. "Vee, come here" Sargon beckoned already applying the vaseline to the corners of his mouth. It was hard to swallow a man, much harder than in his favorite animes but Sargon had grown used to it. He had learned to accept the girth of the little Romanian. Vee hurriedly ran over, leaving his accordion in his cage in his excitement. "Are you gonna eat me mate? Are you gonna swallow me whole?" Vee asked taking his pants off in the process. "Yes, yes my love I am"
Do we know what Vee looks like?
>he's just fucking embarrassing himself, when will he learn? why is he such a joke? why is he completely btfo and completely irrelevant?
>b-but he's going to join us now, right..? please?
Sup Forums in a nutshell
you hate him so much because you want him on your side
He's the living embodiment of the mutt meme.
adding 'sargoy' would be more effective than getting one poster to correct his spelling.
>the public arena is not important
living under a rock here
anyone know the reason he backed out?
I saw the original video of Sargon and Richard debating and it was gross. I'm not exactly an RSpence acolyte but Sargon's bumper-sticker-democrat-like opinions of race were silly. Not only were his opinions retarded but he was intellectually outclassed.
Not surprising they way he's been going but in all fairness I'm sure this little faggot kind fucked him over.
are you serious m8? vee's entire channel is him filming himself talking bullshit and has been since time eternal until very recently when his webcam broke and he decided to edit a few videos
at least know the people you criticize
This was his everything, his deepest desire. To be swallowed by the master was what Vee lived for. The first few times had been awkward; alcohol and embarrassment tainting the experience. But soon the both of them fell into a routine and it became second nature. Vee had to compromise of course, getting ingested required it. He still remembered having to get used to the shavings; having to get used to letting Sargon remove his precious Gypsy hair so that he would more smoothly slide down his masters gullet. The neighbors perhaps knew by now just what was going on as every week almost like clockwork their would be two trash bags of gypsy shavings left out on the curb to be collected by the garbage man. Still though, neither man cared. "I want you in me Vee" Sargon said unbuttoning his shirt and slowly rubbing soy onto his breasts. "Yes mate, it's where I belong, it's my purpose in life. I need you to eat me"
All good things must come to an end
Press S to spit on grave
Sargon backed out of a second Spencer debate like a week ago. But Baked Alaska said, in a conversation with Mister Metokur following the Tariq/Jared Taylor debate, that Sargon had confirmed he'd be debating Andrew Anglin Saturday, that is tomorrow. Is this off too?
I don't know who he is and have never been to his channel. I've only heard about him and how white knights for Sargoy
I'm not surprised by this to be honest. I actually had a feeling this would happen. Anglin isn't even that great of a debater
>ethel slagcock
'Avn a giggle
on his stream with black pigeon vee seemed to imply sargon was backing out of his debate with Spencer in order to debate anglin instead
How suddenly the individual falls
Didn't he back out of both?
>it's real
You would have to pity him if he weren't such a kike shill.
What would be the look on Sargon's face when he read that reply?
Sargon can do one of three things. 1) Pretend the Alt-Right doesn't exist, quit counter-signaling against it, and keep to his low-hanging fruit targets: SJW's, feminists, and Muslims. 2) He can fold to the Alt-Right, admit that his Liberalists principles would actually hold best in an ethnostate, and tacitly approve of them, even if he doesn't directly participate in their furtherance. 3) He can continue to try to "fight" the Alt-Right and completely go down the route of Kraut.
Like the resting face of Jordan Peterson.
>STILL following and giving a shit about youtube "intellectuals"
ffs end your fucking lives, fucking numales.
Wasn't he supposed to debate Anglin?
Friendly reminder that he backed out because people in the comments sections were "acting like niggers".
Sargoy of blackdad BTFO
more like sarGONE, amirite? heh...guys??
I feel bad for Sargon because I think he's a good guy, he doesn't understand that he's playing right into the troll's hands.
All they want is for him to respond to them, all he has to do is just ignore them and he'll do fine, but he can't seem to stop it.
He's too edgy now. He was shouting "nigger," on his last stream about the alt-right so Anglin had to back out to keep his optics clean.
Anglin can't be seen to associate with such low-class trash. It would be bad for Daily Stormer optics.
>you hate him so much because you want him on your side
True. That's what a lot of our guys are doing; bullying people into submitting to the cause. I think it could be handled better. A little ideological teasing is fine, but the mass raids and personal attacks, bullying, are a bit too much.
Exactly but skinheads like Sargon leading the liberalists will definitely send the normies toward the alt-right.
Honestly I sort of like the version of Sargon sperging out and calling people white niggers and generally having a nervous breakdown best. Sargon with cracking sanity is best Sargon.
Thank you for your service
What is sargoy?
He's on a downward spiral. What Sargon doesn't get is that internet personalities don't go from liked to hated in the blink of an eye. It's a gradual process that goes through multiple phases but that first phase is the biggest and most important. It's the turning of people being supportive to indifferent. He looks at his metrics and socialblade and thinks "the alt-right have no impact on me" but what he fails to realize is the people watching are witnessing everything going down. They see him sperging out and throwing fits and it jades them. So when the next phase of that transition happens when it goes from indifference to mockery they are go right along with everyone else laughing and pointing at the dumb youtuber who is falling to pieces.
This bloke co-opted /pol memes for ages and made the kek joke cringe as fuck.
The skeptics are dead, no one wants to watch SJW take down videos anymore, its fucking boring. Blood sports bants have proven to be way more entertaining then smug fake laughs that sargoy provides.
He is pretty much fucked because his two options are fight the alt right and lose or go back to mocking far left bullshit and be completely boring.
trying to affect cultural change without public figures is the height of retardation, and it's not like they're doing let's plays or some shit, these are public debates with thousands of viewers