Post your best mutt memes
Amerimutts, Euromutts
>literal polack
Fuck you, go back to Sup Forums
why is this so funny? is this a ylyl thread? lost at the 33% face.
Angry euromutt
Being a mix of different kinds of white people is not the same as being mixed race.
Best one
oh look another divide and conquer thread.
fuck off shill
Shut it down the goyim know!
>Simply walks by a nigger on the same day he took the test.
>1% black.
>oh look another divide and conquer thread.
>fuck off shill
this is my favorite meme. it's so true and so awful, yet so funny. a dagger in the leftist soul.
hey this one actually kinda works.
seriously who is pushing this mutt meme? it's very boring :(
North Africans count as white in the official US census.
Also the result makes sense seen that he is 4% Iberian.
> D&C thread
This meme is getting old.
You just blow in from plebbit town
>from Africa
anyone have the purple lips mutt?
Aesthetic. Have any more?
No :(
Spics are from South America does that mean North Americans are also spics?
I win.
Barely noticed that you got quads on the last one.
sage this kikery bullshit
Don't get triggered by it my seppo brothers
babys face should be 56% style
La Luz Extinguido is the best face baka desu senpai
Here's your mutt
wtf why do americans like racemixing so much... its disgusting you sickos
If you love close to niggerland
You need to die
QUICK! grab your mutt evolution before it gets shoah'd
>Sup Forums discord spam thread
You know where this ends.
*cough* *cough*
I made this to get some good mutt memes
Fuck off Kike
I have my sights set on a red headed, freckled ginger bitch and if she happens to be white, then so be it. I will inseminate the fuck out of her with my brown seed.
enjoy being deported
Sup Forums and /bant/ are literally the worst boards on Sup Forums.
>Oh, you made an actual argument? Not if I laugh it off and post a dick pic
He's right faggot.
Enjoy raising Juan’s son
I'll flatten his skull with a fence post
Sup Forums used to be a fairly nice board, until discord became big and all the filthy sandniggers invaded Europe and got old enough to type. Now, they’re forever butthurt America keeps blowing up their countries. They may hate jews but, they’re still sandniggers with sub-iqs and that makes them Sup Forums tier. The rest of the discord are just subverted faggots being converted into Islam. The absolute state of a board.
0% would be impossible, assuming they were ever actually white first, and that all the white genes didn't just die off, while being replaced by sub-saharan africans.
Hmm, sounds more like Europe desu
I almost died
These are fucking funny!
I can't believe faggots whine about this meme. If you don't like it, don't click on it, faggots.
ITT: Euros are calling this a D&C meme, while burgers are laughing at it. Did we come full circle?
Here ya go
I know these are supposed to be offensive towards me but I still laugh at them.
everytime i look at the baby it just makes me angry. it looks so STUPID
Evil cunt
Not nearly enough Yuromutts ITT