I am a time traveller, ask me anything.
I am a time traveller, ask me anything
What year did you stop being a faggot?
What do i buy to get rich
does eng moon?
when did you suck your first dick?
You just made this thread, why are you making naother one?
How does it work? And why didn't you see that I was going to ask that and put the explanation in your Op, Op?
The year your mother turned me.
Oil, there's only going to be less of it.
I guess I didn't go far back enough.
I don't have enough characters to explains but the gist is a fundamental force of nature called driving force directs the flow of time. Everything that can happen is happening and the flow of events down branches is directed the concentration of driving force in objects and individuals.
You're the faggot that does every other LARP. why do you make up a new LARP twice a week to try and shill on here?
With that mindset there is no way I can prove that I am telling the truth.
That's because OP is a faggot making a bullshit thread with no purpose.
Alright then I'll leave. Enjoy the Apocalypse.
Goodbye juden
The word “apocalypse”means to unveil, not the end of the world.
The meaning of the apocalypse is the opposite of what most people think. It does not mean the end of the world; it means the revealing of hidden secrets and the beginning of a heaven on earth.
Alright but I was using it to refer to the end of the world.
So have fun with that Mr I know more about the future than the time traveller.
Every end has a brand new beginning.
Will the DOW Jones go up or down tomorrow?
how bigs trumps dick
Is Kingdom Hearts 3 a good game?
Tell me about 4
When does mount and blade bannerlord 2 come out?