Was Juri the best girl?
She was the least worst girl.
Everyone was a horrible person really. Except Miki he's pure and best girl.
She grew on me but I still like Utena the most.
Shiori is definitely worst though.
JUST wanted you to love me
Her girlfriend was better.
>I still like Utena the most
How, after all she did to ruin her character in its entirety?
Utena died for our sins.
Juri was my favorite duelist, but I like Utena the best.
I need more pics from this show
yeah, but I'd still like a hairjob from her
take your own screenshots!
Nanami > Shadow Girls > Juri > Utena > Wakaba > Anthy > Shiori > Nanami's followers > Akio's cuck wife
What about Akio's fiancé's mother?
And Kozue?
I...only post on my phone and use pics in my texts. I'm not sorry
Gay people can't be the best.
This is the best girl.
Ruka in my opinion is the only decent person in this series.
I remember Ruka being especially shitty.
He covered himself in filth to show how shitty a person that one chick was to Juri but she didn't take the hint.
of course, she didnt lose against utena iirc
Ruka just wanted to show Juri how awful Shiori was.
This. What the hell, Juri would have beaten Utena every single duel if it were for that dumb Shiori drama.
Part of me wants to say that Touga was a decent person considering he shielded his Imouto from getting raped by their foster family by taking it himself.
Oh nevermind, I still haven't seen the movie yet.
So what the hell was Adolescence of Utena all about?
Fuck you, dumb phoneposter. Cancer.
gloryhole allegory?
It was about a lot of stuff, including adulthood. Listen to the director's commentary on it (it comes as an audio track+subs on most encodes I've seen).
Webm related signified the characters being able to face their future, and ride out into the "wilderness" despite being unprepared, i.e. "naked", both literally and figuratively. Also something to do with Ikuhara's view on adulthood in his teenage years, a lot of ideals of purity, or lack thereof in regards to "adults".
What bugs me most about this particular scene, and which Ikuhara refrains from commenting on, is that their hair is dangerously close to being sucked into the rear wheel. How can we, the audience, expect the characters to succeed in life, when they're ignorant to the dangers around them from the get go, and already on the brink of death? Completely ruins an otherwise good film for me.
>How can we, the audience, expect the characters to succeed in life, when they're ignorant to the dangers around them from the get go, and already on the brink of death?
Doesn't that just accentuate their unpreparedness? They have just as much a chance of failure as they do success, if not more so, but it's still better for them to take the risk of stepping into the unknown world of adulthood rather than just languish in school as "living corpses" forever.
Yes, but she had terrible taste in girls.
But if Utena herself is the car, would that not negate the danger?
I think Utena looks better with long hair
Anthy was the worst girl. Utena would have been much better if her character were replaced with someone even just a little bit more effectual
Anthy was stealth best girl.