President Trump appreciation thread
President Trump appreciation thread
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Boss, King of Presidents, Commander, Lord, Savior
Trump is God
He knows that Israel is BASED. Fuck nazis xD!
Youre highly ineffective and cringey
shareblue shill.
The swamp draining that will happen under his 8 year presidency will shake America to it's core.
>MFW I make privileged white journalists rage all day every day
He destroyed the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate, who else could have done that?
Thanks DJT! Appreciate your hard work
I got to get a job though.
Well done Trump for single-handedly destroying the GOP
>Trump not inspiring you to be the best you can be even when he's leading by example
Sort yourself out mate
Many countries have struggled to bring America down for decades. Trump does it in about a year working half as hard as any previous president.
Everything this man attempts, he succeeds at.
I can't even tell which is the original or the edit anymore.
Long live Israel and long live Trump and his Jewish grandchildren
baby steps user.... baby steps
Trump is a Nazi.
Hail Trump!
Yup, he'll just pretend to be a standard neocon for 7 years, but in his 8th he's going to 4-d maga xD!
Um, you mean 12 years right?
Trump is consistently a hard ass to israel just like to any other country including other strategic allies like the UK. He's ruffled that bunch of kikes in Israel up worse than any president in history. Also no one frankly cares about this. Keep signalling your shill status by mentioning israel every post
2 terms dad, 1 term daughter. Betting pool open.
He's certainly shaking shit up, I'll give him that. He's great.
death to the reds
hahahaha fucking retarded murika, lol.
why is it always a leaf?
well fuck it then, let's just make him God Emperor like he deserves
>amerimutts unironically can't realize that trump is the biggest jew slave potus ever
El Jefe Dios
Trump is a kike puppet and you're a delusional t_d / the_donald retard if you think otherwise.
Trump has accomplished literally nothing positive since in office and has been shilling for israel since day 1 so don't deny that.
wow, it's kind of sad to see so much fucking idiotic people ... must be retarded religion YET AGAIN hahahaha, dumbasses.
>Trump has accomplished literally nothing positive since in office and has been shilling for israel since day 1 so don't deny that.
People like you are the reason I still stand by him with your lies. Thanks for that.
Israel or Russia? again, Trump doesnt gaf about ANY other country than America. Like it's supposed to be
You soyboys have no gameplan whatsoever. More fucking stale cringe as usual
dotard, kike lover, a bozo, albino nigger, bald patched moron, a reatrd, twitter-trained orangutan, manchild, dumb fuck, autist spawner, idiot
Where is the fucking wall?
Gotta love him...says it like it is.
I am disgusted when people say he will only serve 8 years, why should he be bound by the term limits of our past crappy presidents?! He should server however long he wishes, and he should appoint his successor!
Anyone who thinks he should leave after 8 years is no better than the Democraps!!!!
Hail Trump!
wojaks shirt and pepes hat need to change but i like it
Biggest set of balls on this guy. Saved America lads.
nice flicker, senpai
trump is based.
I hope he wins a second term
your president wears fun socks.
Almost all white guys, with the exception of two Jews. Not bad
> sauce
absolutely based
best president since kennedy
>fuck reagan
Top "senior" (((advisers))) to "POTUS"
Honestly one of the greatest anecdotes i've ever read
>Trump has accomplished literally nothing positive since in office and has been shilling for israel since day 1 so don't deny that.
Yeah, this is so great. Go trump.
Dont forget demoshit also
Demo Shit! So smart go trump! What about demo c rat ? Like rat, the animal , just thought u could use
I love his smile.
Really? Me too. So smart and cute
>Tweeting about meetings is shilling.
>Tweeting about terrorist attacks is shilling.
>Tweeting about nuclear threats is shilling.
>Tweeting "Hillary says it's ok for Israel to have a wall but says it's not ok for America" is shilling.
You already have a thread to jerk yourselves off about how great the hypocrite in chief is, now get back to your containment and fuck off.
noooo, i'm not a filthy kike lover at all! FAKE NEWS!!!!
I hate Donald Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Either you guys are all 12 year olds or severely mentally retarded. You've created a cult of personality surrounding this 70 year old reality TV close, retarded boomer, narcissist and all round con man.
He's not gonna do shit, enjoy your noose in 4 years time when your life is just as shitty as it was before.
>Not hating Israel and not wanting it to be destroyed = being their shill.
Mmmmk then. I'd rather see Israel survive and for all jews to move there and build themselves a country instead of intentionally fucking up everybody else's. Am I a shill for Israel too?