Señor, you don’t want me to live in your county? ¿Por que? I promise to be good American. Let me stay, por favor!
Señor, you don’t want me to live in your county? ¿Por que? I promise to be good American. Let me stay, por favor!
Other urls found in this thread:
Lick my testical sack and u can stay
Sign the papers and give me sucky and you can stay in this country.
>Wanting sexual favors from a fine lady just so she can stay
You people are worse than Harvey Weinstein.
That's why you are cucks. Look at Germany, we made the same mistake - NEVER accept anyone who loooks "feminine" and tries as a mudskin to stay.
Illegal Mexican whores will do literally everything and anything to become legal American citizens. Stay delulu.
So what you're saying is that she has a dick?
yeah. a dick and usually a knife.
Too bad the majority of beaners don't even look half this good
I rebuke thee, thot!
The beans in CA do... most of them.
stfu hans, when i was learning english i never saw an american-mexican couple, but now i can't learn german without the mention of a turk male german female couple every half a page.
you're right, they look like pic related
& when they turn 30 they lose half their height & gain 100 pounds & lose their hair
>this is a 30 years old cosplayer from mexico
yeah nigger keep taking our worst
>read that before looking at pic
>read it in some disgusting spic voice
You have to go back.
I hope you're the same gringo that has been posting her for years.
She's cute, not my type though, i'm obssesed with white mexicans.
Good goy!
whats her name??
Why do dutch faggots like latinas so much?
t.buttmad replace white boii
yeah goy keep worrying about niggers while beans fuck all your women
guess :)
Turks looks the same like you - sorry not sorry. So why don't you feel acknowledged by the german course.
My Man
>Wanting sexual favors from a fine lady just so she can stay
Hey! It was she who approached me!
No thx
no we don't, most mexicans don't ever grow a beard, different shad of brown, wider face.
are you the same gringo with the pics of japanese girls visiting mexico and getting pregnant? if so, please post
no, i just post this girl and routinely an autistic mexican posts telling me how she is ugly and to stop posting her
>Hey! It was she who approached me!
Yea yea tell it to the judge, scumbag
True dat, but nevertheless not white. And not better than Murad. But i would accept more Mexicans than Murads here. Sadly Angela seems to think otherwise.
KEK that's me ... she's ugly tho
I know plenty of B2 levels with internship in YOUR universities and companies that get turned down and never get to stay in germany jsut because well... idk, they're brown but i guess you got to be muslim, uneducated and not speak the least amount of german to get into germany. lol.
not nice
That's a problem. Since you partially want to work in opposite to mudslimes. But yeah i had the same experience. People with degrees were turned down but every stupid goatfucker will be allowed here without problems.
Stop showing this basic brown beaner.
Whenever i think of Germanies "solution" to population decline it makes laugh, get angry and sad, you could get thousand of educated people here that just want to get into germany because everybody here praises germany and it's their dream to live there, and they put a lot of effort on it. i.E. qt girl i know its doing a double bachelors in physics and engineering in addition to learn german.
A lot of people, basically everybody in my degree wants to go to germany.
But no, you keep picking the goat fuckers that have 0 interest in improving.
Germany could easily take only the best of Mexico but it doesn't.
Man even the sign says to deport.
Can i stay señor Trump?
The arabs paid good oil money for this policy, its not going to change.
>You people are worse than Harvey Weinstein
They're worse than a man who did literally nothing wrong?
(Well, besides being a Jew?)
I feel you. Woke germans have the same problem. We acknowledge that there is a problem and we don't have a problem with immigrants that fit in. (Can only speak for me) But yeah it so fucking sucks that the goatfuckers get everything and all good immigrants are deported or excluded. I dont see German woman to breed a lot since feminism... so we are lost. Thanks for the prayers.
At least you're not yet 56%...
>wow sweetie you did so good at soccer today
Depends on the city. Some german cities have over 50% nongerman heritage at birth. so...56% is a small amout of time over all in big cities.
good point paste.
This is why i won't even try to go to germany, i'm learning the language but it's just because of mein fuhrer and all those marschlied are pretty sweet
Estamos llenos chica
As of July 1st 2017 American cities are 25.6% White European in total. Suburbs are 74.1% European in total. Rural areas are 83% white European in total
What a sweetie. Too bad Latinas have such a short shelf life.
They never become good Americans tho.
Yeah, but this is lost forever. And it will be more complicated in the future. So imho create new awesome march music - but respect the past. I listen normally to not THAT much stuff which falls into this category but really like:
you're a bad hombre
80% Spaniard at least.
The goblins you send here are less than 50%.
there are no good americans tho
nah, i'm stuck mit Herms Niel
>we're not sending our best
You seem to be not the same Mexican i was replying to - and prefer a really low tier bunda. Which would be the same claim i made first: not better than mudslimes if you are so easy to get if the girl has only a big ass. (goatfucker?)
Check the ID
>girls have any other value other than their body
>The goblins you send here are less than 50%.
I'd say 25%
Who is this little kid and why is it always on here? Dont her parents care?
fuck, today i saw this really really qt middle schooler, she goes to the same one i did, i really want to talk to her, she's probably 13, but god i want to put my dick on her once she grows
When are you guys going to start doing something about the cartel and MS-13?
Harvey Weinstein bartered with cunts for them to get roles by doing favors.
The only thing he wrong was get found out.
I checked and it was not the same. So idk if you are the same you seem not more competent than the goatfuckers - you are right that girls are for fucking but not in the way you seem to prefer. Which is point prooved that some Spics are not better than Kebab.
when white countries stop interfering everytime we "violate human rights" of criminals, oh i forgot that the "foreign aid" sent to mexico is just so human right commission keeps interfering with the army.
but forget about this, just keep saying
> when white countries
i hope you are not referring to the US...
That's pretty much women in general
I can't and I won't also fuck off she's my spicfu
La creatura