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FGO singlehandedly killed this guy reputation. He is actually a good charactere


fuck you retards.

Thats a german name,not dutch
t. Dutchman.

He is from Germany, it's even said in the manga

But Dutch is a Germanic language.

And i can barely understand german,so that doesn't mean much.

>no wagner in the soundtrack

No, it goes the other way around. To Germans Dutch looks like a kid's attempt at being funny while writing in German. Germans get the general gist of things, and it's just funny to read. Hearing it is not quite as easy, but still doable.

I wonder how his original designer feel about him now that he's become so big a meme.

What did Fate GO do to him?

Garbage in gameplay


>Could have gotten art like this for him in F/GO
>Instead we got a literal hunchback

Siegmund/Siegfried slaying Fafnir is present in both Norse and Proto-Germanic mythology.

He's 4* rarity yet a 2* unit does his job better(killing dragons) than him

There's a reason Kojiro is now considered the Saviour of France by the japs

Yes, and that reason was because a /vg/ meme found it's way to Nasu, who was so impressed he then rewrote Kojiro's backstory to include him killing dragons in France.

While Siegfried does come from the area now known as the Netherlands, that area would not be it's own nation for over a 1000 years after his legend.

t. Dutchboy

>FGO singlehandedly killed this guy reputation

For memetards maybe.
Who gives a shit if the character has bad stats in a mobile game.

Fucking sumanai, man

Apocrypha alone ruined it's reputation by killing him midway and replacing him with Sieg.

The way he was implemented in the game is very poor. His skillset doesn't match his stats, and, more importantly, he is actually missing his invulnerability, which is his definitive ability as a hero.

It's a damn shame, because he's supposed to be a top-tier Servant + has a baller design. Instead, he has become one of the #1 joke characters.

His stat distribution sucks and he says "sumanai" (sorry) a lot in his lines, so it caught on as his nickname. You summoned a gold, and it was Siegfried? Sumanai! It stuck so hard that it fed back into official gag strips and joke events.


1*, actually.

REGEND is a 1* unit

I dont get this meme, he doesnt have any vs dragon skills, does he?

His first skill is a 1-turn dodge, and he has type advantage against dragons due to being an Assassin. On top of this, his NP is incredibly easy to get to level 5 due to him being a 1*/ These factors together resulted in Kojirou actually being better at killing Fafnir (the dragon Siegfried killed in his own legend...) than Siegfried.

I used Hassan and found him better.

With or without dodge? It takes more leveling to unlock Hassan's dodge.

Kojiro was straight out better than Hassan at FGO's JP release, part of it being his fast access to a dodge, easier to rank up and also the fact that crit stars were limited to 1 star per hit tops no matter how high your crit stars drop stat was, which made Hassan's main advantage over Kojiro useless.