Theres been alot of pro pagan threads here recently and I thought I could contribute by having a diversity of thread by having a pro apostolic christian and anti pagan thread.
Pagan hate thread
What's that got to do with a stump though? Trees are nice.
Pagans are literally niggers
> (OP) (You)
>What's that got to do with a stump though? Trees are nice.
Pagans worship trees, its a stereotype. Saint boniface cut down a tree of some germanic pagan tribe and the pagans chimoed oht and converted to catholicism.
Paganism is extremely larpy and autistic. America should remain Christian and Catholic.
>Destroying the environment because someone doesn't think the way you do
You deserve a bullet in the head you inbred retard
But that's dumb. What's the point of cutting down the tree? Would you cut down the tree that bears the knowledge of good and evil from the garden of eden?
>LARP as a pagan and attempt to mimic the religion of your ancestors
>Worship a dead Jew on a stick
Why are there no good choices?
> (OP) (You)
>Paganism is extremely larpy and autistic. America should remain Christian and Catholic.
Or why not orthodox?
> (You)
>But that's dumb. What's the point of cutting down the tree? Would you cut down the tree that bears the knowledge of good and evil from the garden of eden?
That was the tree of thor supposedly he was cutting down.
> (You)
>>Destroying the environment because someone doesn't think the way you do
>You deserve a bullet in the head you inbred retard
Im pro environment, the picture was just meant to represent the tree of thor that saint boniface was cutting down.
So what? Why would you cut down a tree of some pagan whatever unless you were irrecoverably autistic? That's history right there.
I bet you think the Library of Alexandria wasn't stolen by the Vatican before burning it down.
> A lot of Pagan threads
Bullshit there is maybe one pagan thread that I will see every once in a while, but the amount of shilling that is done for Christianity is fucking ridiculous. Jesus was a Jew and you worship a fucking Jew. Christians are the slaves of the Jew
Both cuckstians and pagans are niggers.
Don't worship or get attached to the material. This world will all die soon and the pagans are far too attached to it. Pagan seers saw the coming of the son of the true, most powerful and ultimate God long ago and told our ancestors that we must listen to Him. Christ came for us lost tribesmen of the north. The old ways taught us to love God's creation but it created pointless superstition and warped our view of the value of human life in relation to all other life.
We are meant to be God's greatest creation, benevolent and powerful. The time for the old ways is long past. This world was always meant to be temporary and there is something far greater to come to replace it.
Dude temporal vs. intemporal is key to the whole thing. That's why I don't get why somebody would rage over a tree.
To save them from their own foolishness. It was imperative to get the lost tribes back on track.
>lost tribes
Out curiosity, are you a proponent of the hypotheses that the scandinavians are the tribe of Dan?
Why don’t you all stop being so blind and accept Miku Hatsune as our one True god?
The Aztecs and their demonic gods crushed by the conquistadors.
this is why I cant stand you christfaggots. you guys are anti human, oh DURR HURR were not perfect like your perfect almighty god. guess what, I dont want to worship some megalomaniac cunt like that anyway.
The power of Christ compels you out.
It's not just some random tree. In the images it represents Irminsul and it's destruction.
Union with God is the teleological end of humanity. Rejecting God is the anti-human position and necessarily ends in damnation.
>christianity is anti human
>christian third reich
>leon degrelle
Keep trying.
go kneel towards your jewish savior, faggot. go worship in a man made temple while condemning man, the white race, and our accomplishments.
Christ is the forgiver. He said revolutionary things like
>hol up
>why you stoning that whore?
>ain't none a you niggas free from sin
>don'' all y'all be throwin dem stones in a glass house yo
That's why the Jews murdered him, because they weren't willing to admit they were wrong.
>condemning man, the white race, and our accomplishments.
Please expand on this dissertation.
As for place of worship, where two or three are gathered in His name, there is He among us. We can do it on a convenient rock stuck in the earth to serve as an alter, or just hold a dinner party with friends.
I do not give a good goddamn about your jewish fairy tales.
nice try but hitler saw your weakling religion for what it was.
inb4 "h-he's a dead kike on a stick!"
What specifically did Hitler decry? I admit haven't read his writings and I'm curious to know more.
Hitler was a Christian, you faggot.
Where's your sources for this?
Your whole existence is made up of anti-pagan narratives(even though your holidays and practices are with pagan origins). Oh, you need a little thread for it, too? Baby need blankie.
Please quote posts ITT.
Hitler spoke different about the church in private then he did in public.
A walk through an open field with Wotan
Why not take a walk through an open field with Jesus Christ?
Hey Christfags, did you know your Pope just PRAISED the government of China? Why is he so obsessed with condemning every little thing wrong we do in the West while forgiving everyone else?
Thats what your religions problem is, too weak and obsessed with forgiveness. It is dying a slow death and you cant do shit to stop it.
You clearly do, because you're here in this thread responding to Christians.
I've corrected your misrepresentation of the Christian position.
Why don't you stop being a retard, I've met many Christians who don't care what happens in the world or the future because "Christ gets the last say" and "Hopefully Christ will return to end the world anyway"
Yes. Nubile young boys need a firm touch to grow into men, and who better to provide that than the man giving them their spiritual education? I think having your first sexual experience be with your parish priest is beautiful. Anything other than that would paganism and weird and autistic.
>a kike on stick
Boy I sure do love fighting pointless religious battles against other white people while muslims and jews rape and pillage every white country
We have that same problem in a massive way in the US with the Evangelicals. That's a major stronghold for why they suck Jewish cock all day long.
You do realize only Catholics follow the Pope, right?
> (OP) (You)
>>a kike on stick
Better than a fucking stick growing from the groujd that does nothing but grow food and farts oxygen.
Only the Vatican follows the pope. He's CEO of Vatican City, inc. Nothing more than that.
It seems to be a protestant thing, because the Christians in this country and mainly protestants too.
All of you faggots bitching about the Pagans larping while your DEUS VULT XD is the exact same thing. You all were probably edgy atheists in your teens and now you turn to this.
One of our strongest Lutheran strongholds, the upper midwest, full of vikings and other such scandis, is home to the largest influx of somali rape gangs.
>All of you faggots bitching about the Pagans larping while your DEUS VULT XD is the exact same thing. You all were probably edgy atheists in your teens and now you turn to this.
Actually it is pagan larpers that the edgy atheist teens later turned to.
See, all you guys talking about le redpilled christians seem to hate every group of them. Oh except for your based pastor anderson! Only sect I can respect is Eastern Orthodox.
I knew some back in high school in the 90s. Pre-fedora cringe going to bonfires and rituals. A lot of Jews among the Nords, oddly enough.
>Emperor Titus
>70 AD
Based paganism.
I was an edgy atheist in my teens then I went Christian for a year or two but then I grew out of it.
Now I worship the Aryan gods of my ancestors.
If I eventually grow out of this I will give Islam a try otherwise I'll become a Buddhist.
Paganism is the white man's religion.
Come home White Man.
>christcuck tears
Go back to worshipping your dead jew on stick, while nearly everyone in your church is pro immigration and pro race mixing.
Christianity is responsible for the previous wars in Europe. Catholicism somehow lets Jews go to heaven. You are a pathetic joke among anyone with a brain.
I have no idea who Anderson is other than a recent Sup Forums e-celeb. Orthobros seem pretty good from as much as I know about them, although if you get the QRD from Russians you'll find out it's about a perverted by the ways of man as anything else is. Too each his own, I say.
>Only sect I can respect is Eastern Orthodox
>based pastor anderson!
And he's not allowed to reject the marriage as it's gods will for them to be together!
So why do we even mention his name? Is he a threat to common sense?
Hail Þunor
kek wtf. Was supposed to be pic related
>accuses Pagans of larping
>avatarfags as a crusader
>thinks Jesus was the Son of God
>conveniently has zero information on this man's missing thirty years
>believes the Bible
>after numerous omissions and non one-to-one translations foisted on it by literally tens of thousands of people
Oh look, the Christians are attacking White people again...
This is why you guys are considered to be a problem.
Yes, White people following their ancient religions, far more ancient than Christianity, are "niggers".
Brilliant. Well done Christian, glad to know that you are on our side and that at the greatest time of peril for the White race, you decided to pick a fight over beliefs in things you can't even prove to be real or not.
You stupid fat dumb fuck.
You hating on people of origin?
>divide and conquer kike
That's what christians are.
In the end, their cult is all that matters to them, and they are always one step away from going full ahmed.
stay away from my waifu senpai
>posting pictures of women in order to change views or opinions
Sup Forums keeps uploading random pictures I don't even have saved on my HD
I wouldn't call myself a pagan, but I venerate the alder spirits of my Celtic homeland. More a cultural thing. Strictly speaking, I'm agnostic, but I put my reverence to the gods that came before Christ and practise a wee bit of ritualised magic, here and there.