ITT: Entry Level Waifus
I am Ruplong, the Avenger of Samples.
>entry level
More like nostalgia.
Misty is pretty good though, an old reliable in the waifu circles.
That's quite alot of shit taste you have
I know it's hard to think out of the time of our childhood. But Misty is long gone as entry level. Now it's bitches from OPM and BnHA etc
Your mom.
>tfw your waifu has never been called shit
>not every single K-on girl
Oh my, biased much?
If i've never watched Naruto but touch my penis to Hinata etc, what does that make me?
>Rouge is a meme waifu.
dammit. at least my actual waifu isn't on this pile.
Misty wasn't even that popular back then though. Most of her decent art was years later.
Found the NaruSaku shitter
What the fuck is an entry level waifu? Fucking crossboarders attaching buzzwords to everything in their attempt to fit in. They do it with "meme" and "cuck".
>meme anime
>meme studio
>meme VA
>cuck this
>cuck that
Most people who "waifu" Kasumi don't know shit about her because they've only watched a butchered dub.
A lot of those are literal wife material. There's nothing wrong with that, boys like girls for a reason.
>muh safe space
you have to go back
Some of these are good choices though.
>Entry level waifus
Every 90s anime girl or every popular early 2000s anime girl made from KyoAni.
Other than Rem, Sena, and Kurisu the rest are shit
Especially Tomoko
'Entry level' is a term that's been used on Sup Forums since before the word meme was even a thing on the internet, you underage cunt.
I can agree with this picture.
i was beating off to misty 18 years ago
who is never happened?
Tell me where you fucking live, and I'll show you entry level you stupid cocksucker.
Youngfag detected.
>Misusing the term "waifu"
Doea an user with a bad taste enough to waifu Sakura exists? That is disgusting.
>She failed
too far
Girl from Darker than Black 2, but it never happened.
>no boatsluts
Come on now
I was about to ask "where's renawhore", but then I realized that STD-riddled prostitutes don't even count as waifus.
Also tfw my waifu's not a meme one, feels good man.
>12 years old
> Entry level
Dude, come on.
This is some good taste and the girls have characteristics that are very desirable. Anyone who thinks otherwise is being contrarian and borderline SJW
4/30 of my harem is meme
>a used and abused Hestia left dirty and exhausted following being thrown into a dumpster by the men who just gang raped her
Asuna my waifu please Sup Forums have mercy
>implying you need good art when you're a teenager
You fucking kids are spoiled. Christ, I remember when a jpg was a huge file and when people scanned their art manually.
No waifu is entry level as long as you actually love her.
my waifu is pretty obscure, you probably haven't heard of her
Serena is far beyond superior.
>let me insult the best thing about your waifu
>aka "every character with 5000+ upvotes on MAL"
That shit almost made me forgive the league loss.
>Rem isn't shit, but Holo is?
Is today opposite day? What kind of ass backwards world prefers girls without personality, over ones that exude charm and wit?
Holo is shit as well. Don't kid yourself.
user just because you enjoy eating shit doesn't make it something to brag about There were a ton of far superior choices back in the 90s that weren't drawn as unappealing as her.
>REEEEE everyone i don't like is just a sjw stop insulting my epic harem
What is so bad about entry level things?
Oh come on, nobody even watched AW. They just called it fat SAO and moved on.
Reddit likes them.
More like "everyone's first crush" than a full blown waifu.
Could no care less about them.
Running away from a subject just because it's popular somewhere else it's the exactly opposite of liking the said subject in the first place.
Yeah, we all moved on from her just like Ash did.
>the new movie replaced her with a character that's literally "same character just better"
She's great waifu material tho, provided you don't mind lusting after children.
I always found her an annoying bitch, she's also kinda ugly, literally every other girl in the serie was prettier than her
>provided you don't mind lusting after children.
>the new movie replaced her with a character that's literally "same character just better"
What. The fuck.
No way.
Where the fuck have you been?
I've been putting off watching the Alola stuff.
Your filename says Pokemon, but I'm pretty sure there's no "Kazumi" or "Misty" on the show.
>they've retconned her and Brock from existence
>No Rei/Asuka or Miku
Mediocre list.
Thankfully this movie has nothing to do with Alola.
Dude, how old are you?
People who watched Pokemon when they were 7 in 1999 are 25 now
somebody photoshop renamon in there
She's still a basic bitch first girl from a series that aired on Cartoon Network.
What about characters who were entry level for their time but due to the shows age they aren't anymore.
I thought Yukari was the insecure childish nazi?
There's a thin line between impressive loyalty and being a notstaliafag retard. You'll have to decide on a case by case basis.
Entry level waifu sounds like a waifu youy start off with then switch to a new one eventually that's not considered "entry level". And if you're a person that switches waifus then simply kill yourself.
One waifu for laifu.
10, 5 - deceitful curry sipper. what anime is that?
I've never heard of anyone who has Faye as their waifu.
Not around here as much as people rip on Bebop.
Add Megumin and Sagari and we've got a complete picture.
Wouldn't Misty count then? It's been damn near 20 years and she hasn't been on the show for about 15 of those.
You meme'd yourself user.
shit my girl samus cant escape the label of shit waifu
>triggered hinafag
>not Mio
So the main girl of every popular series?
One that doesn't exist.
>he just stands there looking like an idiot
this is a perfect microcosm of the entire anime series
>not a single Aria waifu
man this list sucks