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Also powerful


Wonder Woman is not even white.

"Ey fuck you holmes"

Would a genius or someone with a 70 IQ and really really really good at karate and hand weapons pick a fight with someone they know is a demi god

Make the nose bigger and that's (((wonderwoman)))

Need a bigger nose on WW to better represent the Schlomo nose of Gal Gadot

This has been posted a million times

Fuggg beat me by 5 seconds

Can a clay golem even have a race?


>depict your race as violent niggers
what the fuck is wrong with blacks

sage but also this

Niggers vs Jews Race war when?


Use this against white feminists




Can the Lasso of truth be converted into a 1 time noose?

Powerful if you're a faggot trying to bait people on this board instead of making an actual argument.

Saged, neck yourself.

>lets have the same dumb arguments every day
who cares you faggot

Fuck off nigger lover


Cultural appropriation of straight hair.

I thought Wonder Woman was supposed to be a lesbian. Funny how lefty SJW causes seem to get in the way of one another.

black people are extremely embarrassing. i genuinely feel bad for them

You call THAT powerful? Pffff kid let me show you REAL POWER.


You ruined my day faggot


Agreed i dislike feminazis

Fuck white people

Wondeisha...just stop.

Dude, Popeyes is the shit.

Remember just ten months ago when WW was making all the femcunts and manginas cream themselves with wokeness?

How quickly the turd changes when it realizes where the most SJW sanctimony-points can be scored this month.

Looks like race trumps gender this season. Adjust yourselves accordingly.

Canadian National anthem

made me look for my version.

This is funny because it is true.


That picture is more accurate. Simian african ape/people do not have human skulls, their skulls are more ape-like than human. It's a wonder they can even talk.



Sagenigger Now I know you motherfuckers are hired to do this, because you used to post this about once a week. And now you’re back to the same thing, same word. What a fucking joke you are

Is that Michael Obama?

Hong, Hong, Hong!

NIgger you're just mad we created this world and you were still living in mud huts. Shut the fuck up.



Lol thats the best one