Mexicans are worse than blacks. I'm not even kidding, spics are more parasitic and terroristic
Mexicans are worse than blacks. I'm not even kidding, spics are more parasitic and terroristic
Nathaniel Brown
Other urls found in this thread:
Michael Reyes
No, spics can actually form civilization, whereas niggers do not have a recorded instance of such. Spics invented the wheel, whereas the latter did not. Plus spic women are beatiful.
Daniel Rodriguez
They would just be harder to beat in a war. They can be reasoned with though.
Alexander Garcia
White nationalists only care about niggers and jews. The racial group actually displacing them is laughed off as if beaners aren't an issue. Such as
Lucas Adams
Juan King
Is this the hot Latina you were talking about?
Andrew Bell
They cannot be reasoned with.
Ian Gomez
>according to census projections...
Okay buddy, more junk science.
Grayson Martinez
Eli Fisher
What are you saying? I'd bet there are more beaners in America than the census thinks.