Which fairy is your favorite?

Which fairy is your favorite?

This one.

I was wondering why Earth was blushing since what she is wearing isn't any more revealing than her normal clothes, then I saw where her hand was.

When it comes to elements, Fire is always best.

I wanna fuck Muse

Kobold superior.

muse by far


Personality wise, Muse.
Looks, Sylphy.


Friendless dork
Shitposting lesbian
Will make you fuck other dudes in front of her
Too smart and intimidating
Can't choose.

Hot Salami

I'm all about the fire bitch.

The cutest fujo

Air. For what her element represents shes got a lot of mass if you know what I mean

ah... the armpits and feet fairy

The red one.

Far right, I like big girls


I think Heart is best girl too user.

> best base color
> best element
> cutest name
Muse a best


Water > Fire > Earth > Air

What element is Sento?


The best element.

Air > Water > Fire >> Earth


Probably water, but I like what Fite is wearing in that pic best. I appreciate that they drew the panties over the garters are they are supposed to be.

I want to kiss Kobori on the lips!



id have sex endlessly with any of them so what does it matter

Sylphy, I want to make dumb kids with her.

>wears every outfit better.

how can the fairies even fucking compete.

Salama of course


Sento. The fairy of love

Salama and Koboli are the cutest.


>Which fairy is your favorite?







Reminder that water is our mother, without her there is no life.

The one that will breed with me

The one with the dirty anus.

I like Salami Ashala'nore

The strongest.


All of them?