Can we forget about whether this show was good or not and tell me who is officially Sup Forums's best Eromanga girl?
Can we forget about whether this show was good or not and tell me who is officially Sup Forums's best Eromanga girl?
Can we forget about this show altogether?
No because it was a very enjoyable show, and it was popular in Japan which means it can have some impact in the industry wheter you like it or not and that's why it should be discussed.
Elf was best but it's not like she had competition. The other girls were a more annoying version of kirino, a meme, a girl who exists just to lust after kyousuke 2.0 and a jew who was suddenly forced into the harem war for no reason.
Sagiri > Muramasa > pic related > Elf > editor-chan > Megumi
Sagiri > Elf > Editor > the rest except Megumi > Megumi
I love Sagiri's soft voice. Soft voiced imoutos/tsunderes should be more of a thing.
Until until we get a S2 and wincest end.
Elf>>>>>Editor>Bookstore lady>Elf's brother>>>Muramasa>>>>>>>a pile of hot garbage>>>>>Everyone else
Does the bookstore girl do anything in the books?
What's so great about Elf? She's another tsundere type character.
How is she tsundere? She confessed her love and is constantly pursuing mc.
Because she's quirky without being obnoxious, nor is she boring.
Elf > Muramasa > Sagiri > Megumin > bookstore
Why does she have no eyes?
Button eyes are cute.
nude elf is cute
I want to nibble on those obvious fake elf ears.
pic related
Shop girl, She's pure.
It's trash son,the show is irredemable filth
It was fun.
>it's another OreImo Season 3 thread
I really like Elf, but why exactly did she have elf ears? Is it some sort of birth defect?
Anyone else think Sagiri's personality is awful?
Her design is great but everything else is a no-go. Selfish, prone to angry and passive-aggressive outbursts, doesn't want to talk things out. Her hikokomori/shut-in side is poorly written. She doesn't want to leave her room not because she's scared of people or shy (what kind of shy person shows themselves on stream in front of thousands of people) but because she's lazy and wants a free ride throughout life and doesn't care who she inconveniences. Her brother enables her to be that way. It was barely funny with Umaru because it was done in a tongue-in-cheek, over-the-top way, so here done in a more serious tone it's extremely grating. She doesn't even show any appreciation towards him which also makes it worse.
I admit I felt pretty bad for her in the first episode where they give us both their backstories, and then she just ruins it by getting offended at MC calling her family and telling him to leave. He was trying to get along in his own way and she shut him down and tells him to leave for no reason. She just comes off as extremely selfish and entitled. That's why I'm so baffled that people like this girl outside of porn and doujins. I think it's crazy that this is considered the type of girl that otaku idealize. She's cute and all but in no way likable. And not because of character flaws or whatever, but because the writer sucks balls at writing captivating or relatable characters.
A lot of anime make the character a cute, young girl so they don't have to do the hard part of writing to make the audience sympathize with the character through their words and actions, and with Sagiri this is very, very obvious. She's probably one of the cutest characters this season, design-wise. Just add in a few blushes, side glances and fidgeting, and you have a character who in instantly likable to 95% of the otaku audience no matter how entitled they are. No need to deal with that pesky writing stuff.
Hidomi from FLCL season 2, Ene from Mekakucity Actors, Ore wa Emilia ga suki da.
They all suck.
Your damn right
Obvious fake. I'm surprised no one brought it up.
>it was popular in japan
no it wasn't.
I assume it's some type of mild genetic disorder, considering her brother also had the ears.
Not that guy, it's not the next biggest thing, but it has a sizable following in Japan.
I want to fuck Sagiri.
Why don't you tell me
Sagiri is my goddess.
Oh Sagiri you are so perfect. PLEASE marry me!
This is a really, really nice picture.
Kirino is no better.
Sagiri's behavior is pretty understandable.
Shit girl.
The skin color ruined it.