Sup Forums. In youth your true self wished to be a hero, did it not? A hero that would save the world. You believed in that. You desired it more than life.
Am I wrong?
Sup Forums. In youth your true self wished to be a hero, did it not? A hero that would save the world. You believed in that. You desired it more than life.
Am I wrong?
How young are we talking. My freshman year of highschool I wanted to destroy the world. I was an edgy brat.
Archer was right.
When I was little, the only thing I wanted was for my dad to get out of prison and for my mom stop drinking.
18 years later and neither one has happened yet.
I wanted to be an astronaut.
I'd be fucking pissed off too if I had to spend a couple eternities murdering people non-stop without rest when all I wanted to do is help.
How sad would Taiga be if she ever found out about EMIYA?
I am a hero, faggot.
I wished to stop time so I could lick the feet of my female classmates.
If you mean before high school I just wished that my mom would buy me a game boy advance
The only solution is marriage.
in youth, I wanted to be a hero.
in adult hood, I watch self-insert shounen anime so I can be a hero with a harem.
What scene was this?
I can't find it anywhere in episode 12.
Episode 12, immediately after they escape from Caster's barrier.
specifically on the BD ver
>am i wrong
yes. btw, normies belong on facebook. go there.
My dark and edgy phase was I wanted to be a hero even if I was a Hated person. The world needs saving user san. Even as a car salesman when I'm told I helped someone do what no one else could help with it gives me the greatest joy.
reading negima as probably the age of the mc and getting obsessed with this magister magi business took my life on quite a turn. people need to be saved.
Childishness is thinking Rin is the best.
Adulthood is when you realize Taiga is the true waifu.
>specifically on the BD ver
Oh, I only have the Horriblesubs version, I guess its time to download the BDs
>Sup Forums. In youth your true self wished to be a hero, did it not? A hero that would save the world. You believed in that. You desired it more than life.
> In youth
I still want to be that hero. I will continue to try my best to help the people around me so I can see them smile. I don't know if I'll succeed, but I'll already have failed if I give up now. I probably won't ever do anything that cool, but if nothing else I can continue to resolve to be good and kind beyond reason.
good luck in your stuggle user sama
Thanks. Y-You too
If only never shut down.
On top of a jobber, you're also a nagger? Get off my case, I might have had sch thoughts as a child, but I had enough sense to leave them behind before I did something silly, like dooming my country with civil war or something.
XDCC and then seed it, user
I wanted to be a giant robot
I wanted to be a fireman, paleontologist, and doctor.
i just wanted super powers
Just add the trackers from .si and pantsu.
i still wish for it
As a child I always saw villains to be much cooler. Better designs and backstories. But as I grow older and my options narrow, I want more than anything to be someone that a person looks up to. I want someone to think I'm a super cool hero with a manly spirit. I used to be such a nihilistic smug bitch, I wish I had worked on myself in those years instead.
Nope, when I was young I liked the villains and the edgy anti-heroes more.
I liked Venom more than I liked Spider-man.
Then live it user. Why do you want to be a super hero? Probably because you want to feel important and that you're making a positive impact in the world. You don't need to wait for some cute girl to introduce you to some magical world for that to happen. Find a church, homeless shelter, become an officer of the law and be determined to do things right. It may not be easy, but you definitely can start to feel worth it.
Polite sage.
Hero != ally of justice, pretty sure Kirei and Shirou specifically discuss this at the beginning of Heaven's Feel. I guess "hero" resonates more with the west than some strange japanese term though.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but
>using the DEEN anime
Never wanted to be a hero, seemed like a shit deal. I'd want to save things I care about and all that, but that's just pure selfishness. I wouldn't steal an ideal from superhero shit.