this is the best anime ever made
This is the best anime ever made
Lain is anime vapor wave and you know it
vaporwave is regurgitating old aesthetics. lain just made its own
> lain just made its own
EoE did it first and better
Not even best ABe.
It's silly to classify anything as "the best" of an entire medium, but it certainly ranks up there as one of the best television anime.
The fact that so many posts still name Lain as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” anime ever only tells you how far anime still is from becoming a serious art.
>lusty loli attitudes
i heard texhnolyze sucked. shill me it user
Miyazaki already made anime into a medium worthy of artistic praise.
>Childrens movies with heavy handed ecoterrorist messages
>Medium worthy of artistic praise
That you even think miyazake is good only tells you how far anime is from being a serious art.
Nice pasta faggot.
It's not ME, who's making that decision though, it's the entire world that recognizes his work as art worthy. If you can't see that you're delusional.
The fact you are taking my posts seriously only tells you how close trolling is from being a art.
most pseudo-intellectual*
Nice backpedaling.
What kind of idiot has their bike set up to be able to peddle backwards? The gear should only engage in one direction.
It's not the best, but it was way ahead of its time. I'm rewatching it right now and I love the vibes and symbolism within it. Are there any other shows that do what Lain does? I can only think of Paranoia Agent, Psycho Pass, and Dimension W.
lain is probably the most entry level anime after gatarishit. pic related - abe's best work
what is that?
It was a fun ride
>he mad over copy pasta
how new could you possibly be?
Older than you ya faggot cunt. Now piss off wanker, your low effort shitposting is an insult to honest trolls everywhere.
>Why are there age limits? why is it illegal to marry a 12-year old? Helen of Troy was 12. Juliet and Cleopatra were still teenagers when they became famous. Most heroines of classic novels and poems were underage by today's laws. Thomas Edison married a 16-year-old. Medical studies show that the best age for a woman to have children is between 15 and 25 (lowest chances of miscarriage, of birth defects and, last but not least, of the woman dying while giving birth); while the worst age is after the mid 30s. And the younger you are, the more likely you are to cement a real friendship with your children; the older you are, the more likely that the "generational gap" will hurt your children's psychology.
Should I take this an indication that Scaruffi likes lolis?
I'm 23, my dad is 70 and my mom is 65
can confirm, I'm a complete wreck with bad psychological problems.
It is popular, but just because it's entry level doesn't make it bad. The unique combination of relatively novel (for broadcast media anyways) ideas and contemporary critique combined with strong visual and audio design throughout makes it a very strong contender IMO.
I personally disagree with you but I respect your opinion and your right to it.
would have but episode 11 ruined the flow of 10
we're all connected, user
But that's not Giant Robo.
I wish it was a bit longer, I need more lain.
Yeah it probably is but I'm not going to just rewatch it over and over.
you mean attack on titan
and by the way, lain has a top tier concept, but a shitty execution
Are there any other series that had a similar style to SEL?
haibane renmei
>serious art
The only people who care about shit like that are newfags insecure about their taste.
>It's another useless Lain thread where newfag shitposters don't discuss anything of substance and just parrot shit like ''best anime ever'' or ''you don't seem to understand'' over and over again
>everyone says Lain is a great series
>nobody ever provides reasoning other than Lain being cute
>still talk down to other shows
a true masterpiece
>get directors name
>can google, yandex, iqdb or use anything else to identify the source from that picture
>hurr what is that???
the pacing is glacial, especially early on, but the payoff is worth it.
>In 2006, the American Anime Awards awarded Texhnolyze with "Best Dialogue in Anime" for the first episode
There were only about three or four lines of dialogue in that episode. That shit is DEEP.
Texhnolyze is even more incoherent and pretentious
It's been discussed to death already, I don't know what you expected.
It's like that with every show that's somehow different from the norm, gets especially bad when the show has the pretense of being smart or mature. Just try to criticize any of the pretentious garbage that newfags like, such as Lain, Ergo Proxy, Haibane Renmei, GitS, LOGH, Monster, Mushishi, Boogiepop Phantom and so on, their fans will always reply with really defensive lines, like you should stop watching moeshit or that ''this is why anime isn't art yet''
>he didn't expect the handwave response
you have a long way to go before you understand the true Sup Forums patriacate
Why are you replying to your own bait?
Problem is that there's a thread about it almost everyday and it's always the same shit. I don't think I ever saw a Lain thread where people actually discussed the show in the last 3 years. These threads are cancer, you newfags are cancer.
Wait what? Texhnolyze is pretty easy to understand from the get go.
>2 people disagreeing with me=samefag
>here's a thread about it almost everyday and it's always the same shit.
This applies to like 90% of the threads on Sup Forums.
>Only been here for 3 years
>Calls other people newfags because of something that's been happening ever since he got here
Are you retarded?
The pacing is one of the greatest things I've ever witnessed in anime.
>This applies to like 90% of the threads on Sup Forums.
No, not really. OPs might be similar, but the posts aren't copy and pasted like on Lain threads.
>>Only been here for 3 years
Why did you assumed that? Just pretending to be retarded or retarded for real? I said I didn't saw a good Lain thread in the last three years, nowhere did I said or implied that I first got on Sup Forums 3 years ago.
>This applies to like 90% of the threads on Sup Forums
It really doesn't. Most threads at least attempt to discuss characters and plot while occasionally doing brainless imagedumps, while Lain threads are always ironically some of the dumbest threads on the board. Just take it to /c/ and be done with it, call it a general too like I know you want to.
Are Lain and Jinrui basically the same story?
Where in Jinrui everyone is a fairy, everyone in Lain is basically some fake internet image.
When are we getting Lain rebooted as a magical girl anime?
>It really doesn't. Most threads at least attempt to discuss characters and plot
>best girl
>porn dumps
>thinly veiled generals
>greentexing threads
>All the fucking meme template threads and retarded bullshit
Sup Forums is cancer incarnate, the same garbage is always here day in day out, year in year out. Don't kid yourself and pretend discussion is anything other than an exception.
>best girl
There's more discussion on these threads than on Lain threads, at least generally speaking.
>porn dumps
Almost all fetish threads have discussion going on. It's very rare to have threads where there's nothing but image dumps.
>>thinly veiled generals
Not excusing them, but most also have more substance than Lain threads.
What's the problem with that? It's just a way to start a thread and means nothing.
Also no problem with that. Much better and funnier than Lain threads.
What you are doing is basically trying to equate things you don't like with lack of discussion. The shit you mentioned HAVE discussion going on, Lain doesn't. Lain threads are nothing more than a infinite circlejerk where people make the same posts over and over again.
Are you being facetious?
If you haven't seen a good lain thread in three years why do you keep coming into them?
>thinly veiled generals
>greentexing threads
these are not discussion how?
Literally one year earlier
Curiosity. I generally just lurk on them, but sometimes I get surprised with how there's so many Lain threads popping up, but with so little discussion going on.
So basically what you are saying is that a thread is only barren of discussion if you personally don't rate it as substantive? Despite the fact that there are a large volume of similar threads on the board, with equally worthless "infinite circlejerks" amounting to essentially echo chambers with retards bitching about other peoples waifu (just like this thread) or making the same tired meme jokes over and over, hanging around in a chat room waiting for more chapters, or making shitty greentext threads because you think they are "funny"?
OK, sure user. Whatever you say. Your opinions are the only thing that matters after all.
No user, the threads you mentioned have discussion on them. They may start with shitpost, they may be about things you aren't into( I personally don't go to best girl threads for example), but they do have people discussing and making posts that aren't a copy paste of the last thread. Lain threads simply don't have anything going on for them, it's just memes being repeated over and over every thread. On the rare cases where discussion happens, it's generally just shitpost unrelated to the shot, like it's happening on this thread.
I don't dislike Lain, I think it has potential for good discussion, but sadly they don't happen here. I take fetish threads or greentext threads over the Lain threads that happen on Sup Forums any day.
>but they do have people discussing and making posts that aren't a copy paste of the last thread
So you assert, but you have given no evidence for this assertion. If this thread and the few relevent posts count as "Copy pastes of the last thread" I can't say I see much difference between it and the majority of threads on this board.
>just memes being repeated over and over every thread
The only memes I have seen repeated in this thread are the constant "lain/other popular anime is shit because I say so" posts. I haven't even seen a single copypasted meme post actually in favor of lain at all. In fact there have been several posts that could have easily been qualified as discussion starters but no one deigned to reply to them.
>On the rare cases where discussion happens, it's generally just shitpost unrelated to the show, like it's happening on this thread.
Yeah but again, that's not a problem inherent to the thread, the reason we are having this shitpost "discussion" is only because it was enabled by people coming here to shitpost about how these threads aren't good. If you removed those posts this thread would have either been actual discussion, or petered out and died on it's own. Either case would have been better than what actually happened. Too bad trolls can't resist blood in the water.
>I take fetish threads or greentext threads over the Lain threads that happen on Sup Forums any day.
I'd rather just not use this shithole at all. I'll quit again tomorrow I guess.
Miyazaki did no such thing. Less than 3 months after Nausicaa was released, there was a movie that completely schooled Miyazakis works and does so to the present day. Its one, if not the most, underappreciated visual masterpiece in the entire medium. The only thing that he did was anime be "normalfag friendly" by carrying the family movie vibe.
nah. It's pretty but it doesn't really go anywhere
texhnolyze is better, even if is mostly misery porn.
Boogiepop Phantom has a similar feel but it's kind of not very good
Lain doesn't really have to go anywhere. The way I saw it was that the point isn't so much going places but showing the folly of a certain path and a certain kind of thinking. It does end up full circle and more or less in the same place but that's proper for the way the narrative is structured, at least that's how I saw it.
well one thing that still blows me away is how ahead of its time Lain was in certain aspects. Like how it predicted that people would get themselves an online persona that greatly differed from their "real" personality. And also the whole topic of whether the Internet is its seperate world or just another part of reality.
Still highly discussion worthy topics to this day, even.
Not all miyazaki movies are for kids...
Just the recent ones co produced with Disney.
too bad the internet is already unsalvageable shit
thanks normalfags
Despera when?
>its a literal 2deep shitty remake of Ichigo Mashimarro
>ahead of its time
thats exactly what people were doing on the internet in 1998
I thought lain was awesome when it first came out.
Recently rewatched it and the only thing people are drawn to it is watching a girl putting a PC together.
The cyber is a drug? Laser eye surveillance? Sounds like Infowars today lol
It's shit.
>I'd rather just not use this shithole at all. I'll quit again tomorrow I guess.
Please do.
Maybe if you so clearly don't enjoy the content of Sup Forums or Sup Forums in general, you shouldn't browse Sup Forums. The nihilistic repetitive shit posting is a part of it. Getting rid of that is like taking the heroin out of Ray Charles or the insanity out of Richard Garriott.
Everyone knows its there, and its not great, but actually whining about it just makes you look like a faggot.
Maybe if you want more structed discussion you shouldn't rely on an anonymous mongolian throat singing board.
Maybe go to reddit instead.
And no, despite how it sounds that isn't the usual Sup Forums thing of "hurr durr go back to [that website]! all the fags use [that website]! I'm cool because i dont use [that website]." That shit is full on retarded, and as an old fag who's been here long enough to remember when it was 'that website' was somethingawful, its always been retarded.
If you want structured discussion places like reddit or forums in general where people have a user name, post history and discussions last longer than however long it takes to be shoved off thr front page are going to be better.
Or stay here, stop whining, and lurk moar.
Now. Lets get back to discussing how much we all want to lick Lain's feet or whatever.
This. I love Lain but Texhnolyze is a masterpiece.
>i heard
Watch it already goddamnit. Shit starts kinda slow but gets good around episode 3-4 when Ichise goes madman on the sword guy and reks his ass
>Like how it predicted that people would get themselves an online persona that greatly differed from their "real" personality
Nigger Geocities was a thing back when Lain aired
If only it was done unpretentiously (like haolibane renmei ) i'd probably like it . Why does ABe like to make simple thinks seem difficult?
>anonymous mongolian throat singing board
I wish this funny explanation meme would die