These gals are your friends!
Princess Principal
Do you think this symbolizes something?
Ange left this behind to go finish her mission. If that isn't dedication to her job and country, I don't know what is.
Ange popped her cherry
>visible thighs
Look at this fucking dork. Everybody point and laugh.
It symbolizes the state her vajayjay will be in when I'm done with her
Honestly I like the cheeky deadpan Ange over anything else.
I'm sick of all these damn lies.
I think you're lying to yourself, user.
>the long-awaited, true spiritual sequel to Code Geass came in the form of a yuri bait steampunk spy show
And it's actually pretty good so far, so all is well. It's only on episode 2 and it's executing twists and tension nicely and makes you go rewatch scenes to find new meaning in the dialogue.
I'm patiently waiting for Bloodstained Angellica.
Me too.
>he isn't a girl that sees through lies
Ange, please
We're all little girls user.
>Lie to me, Ange
>We're all little girls
Black Lizard style?
>You are the sexiest.
You are beautiful woman in her prime. Any man would fall in love with you on first sight!
This looks like a sociopath whose every move is perfectly calculated.
You definitely look like you belong in high school and aren't an old hag..
Why does an unmarried princess need lewd underwear?
she's not even wearing panties
To attract a fertile male.
Princess wore that underwear every day and got to show it to Ange the first day she saw her again. It's all part of her plan.
Seditious whores who sully the name of the crown are no company of mine. Beatrice will do her duty and report them to the good duke.
Quiet, Beato.
Shut up, Beato. Adults are talking.
She'll be wearing the exact same dress and have the exact same bloodstain when Ange kills her.
Is that right?
>implying Beatrice isn't already a mistress of the Duke of Normandy
>Beato after realizing her friend, the Princess, is actually a fucking psychopath
Come on user, could this face be evil?
She said it herself.
She lied.
Me too.
P.S.: This is also a lie.
You republican filth will have your reckoning mark my words. The Duke can see through such empty ruses, even now the noose tightens around this fake princess's neck.
>I've made a terrible mistake
Did that user made infograph?
You're right. We should just give up.
Are you sure? Episode 12 will reveal that Ange and Princess have been plotting behind the scenes of the Principal team all along by assassinating key figures and manipulating political events in their own interests when they coincided with their missions. Ange will deliver her the world on a platter.
Say that in red.
she's gonna kill the imposter princess I'm calling it
>implying they aren't all
She's not Lelouch, c'mon.
>The current Ange is actually the Princess, she just swapped with the actual Ange (current Princess) years ago
>It turns out Beato is actually here to spy on the fake Princess by order of the Duke of Normandy because he is suspicious of the current Princess
This series has a potential for some big shitstorm.
A spy?! Where?!
>tfw your friend gets a girlfriend and becomes completely whipped
Dorothy's been putting up with this shit for twelve cases here.
You're so damn ugly nobody even wants to look at you.
Incompetence is the greatest disguise.
We got a nice proof here
Dorothy is the designated dork in this show.
I'd pork that dork.
Just watch the first episode how come the defector guy doesn't shoot? This show seems a but confusing with all the lies.
>turns out the only reason Beatrice became Princess's friend is because the latter just wants someone weaker to abuse at all times
Also why is the princess on the wrong side?
She's on Ange's side. That's all she wants.
In the OP, what are Beatrice and Dorothy's flowers supposed to be?
Did this completely 100% non-counterfeit Princess become anyone's favorite character with this episode?
I think the current theory is that the first chamber was empty for safety and he's no good with guns so he fell for Ange's lie that all of them were.
He failed his sense motive check.
He made the crucial mistake of believing what Ange said or realized there was no way out for him even if he shot Ange.
Who is this classy looking gentleman?
If that post a couple of threads back was right then Beatrice gets her own episode next week.
You'd think Dorothy would be the actual protag but she just ends up being the pouty onee-chan who has to be backed up by Ange to succeed.
No one of consequence.
Dorothy gets her own side kick soon enough. They'll even lie to each other, too.
Is this show the Flip Flappers of Joker Game?
No, it's the Code Geass of Gravity Rush.
>tfw we won't see folded japanese steel loli again for 4 more episodes
Dimension W meets Milky Holmes.
>counterfeit Princess
>Believeing in user's lie
You're suck at this game user.
She was my favorite already.
...with benefits?
These gals are corrupt! Corrupt!
Do spies really spend the majority of their time explaining to each other and other civilians that they are spies?
whats up with these threads?
Is this the new fun/bad thing to watch with Sup Forums like Valvrave was or is it actually good?
Source: I'm a spy.
Personally, i am kinda enjoying it, but i guess it depends on who you ask.
Episode 1 is fun.
Episode 2 is good.
This series has a trainwreck potential.
That's all your need to know.
It's actually good, so far at least. It could go Valvrave tier at any time.
It's kind of a string of incomprehensible nonsense. I wouldn't understand half of it without these threads.
Do you think she trims, shaves, or just lets it grow?
I'm thinking a nice blonde trim.
Proper hime cut, I'd say.
No, Princess is going to kill them all.
That wound still hasn't healed.
>It could go Valvrave tier at any time.
Here's how Beatrice's episode probably goes down:
In the aftermath of Case 1, Normandy is suspicious of Princess and/or her new associates, but it would be impolitic for him to move against her directly, so Beatrice is pressured to tattle on them "for the good of the country". She's not sure what to do and at some point she gets the perfect opportunity to get rid of Ange while exonerating Princess, but remembers some interaction earlier in the episode that makes her think Ange's not all bad after all and feeds back false information, leading to her becoming a full-fledged member of the group. The denoument reveals that Ange set up the opportunity in the first place in order to recruit her.
they sure talk about being spies in public spaces a lot
They know it's safe since someone will hear them only when the plot demands it.
Find a flaw.
This loli is very troubled
Is probably just a combat-monkey with the least engaging character and story of the cast.