The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you


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Welp. Looks like USA is invading Iran.

there is no other nation on earth that can get away with as much shit as israel.

petrodollar restoration status
[ ] not on theway
[X] on the way

It was Syrian airspace and they always lie.

We've been due for a good ol' romp in the desert. A real one, not like that amateur bullshit in Libya.

trump will not answer the call


>We've been due for a good ol' romp in the desert.
Weve been romping in the desert almost nonstop since the fucking 1980s

>how dare you strike back goyim?

Hopefully this. He's been saying since before the election "America first", so he/we need to let them sort their own shit out

Start the video at 5:44
>An ally can turn, you're gonna find that out.

Yeah. Israel and the U.S. have been violating the sovereignty of nations for years. Hypocrite's.

Time to remove the merchants once and for all. Make earth great again

Trump wants that pallet of cash back.

Why didn't China send jets over to bomb the USA when they captured one of Americas drone subs in Chinese waters ? What makes Israel so special they need to retaliate in such a way ? Why not just capture drone and see what it 'does' ? GTKRWN

Israel is blood thirsty


>Ah yes, let us die again for the jews
>Better get those non-rothschild bank having bastards blown out

Israel definitely overreacts, many times to criminal amounts.

I guess they feel that they can because of the US.




>tfw no Raegan

>Pilot safe
Sounds like kike false flag

What if shit goes south quick?

God the israelis make me angry. There is something so supremely evil to continue to attack a nation they had fought so hard to defeat ISIS.
ISIS the same group you funded and trained and said so on record. I hate israelis more than liberal white genocide jews.

>Most unsatisfying webm of the year
Also, what the fuck are you smoking? We have been fucking around in the desert non-stop my entire life.

Then Israel stops existing and we have peace in the middle east.

I'm sure this isn't totally a false flag involving a hacked drone.

>violate another man's airspace
>get bombed
>cry about how you dindu nuffin
Do hajis have any capability for rational thought?

This whole story is glowing so bright.


Not about oil and never was. It's about land that was part of the Jews' imaginary ancient empire and that God told them belonged to them.

>deep inside Syrian borders
>Isr*eli airspace
>stop shooting at our military invading and bombing your country

oh, this old thing?
but imo they do need somewhere to stay, all of them have to go there though

What are your proofs regarding the "greater Israel" plan ? I need to know.


David's Empire (which is a fiction) supposedly ran from the Nile to the Euphrates. Jews believe they are destined to re-establish it, hence the land grabs.

we need more arabs to oppress, palestinians are not fun anymore

Do you have any quotes about this, from people or Israeli media outlets / politicians ?

arabmutt detected, wheres your proff for that?

There are less than a dozen nations on earth that aren't Israel's bitch.

>Jews attacking drones inside Syrian airspace is compareable to China capturing a drone inside Chinese waters

>retaliate against drones opperating inside Syria against Jewish backed terrorists destablizing Syria

>why does a "country" full of Jews cry victim while attacking amd trying to destroy some other country
>a great mystery

Nice try JIDF


It is an old mans war in Israel. The US is only in it for oil though.

which is odd considering they're not related to David in any way. Christ was of the line of David, and they killed him. they're pretenders

pls no

so when do we take back our rightful clay?


Regarding the webm, does it hit the car?

6.5 million jews there, and 6 million in the us (90% of the global total between the two) and yet they have so much fucking influence

he also fawned over AIPAC like every other predisidential candidate since the 50s and talked glowingly about "beautiful jewish baby" ivanka was having

They have a strong in group preference, and are willing to help other kikes, they're not that bright, but they are very cooperative with each other, and that makes all the difference!

whats the best way to paste links on Sup Forums
youre asking for miracles

The full version is even less satisfying...

Amazing how they get away with illogical behavior like that. All because the West supports them blindly.

those who dont are full of rage all of the time and the rest of the country is like "pshh whatever" but those are the same people who admit they dont understand whats going on they are just not racist

>pilots safe
f16 only has one pilot?