Why is this guy such a shit debater? I want to like him and vote for him but he keeps fucking up...

Why is this guy such a shit debater? I want to like him and vote for him but he keeps fucking up. He was terrible against Halsema and he sucked the entire time yesterday at the party leaders debate.

Also Neder/pol/ I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:


I think that he is starting to get crazy/resentful. He is continuously being asked the same questions about racism, sexism (insert other -ism) over and over again and nobody listens to his answers. Instead the very same people will ask the very same questions again in the very next week. It's all part of the framing and it's very frustrating to deal with it. No matter what you say, everyone will keep talking about you as if you were a racist. Just try to imagine that: You come with good intentions and the whole world turns against you with nothing more than empty ad hominem attacks and yet the media (which is definitely part of the establishment) is spreading it all as if it's the undeniable truth. What we saw last night was Thierry his breaking point. I can't see him keeping this all up until the provincial elections, assuming that some Volkert vd G. hasn't pumped him full of lead before that.

Solid analysis. So you think he'll have full meltdown sometime next year or what? Do you believe Ollongren et al are knowingly trying to get him Fortuyn'd or do they not see the potential impact of their words?

Geen gekanker, Nederland moet blanker

He really should take a break for a week or something.

Was it really shit? I see it this way, Buma and Pechtold were playing the game on easy mode, Klaver, Marijnissen, Asscher and the turk were playing it on very easy (feels, identity politics, more gibs to everything, Keynesianism etc.) while Baudet was on very hard difficulty, pretty much 1v5'ing with only Buma not bothering with ad hominem attacks. It's really tough to fight your way through that, especially when every speaker has only 10 seconds to talk before you have to shut up.

Also, would one argue that Trump is a good debater? Sure, he has snarky one-liners (Hillary to prison, Jeb's a mess etc.) but he did 'lose' most debates yet won the election.

FvD is in a crisis atm, but that will come to an end eventually. Thierry needs to do some yoga and try to keep calm, because every time they try to frame him, he can prove them wrong and make them look like fools.

He may have some form of autism desu. (I have it myself.)

can i get a link to the interview?

Here is a fragment

Its so fucking disgusting when a politician with some good ideas and knowledge shows up and the next few months leftists start looking for any sort of thing they can frame as sexism/racism/etc

Only a small thing has to happen and they all seem to go "HA! Weve got him" and then the media and debates are full of MUH RACISM

>Take a break
They will try pushing the "he never shows up hur dur" bullshit.

He's wrong at the fundamentals; more democracy means more immigration; more shitty parents; more communism.

It might be tactical to have direct-democracy in the case of the EUSSR, but on the whole democracy will increase bluehaired feminism and immigrant votes. People don't understand culture, and won't stand for it.

Democracy sounds nice, but Thierry doesn't understand the nature of actual politics.

So what do you guys think you're gonna do when Thierry breaks down/ get's fortuyn'd? Emigrate?

Yeah, emigrate to Latvia

Gonna take some lavendel

>all these toothpastes

Always those fucking rats trying to squeeze their opponents into the "racist"-corner time and time again

Pechtold get rekt

For those that haven't watched it or don't feel like going over a 130 minute debate, a summary:

They were definitely ganging up on him but IMO he failed to make the point that comparing statistics isn't racism and that there is no inherent genetic argument in saying that at this time the IQ of the average Senegalese population is lower than that of the average Chinese population. He may have mouthed the words once but he didn't get it across. He also should have dialed WAY back on the 'muh demonization' and although at least he's honest I doubt it was a good move to go full frontal against Global Warming and the Paris Accord. I may be wrong on that last one though.

Also he felt evasive on many issues. When you only have 30 seconds on a topic it looks bad to spend half your time saying you acknowledge the complexity of the problem and that you propose a multitude of solutions and only 10 seconds on what those solutions actually are.

I think Trump may be the greatest debater we've seen in a long time. Sure he'd lose a classical 1v1 against Ted Cruz any day but he knew exactly what was important at every stage of the campaign and nailed it each time.

You wouldn't know what toothpaste is anyway

Pechtold is all like
>In the name of Allah, you racist
>I have quotes
>He proceeds to not show us those quotes

>all these toothpastes

go away Achmed, we're trying to this thread white

>we're trying to this thread white
meanwhile seems like you're not trying to english hard enough

What are all the languages you know? Angelsaksische hond.

Stop derailing the thread Rakesh and Mohammad

name me one relevant country that speaks dutch besides toothpaste land

Nice divide & conquer. Go away shill.

o i am laffin

I'm hoping the party will attract some more experienced politicians to join them. I'm not a big fan of Bidet myself.

Fact: the Dutch are the most powerful race in the world.

I'm thinking about Ireland, Denmark, Austria, Spain or Italy. I do not plan on being like the gastarbeiters who move somewhere and 30 years to learn a new language

frenchman needs to gtfo

Just fuck off, homo. People are trying to have a serious discussion.

>Ignoring that french hugenoten played a part in creating our golden age

you should be thanking me, i'm bumping your thread

I agree Vichy France was great

They had the two Ex-VVD guys but their membership was terminated.

Do you think there is truth to the allegations of FvD being completely undemocratic? Their no. 3 Susan Theunissen also left the party for that reason
>Inb4 'LPF-esque situations at FvD' in the next NRC headline

I am anti-democratic

ik vind bodet is eg racistisch wat hij allemaal zegt over africanen kan egt niet.


>Do you think there is truth to the allegations of FvD being completely undemocratic?
Hopefully. Why do you think the PVV doesn't have any members? Because if they did, the party would be infiltrated and run into the ground.
It's a good thing those ex-VVD guys got BTFO before they could do any serious damage.

Yeah probably. Bidet is trying to build the party. They just started and it's his party so I can imagine he isn't too keen on views that go directly against his, currently.

Personally, I don't think the party will last long.

Nice OP, I was wondering this myself. The lavender man is obviously a smart guy but he can't into rhetoric very well, losing debates in the process. He needs a clinic from his consigliere based Theo.
Sort yourself out Thierry!!!!


It was honestly expected that he was going to ganged up with all the recent drama and him being the only right-wing party around.
However the debate from yesterday made me lost all hope for the party.

Yeah. It's unfortunately Bidet who's the problem.

yes but wat's the sollution? Thierry seems to be the most redpilled one in the party. Hiddema is cool, but old. Going to Wilders obviously isn't an option.

*what is.
caught myself there

Baudet is the best option right now. I hope he may grow into the role.

>Thierry needs to do some yoga and try to keep calm
Nah nigga he needs to sniff some lavender®

The way I see it the other "politicians" weren't attempting to have a debate in the first place. They were simply there to pull the Fortuyn trick again and level accusations at him with no basis. Just shout it till people believe it. They'd stacked the audience with clapping seals who simply hate him, too, and just clap at every insult.

Their hypocrisy is astounding. Pechtold has committed fraud THIS YEAR. Klaver was the chairman of an organization where someone was building a bomb, making him directly responsible for attempted terrorism. These two are criminals, yet they act all indignant about a comment that Yernaz supposedly made, but probably didn't. I mean, none of them ever directly quoted it, or referred to the source. I can only assume they're lying or embelleshing. They only use emotionally charged, accusatory language.

And what do they think they'll gain? That I'll not vote for Baudet or Wilders because they come off poorly in debates where they're being ganged up on? That I really give two fucks about accusations of racism from people who are, themselves, racist against whites, or at the least don't object to racism against whites? I lost faith in established politics with the murder of Fortuyn. Now I see the same shit again. I'd vote for a talking turd, as long as it weren't an establishment candidate. And that seems to really baffle them. That they do all the tricks that get them good points in their rarified, privileged atmospheres, and that people like us still think they are less than nothing for it.

There's only one way to ingratiate me: Total reform of immigration. By which I mean no more mass immigration, no more islamic immigration, no more African immigration. It seems ridiculous to say that a people are not allowed to object to being ethnically replaced with such fervour as we are. And frankly, I'd kill for the right to determine my own fate. Every time these anti-Western commies open their mouths, I wish a bullet would fly in.

I think it's a ridiculous complaint. A typical example of enemies trying to dictate how you should follow your own ideals. And it's especially rich coming from these D66 cucks, who have dropped all their pretense at wanting to increase democracy. The fuck do they care?

And why should this two-man party that has to grow quickly have to play by the same rules as established parties with massive power structures designed to keep up and comers in the lower ranks for years, or even decades? It's not the same situation. And it's not like these established parties are democratic in any way. Sure, they have votes, but they're all front-loaded to receive the results desired by the leadership. For instance, they vote on issues as "packages", where you cast one vote for a set of decisions. One in my city was building a mosque, which was unpopular with the more down to Earth PvdA members. So they chucked the mosque in with issues those members had been fighting for years to realize. So these people who were against the mosque took the hit in order to get the issues they really wanted through.

That's democracy according to established parties. A gerrymandered system no-one ever hears about. And it shows why Western democracy is failing: It's primarily an excuse for leaders to pretend that the decisions they make were fairly vetted by the population, even when they weren't. They use their representative parliament to dodge any responsibility for their actions.

No idea. It was an interesting project, but his inexperience could well mean the end of the party. And it's not like he built up a lot. The party exists for a year now and someone with similar views is free to start a new party. As for now, there isn't a real alternative. You vote either PVV or FvD and I personally never liked Bidet, so I voted PVV last time as well.

A speaker of truth has no friends.

Ik vin helemaal mooi

>you have to go back

Laten we wetenschap verbieden.


PROF. PAUL CLITEUR – FvD-racismediscussie: Artikel 1 Grondwet geeft ons geen beschrijving van werkelijkheid


Artikel 1 is bedacht door Marcus Bakker, een smerige communist die meerdere genocides ondersteunde. Het is daarom ook bewust vaag gemaakt, ongetwijfeld zodat communisten zichzelf eronder konden scharen maar hun vijanden er buiten konden laten vallen.

Als het aan mij ligt wordt elke erfenis van het communisme met wortel en tak uitgeroeid in dit land, en in Europa.


Hij moet wat vaker op Sup Forums vertoeven. Misschien dat hij kan leren wat trollen is en niet altijd achter het aas aan moet gaan. Links is goed in trollen en rechts hapt maar al te graag toe.

>Sup Forums verhoeven

I couldn't have said it any better myself user. These leftist scumbags are the ultimate dindu's. They are lying, decieving and using all year round. And then act like they are the good guys. Discusting

Baudet is not the problem, it's the kartelpartijen uniting against him. The best way to deal with that is voting FvD, or is there another rightwing party running?

muh 97% of science supports climate change. Totally not true Jesse cuck. Baudet should have expected this.

40 lokale PvdA-afdelingen onder andere naam op kieslijst


>linkse mensen zijn de nieuwe nazis xdddddD

Misschien moet je eens nadenken hoe onze toekomst eruit zou zien onder het nationaalsocialime.

So when are we going to volkert Pechtold guys? xDDDDD

>smash cultural marxism

Get rekt kike.

Hoi Volkskrant

>labor party name too toxic even for lefties
O I am laffin

NRC: Is er een verband tussen intelligentie en kleur, afkomst of 'ras'? Nee, zeggen experts.

>Verband tussen intelligentie en ras
>DUS genetisch
Kanker NRC. Dit is precies waar het mis gaat.

>*Teleports behind you*
>"Heh, nothing personnel, kid."

I remember that idiot saying he would leave politics if his shit party wouldn't be part of the cabinet. I don't remember what TV show it was, but he did say it.

Nee ik haat gewoon rechtse mensen die dan, ondanks de complete ontaarding van cultuur, en de omvolking, toch zeggen dat nazis erger zijn. Ik vraag het me echt af, wat willen jullie dan wel? Want in mij ogen is er geen tussenoptie in deze geglobaliseerde wereld. youtube.com/watch?v=x18ED3lpbsE

Interesting read.

>Nee, zeggen experts (die niet hun baan willen verliezen, red.)

Wetenschappers(politiek correct): een genetische oorzaak van deze verschillen is niet bewezen. we weten het niet.

NRC/D66/Klaver: "Wetenschappers zeggen dat er Géén genetische oorzaak is. Het is absoluut uitgesloten."

Maar dat is onzin. Dat verband is er wel. De vraag is waarom. Maarja, de NRC kan zich net zo goed meteen de Pravda noemen. Wat een Marxistisch vod is die kutkrant.

Al begin ik steeds meer twijfels bij het gelijkheidsverhaal te zetten. Het is inmiddels lang en breed bewezen dat IQ overerfbaar is, wat het dus ook mogelijk maakt om populaties te hebben waar het IQ dankzij een genetische basis lager is. Dat de IQ-score zelf geen perfect meetmiddel is accepteer ik ook wel. Het is bijvoorbeeld best vreemd te noemen dat de San het laagst op de hele planeet scoren, terwijl dat een vreedzaam volk is dat in de Kalahari woont omdat moorddadige stammen ze van hun oorspronkelijke grondgebied hebben getrapt.

Dit is gewoon hoe een totalitaire ideologie werkt: Vragen staat NIET vrij, en überhaupt interesse in een bepaald onderwerp hebben wordt al gezien als crimineel. Maar niet universeel, natuurlijk. Terreur bouw je op met onvoorspelbaarheid, en het recht arbitrair uitvoeren is daar perfect voor. Dus "racisme" is verboden, maar wat racisme is? Ja, dat verschilt per zaak. Kan zomaar zijn dat je alle blanke mensen wil uitroeien, dat telt dan niet. Grapje over negers of Facebook? Dat dan weer wel. Zo kan je er geen maat op nemen, en worden mensen gedwongen om altijd op hun woorden te letten. En dat is precies wat totalitaire zakkenwassers willen afdwingen. Gedachtenpolitie is immers veel makkelijker wanneer je het mensen zelf laat doen.

>I personally never liked Bidet, so I voted PVV last time as well.
>Being this retarded.

don't bully our aryan brethren

Zou het mogelijk zijn voor een particulier, om juridisch iets te beginnen tegen NRC ??

Dit slaat echt alles!

Dat is niet eens het punt.
>bepaalde socio-economische factoren zoals armoede en onderwijs hebben invloed op het IQ van groepen (aantoonbaar)
>bepaalde etnische groepen zijn socio-economisch achtergesteld in Nederland (aantoonbaar)
>DUS er is een verband (niet per se een causaal verband) tussen ras en IQ
Genen komen in de hele redenering niet voor. Dat heeft GLD66 er zelf bij verzonnen.

Blikje in de water

Ongetwijfeld. Of je er ook maar een stap mee verder komt is echter de vraag. De rest van de Marxistische media zullen meteen in je nek springen met beschuldigingen van racisme, en de Marxistische rechters van dit land zullen de zaak in het voordeel van de NRC beslechten, zoals ze ook doen met linkse of door links geminde criminelen.

Dit land is corrupt. Het feit dat de theoretisch onafhankelijke media allemaal onder één hoedje spelen met de gevestigde orde is daar het resultaat van.

He is not necessarily a shit debater but he does need to regain his cool. Being smug and condescending works best against druiloren such as klaver and pechtold

I don't need a Belgian telling me who to vote for, but thanks.

FvD is memes.

We need a Volkspartij and a Volksstaat.

Well yes, that was obviously what went wrong yesterday. Nobody here thinks those faggots are smarter than him. He lacks experience though.

It's /polder/


Really sad to hear. He seems like one of the very brightest European politicians there is today.

Sound to me like he could learn a lot from the Peterson Channel 4 interview.

To be fair Baudet is in a hard situation. Most people will simply dismiss the idea of there being racial IQ differences. That makes it difficult to even get them to listen. Basically it's a version of the Emperor who had no clothes on

>more democracy means more immigration
Not necessarily (pic related)

Overigens was er bij Dit is de dag een interessante discussie over afkomst en IQ.

He'll have a period where he's absent a bit, and contemplates reality.
When this journey started, he went in naive. Didn't expect they'd pull a Fortuyn so soon
Now with all the legitimately remarked demonisation, the relentless ad hominems and the fact that every single party is doing the exact same thing as they did 17 years ago, he sees the hitman coming.

Either he'll get used to it, or he overcomes it with tremendous, noticeable force.

Hahahaha noice.

Wierd Duk had a good monologue on it as well.

De nazi's waren niet rechts maat. Als je zo graag natsoc gelul wilt stem dan D66. Lijkt er het meest op.

Why aren't you guys voting for Geert WIlders? This guy is too far-right(red pilled) for the average zombie. He can't win and how is he better than Geert?

>I can't see him keeping this all up until the provincial elections, assuming that some Volkert vd G. hasn't pumped him full of lead before that.
He's nowhere near the level of Fortuyn in terms of popularity though is he?