Is Mari Kurihara the sexiest woman in manga history?

Is Mari Kurihara the sexiest woman in manga history?

Quite possibly, yes. Definitely the sexiest woman rapist in manga history.

It was an act consented to by both parties.
The fact she had a secondary goal doens't make it any less so.

Under false pretenses. That's rape in a legal sense.

She made Kate believe they were alone and in the safety of privacy to coerce into agreeing to sex. I wouldn't call her a rapist, but there was dubious consent there.

Why the author brings us Mari after a long period waiting
To make Mari disappear in the next chapter (he's an asshole)
Even if he gave us beautiful picture of Mari It is not enough for us
Otherwise I see well Kiyoshi get hit by truck-kun and lose his memory
Japan likes trucks

She would be if her personality wasn't absolute shit

My wife Mari is very cute!

Your face is absolutely shit.

Good one

Are Marifags the new Hanafags being absolutely obnoxious about their shit waifu?

When Hana appears, Hanafags crawl out until she gets BTFO again. Same goes for Marifags.

I just want next chapter to be a race between Kate and Meiko to be the first to reach Mari.


>When Hana appears, Hanafags crawl out until she gets BTFO again. Same goes for Marifags.
>Mari gets BTFO

Things that NEVER happened.



oh yeah, can't get BTFO if she is not even in the Kiyoshibowl right?

This, and if you're a yurifag, she's not even lesbian. Can't get BTFO on either front because she's not even in the running to begin with.

Her hentai is garbage, so no.

Kiwako from Deadman Wonderland is.

I can at least stand Hanafags and their shipping faggotry, since her whole character does revolve around Kiyoshi and her feelings for him.

Marifags on the other hand keep pushing their waifu as though pairing her with Kiyoshi is not crack.

t. chiyofag

This. just fap to the manga desu

Interesting. To me, they're both equally shit but in different ways. Neither of those two have a chance, but Hana has a slightly better chance, though I'd pick Mari if I had to choose because Hana is far shittier. As for the shipperfags, it's really quantity vs quality. The worst Marifags shitpost more frequently. The worst Hanafags don't do it as much but when they do after getting BTFO, it's more epic.

Typical shipperfag logic, you can't just read the manga without being on a ship

>Marifags on the other hand keep pushing their waifu as though pairing her with Kiyoshi is not crack.

No one is pushing it but their time together was the highest quality in the manga and basically a peak of it.



>highest quality in the manga and basically a peak of it

>jealous other-girl-fag

That Fei doujin was amazing.

Im good at spotting what girl is gonna win. I did it in all the mangas and animes .
Hana is my choice.
Just because she is most like a real girl than Chiyo.

>Hana being more realistic than Chiyo
If you really mean that, your life must be a hell of a ride.
Postan for my fellow comrades.

That aside,
>real girl
Right, because real girls beat me and pee on me all the time

I love Risa!

Please answer my questions fellow supporter of Risa.
>Did she and Andre have sex ?
>Does it make them a confirmed couple ?
>What brand is her motorcycle ?

>I just want next chapter to be a race between Kate and Meiko to be the first to reach Mari.
Kate boards the plane and the plane starts before them can go out, we get a steamy fuck scene in plane toilet...

God that would be good.


>No clue.

Rape is the worst thing ever.
Poor Mari having the male trying to kiss her without any kind of consent.

I want to be leglocked by her

>Did she and Andre have sex ?
Of course not, she is completely pure.
>Does it make them a confirmed couple?
Andre literally rejected Risa last chapter so no
>What brand is her motorcycle ?
wish i knew

I feel like you guys aren't totally objective. I'm really not sure about it, since it shouldn't have been ignored if it really happened. But still...

Hiramoto has never been shy to show that sort of thing (see Mari + Kate and Chairman + honey) if Risa nd Andre actually had fucked before, he would've shown it.


>Andre understand how much sub Risa is, go full vanilla on her and then sex poor thing senseless.

I'm not even saying that cause I think she's ugly. Hell she's one of those girls I'd fuck lovingly and have kids with despite her bitch natures because I find her attractive
But she is not the most attractive woman in manga history

That's actually a good point. Maybe I suspected too much.
Is there a way to actually ask Hiramoto ? And tell him he's based btw.
Forgot how huge Andre became. Though I prefer the Andrenomics version.

Ugh, the cavarly battle arc really was far too bizarre in an unnapealing way, what were they thinking?

Don't worry user, if they do end up having sex in the future I'm positive Hiramoto will dedicate it the screen time it deserves.

meant for though I agree with OP's hyperbole is why Marifags annoy so much.

Understood. Have some motorcycle then.


It was completely rape, it only happened in order to manipulate and blackmail her.

Shinai Fugly

no u

She has the best sex scene in manga history.

>That fountain of sweat, which is only matched by the fountain that came out of dick from that scene.

Truly one of the greatest panels in the history of mango.