Red pill me on depression and suicide why it raised so much among youth now days and who's behind this

Red pill me on depression and suicide why it raised so much among youth now days and who's behind this.

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Im convinced it’s underlying cause is lack of proper exercise and nutrition. But obviouslyliving under a soft tyrannical state slowly begining to genocide your people and culture while bullying and hectoring you as evil oppressors at the same time combined with drastically reduced economic opportunities and the resulting fragmented chaotic social order and quiet cultural upheaval might also have something to do with it.

it's a mene rut you dig yourself into by overthinking this and visiting this place

death is a myth. suicide is for people who were raised poorly, same goes for depression.

not your fault only stupid people breed. welcome to forever and ever and ever :)

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

more people waking up to reality?


Society is collectively in the shitter but you also have lots of young people being told contradicting information. A hefty amount of young women are thots and smart men realize the west is currently going down the shitter hard. You dont have to be a genius to realize the west is pretty gay compared to the 80's or 90's. Hell even the early to mid 2000's had a better sunshiney and ibtellectual attitude about everything now its all nilhism and seeing who can be the saddest dumbshit in the room.

I think technology has allowed people to live their life without real human interaction and without proper exercise. Also, smoking weed everyday will cause depression too. I used to smoke every day and it’s terrible for you psyche. People think that it’s harmless and it is in moderation but people think because it’s not as bad as other drugs that it doesn’t have negative consequences if done in excess. If you are smoking weed everyday, stop and keep it just to the weekends. Also, do cardio and lift weights, it’s like being on organic and healthy drugs all the time with no negative side effects. Also, don’t eat fast food or any other bullshit. You don’t realize how shitty that stuff makes you feel until you start eating healthy. After you start eating healthy, if you go eat fast food you will see how shitty it makes you feel.

To recap, keep drugs to weekends only, start doing cardio and working out. Eat healthy. If you still feel depressed after about a month of that stuff, then see a doctor, you might have real depression unlike 80% who have self imposed depression. Also, try to communicate with real friends that you genuinely like and can make you laugh. My friends me so happy but I don’t see them as much anymore. I feel really lucky to have 4 best friends that are basically family.


The body adapts and restructures itself to better perform tasks it does frequently. Playing the guitar builds callouses, walking becomes second nature, and the nest way to memorize facts is to repeat them.

Depression works the same way. Keep telling yourself you're a piece of shit and eventually it becomes your defauly setting and starts to take active effort to do anything else.

Now with the oppression olympics in full swing society promotes learned helplessness. People are actively encouraged to indulge in their feelings of impotence. And lefist politics keep telling everyone to expect others to fix their shit for them.

No God
No Family
No Morals
No Creativity
No Ambitions
No Self-love
No Perspective

Check the usage of Instagram or Twitter by folks with nooses around their neck and I think you’ll start putting two and two together

>why it raised so much among youth now days
Overall nihilism as well as self-diagnosing Tumblr crowd making actual mental problems lose any substantial meaning.
>"I tried this test on anlinedactar.fug and it told me I have depression, ADHD and belong to the autism spectrum. I feel so specul feel bad for me"
>"Woah so brave u go gurl


As a depressed 18 year old - social media.

Majority of "depressed" people aren't depressed and don't understand that most people will have small periods of intense low mood that will resolve itself naturally. They're told that happiness is all that matters, they deserve happiness (biggest tumour in our modern mentality) and that hardship isn't a natural state of humanity. I have an actual diagnosis of type 1 Bipolar disorder and I've been sectioned for psychosis yet it has only made me a strong person who actually has character, I blamed God, genetics and everything else until I realised only I can get better.

I wanna live in those times but not really. Faint memory of past lives.

1 = mood

2 = objective assessment

u massive nigger kek



I wouldn't say hardship is the natural state of humanity but actually doing something productive is. Humans evolved to be basically working all day long to gather resources and if you're not doing that your brain is telling you you're probably going to fucking die. And this is compounded by modern people not only not doing anything that's tangentially productive to gathering resources but isn't productive in any way. All they do is sit about fucking about online without ever doing anything else and then wonder why they feel like shit. This is literally a healthy normal reaction and you'd be abnormal and unhealthy if you were fine with it.

>biggest tumor

Naw.... there are bigger much worse cancers out there: feminism, transgenderism, atheism, liberalism... much, much worse than depression.

I dont get how people do this shit. If i was at my worst i would take a 15-20k loan, go travel the world, fuck hot ass czech hookers, do some bucket list type shit, then come back and file bankruptcy, and continue on in life.

It's because people sense, even if they cannot explicitly state it, that their lives have no meaning. There is no motivation to be anything, because there is nothing to work towards. It is a demoralisation tactic to keep people sedentary.

The meaning that does exist for all of us is either obscured or channelled through hedonistic pursuits so that it can be tainted. People want to control you. Why would they allow you to be self-possessed person?

Many things. One of the biggest ones being divorce. It literally has the same effect upon kids as one of the parents just straight up dying. The rate of children with ADHD, depression, schizophrenia etc etc are on average 200% greater among divorced couples compared to still married ones.

But you know, we can't sacrafice any female happiness for the mental health of children.

>then come back and file bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is not as 'safe' as it was roughly a decade ago, just saying.

>Im convinced it’s underlying cause is lack of proper exercise and nutrition.
I am too, I noticed this on myself. I feel much better overall, since I have been working out and eating a little bit better and my workout routine isn't even that hard or my diet specially strict or something, it still did wonders to my mind and body. I can only recommend everyone, regardless if they are depressed or not, to at least try out a regular workout for 3 - 4 months, I can't promise it will help, but it will improve the life of the vast majority of people who try this and you will want to stick with it. There is something deeply instinctual satisfying about using your body and it saddens me to see so many fatasses in real life, because they don't know what they miss and what they do to themselves. Growing stronger feels very völkisch.

Sometime in the past, i'm thinking 1600 to 1800's France?

Muslim lands before that... what?

Before that i can't tell. The familiarity is not really there, but Ancient Greece seems "nice" and worth a visit. If i had a time machine, which i don't.

Don't mind me, i'm just crazy

>who's behind this?
There is only one right answer to this question and you know it.

What do you mean? If i did that plan, having a bankruptcy wouldnt affect anything, well at least for me. Nvm youre right. Im a home owner so if i pulled out, it would affect me differently
This video pretty much explains it all, watch it and look at yourself for a moment. Reflect, write down what's wrong in your life, might be to lift or to write a book or run a marathon just write it down. Go through them one by one until you feel satisfied, fix yourself and then fix what's around you. Godbless.

I meant the idea that we deserve happiness for nothing is cancerous to people as the expectation of something for nothing is already destroying masculinity in the west as it's drilled into children from a young age. The idea that you have value for merely existing is the seed of liberalism and those other things you mentioned bloom from.

I was unclear I guess, I said a natural state not the only one, I agree about the demoralisation culture that has been implemented though.


This is true.

Do vast quantities of meth.

You sound depressed. Thinking those things are worse just shows you are mearly playing im the mans game. Liberals and Republicans are a lot more alike than different but the powers that be want you to believe that, because humans have a different opinion on matters that are really inconsequential in daily life, that you are basically a different species. Majority of the time if you got two people together, their political beliefs would be quite irrelevant as to if they were to get along. None of my friends are my friends because of their political leanings. Don’t let the powers at be divide and conquer you..

There's nothing to look forward to except the impending collapse.
That has sort of changed with Trump, but between then and a possibly nice future is a very small tightrope and a bottomless abyss of despair.

bump desu senpai f am

satan has given himself to take every soul he can to hell with him,human "elites" have been sold out to him believing some satanic "live multiple lives" religion and they just control everyone under them in their words "like cattle" make everyone worship dick and not the true God so you are never happy.

Get right boy


Fuck off, boomer. The penis thing has been Japanese culture for a much longer time than you.
>bullshit random youtuber and template image with fucking impact font
You're a joke. Kill yourself.

The only damn thing you're right about is getting right with God.

But people don't get proper exercise and nutrition because they aren't motivated, so the lack of a proper civilization is the cause.