I thought Yu Yu Hakusho was supposed to be good? I just finished the Saint Beasts saga and it's actually becoming grating to watch. Does it get better?
I thought Yu Yu Hakusho was supposed to be good...
It's just people's nostalgia goggles. It's honestly pretty boring.
I thought the first arc was the best personally. It's all downhill from there. The Dark Tournament's resolution is the part where it really becomes just plain bad. If you don't like it now you probably won't enjoy the rest of it.
Sup Forums is just full of Togashi dickriders who will defend him no matter what shit he writes
Don't worry, I understand. New anime fans have an incurable disease that makes them blind to great adventures. It's quite sad actually, that there are people who will never know great shounen anime just as it's sad deaf people can never know great music. You have my pity.
O MY DEMON BLOODLINE rouins it so stop while you're ahead.
>great shounen anime
Back then, people had something called a sense of adventure. I know it's hard for those of the modern mundane world to grasp but there once existed magic that gave us beautiful experiences.
All their fapping to rape, NTR and shit tier waifus caused their brain to dull away, that's why.
Its not a masterpiece and is definitely a product of its time but I think its decent enough. Also fuck what people say Chapter Black was amazing until O MY DEMON BLOOD.
It does get better, but if you don't like it by now then the Dark Tournament won't change your mind.
you've gotta be like 24 at most
It's good up until the 3 Kings/Demon tournament arc.
Even the Chapter Black arc kinda dragged on a bit and was a bit silly at times (hurr I have 6 personalities oh and also I have a year left to live)
Well at least I'm not boring.
I really like Yusuke. Tough guy with a heart of gold? Sign me up. I love how in the mango he saves the world by pressing a button that was Keiko's favorite color.
>literally on the brink of watching the Dark Tournament, one of the best tournament arcs in shonen
If you don't like it by then, then I suggest you drop it because it doesn't get any better from there
It doesnt. I hated it. Forced myself to watch until episode 79 but then stopped.
I've got a sense of adventure but so far there hasn't been any real tension. Power is arbitrary, Yusuke powers up through emotion which is a garbage cop-out and all fights are drawn-out with explanations of what amount to fighter mechanics when it's really quite clear what's happening without it.
The first 6 episodes are amazing. And then up to epsiode 13 is pretty good.
Everything after really dropped off though.
The whole concept of some corporation trying to open a door to the demon dimension where "shopping mall sized, unbeatable, S-rank mega demons" were wandering about was really cool. Ashame they never went anywhere with it.
fuck i was literally just about to pick this up. whats wrong with it?
It's really not that bad, it's like a 6 or a 7. It hasn't aged particularly well but otherwise is fine.
if you havent even started by now, dont bother. It's too old for you.
I'm sure it wont be brightly colored and shiny enough for you
its fucking fantastic m8, don't listen to the retards on here that hate fun
yusuke is one of the best mc's period
It's one of my favorite anime, that being said the tournament arcs are ridiculous.
try to dig up YYH Abridged instead
It's true Yusuke gets stronger along with his emotions but that's not why he wins most of his fights. Also, I'd say if there's a series that does emotional power ups good, it's this one. We're made clear the psychological reason and his power being so dependent on his emotion is actually a lot more trouble for him.
And about explaining the mechanics, they need to do that because the fights in Yu Yu Hakusho are a lot about mechanics and they need the audience to follow along to know the characters didn't win via asspulls. Now I admit, asspulls do occasionally happen but there are enough well thought out fights that easily make up for it.
People who pretend not to have seen something just to shitpost about it are my favorite posters
>It does get better, but if you don't like it by now then the Dark Tournament won't change your mind.
But I did only start liking it when Toguro appeared. Saint Beasts arc was generic and bland.
Watch if you have a sense of adventure. Don't watch if you're just a boring moefag who hates shounen.
Just 3 things that bothered me, and 2 of them have already been mentioned a lot
>Chapter black's end
>Demon world tournament
>Togura is the strongest demon ever! Except he's actually just a borderline A- demon and those are a dime a dozen in the demon world
Wasn't Toguro B+?
reminds me of meruem
They thought he was the strongest demon because the barrier separating the worlds kept them from finding A and S classes.
But no one surpassed Meruem yet, come back in 10 years.
Kurapika could beat Meruem.
He was upper B class, but I think Koenma stated he might have warranted a lower A class rating at the end of the first tournament + he couldn't get to demon world because of the barrier that blocked A/S demons
See the replies? They're mixed opinions, you'll never know if you like it or not unless you try it, so go and watch it. Personally I loved it as a child, and still love it to this day, so don't depend on other user's opinions and go form your own, it'll do you and this board a favor.
>all the pleb demons Team Urameshi befriended in the Dark Tournament ended up becoming stronger then 100% Toguro through some magic training
I think they also explained that the portals themselves vary and some can't carry stronger demons. It's just the kekkai that absolutely blocks A and S class demons.
I rewatched it fairly recently. Definitely a fun ride, but the common complaints you see here are completely warranted.
I think all those were during a time when Togashi was getting overworked and was burning out
Just good nutrition and the proper exercise.
strong start, very strong midpoint (arguably the best tournament arc in any shounen), it declines from there but till that point is 10/10, after that a 6/10, and it probably ends as a solid 7/10 anime overall.
no wtf are you talking about?
YYH is one of my top tier anime. It's got such an amazing cast of characters and while the fights are great, I find the relationships developing between the characters as well as their growth over the series to be one of the best parts.
I love that I can look at a picture of a character and if not remember their name, at least remember parts of the fight they were in. Can't say much for that in other tournament anime - Togashi had a lot of interesting characters.
It's arguably one of the best dubs of its time, and while the later arcs get shaky (no thanks to Togashi's floundering in the mangas end due to hating Shounen Jump), I find the first few sagas an enjoyable watch.
But, eh, ain't for everybody.
shit I never noticed how stupid that is kek, should've pulled an "Super kami guru" and just said that every demon faction leader can "awaken" their true potential, it would be stupid nonetheless but at least it wouldn't be that out of nowhere.
Don't forget that Hiei literally slaughters a mob of A ranked demons that were under Mukuro as if they were just shit jobbers
What a coincidence. I stopped watching it there, and I haven't picked it back up for weeks. I'm enjoying it overall though, and I'm looking forward to picking it up again.
To be fair, he had to use the dragon for a majority of them.
It's very good, you might as well try it out. It's not always amazing, but there are some incredible parts. It helps that it has some really well directed episodes, and a lot of great animation.
Yu Yu Hakusho is just a bad ripoff of Dragon Ball. The characters are nice, but everything else is mediocre.
This show needs a remake on the same level as HxH
Do it before I die god damnit
YYH was much more fun to watch than DB/Z. One fight lasting 3 episodes or more, great great grandchilden that grow exponetially more powerful, give me a fucking break.
I'd say the animation itself is quite dated. But the artistic visual effects are really beautiful and dramatic, easily more than anything you get today.
Also helped by the beautiful soundtrack.
>find show boring
>come to Sup Forums for emotional advice instead of just dropping it and watching something else
one could say that Mukuro doesn't look half bad at all
one of those rare anime where the dub is better than the sub
I'm a sucker for the darker and drawn style as opposed to the computer/cell shaded or whatever.
It's nostalgia goggles, but it's a lot more comfier too. Outlaw Star is fun too because of this
>only have access to streaming services for anime
>YYH is on Hulu
But I always loved the dub.
If you have the internet you have more than just access to streams.
Fuckign plebes these days...
funimation has dub stream
My computer is too shitty for any streaming. I use my Roku.
It depends. It's an early to mid 90's long-form TV shounen adaption, so the bar isn't set very high, but despite that, the animation is rarely bad. Sure it's not always great but there are some really nice sequences that elevate the series above most of it's kind. I didn't say that it's consistently well animated, but I should have probably clarified what I meant either way.
Also it's "plebs". Only one "e".
It's shorthand for plebeian, plebe.
You're the first person I've seen abbreviate it with an extra e, fag.
Not my fault you surround yourself with retards.
The only interesting thing about is how the artstyle evolves from a late 80s anime to mostly if not full 90s; it feels like a jumble of styles in a good way. Other than that it's completely unremarkable and essentially a smark's shounen: no flair of its own but 'good' character development and dynamics
You mean people like you?
It's the best shonen there is (which is not saying much) and my favorite animu to this day. Now, the shit that still pisses me off
>Toguro looking for a stronger opponent yet he never knew about Sensui
>Kuwabara could easily be the strongest of the four but fuck him, enlarging his sword, or twisting or firing it is a one time power only
>Yusuke getting yoki didn't bothered me, but the fact that it could penetrate seiko ki after it was established it's divine armour
>Hiei, Kuwabara and fucking Kurama jobbing to Sensui, like they couldn't just corner him and have Kuwabara cut him in a half
>the fight against dr ichigaki
Other than that, it's fine. I don't know why it bothers you that chu and co. would become so powerfull under genkai, when yusuke was a shit student. And they still didn't make it past the preliminary round
Dude I tried YuYu Hakusho and I couldn't give a shit about it, then I tried Rurouni Kenshin because I still wanted to watch an old shounen action and it's like a million times better. Definitely try it if you haven't already.
If he doesn't like DT, he should drop anime
This. Saint beasts arc was a slog to get through.
Shut up, Carlos.
It sucked.
What said.
It does get better but not by much and don't expect the asspulls to be toned down.
If you get to Toguro and don't like I suggest just dropping it.
Dark Tournament is goat.
Don't bother with season 4 it's shit
Yur a meshi
The Dark Tournament is the best tournament arc there is, if someone does not like it they will never like any shonen show.
It has some cool moments like the Doctor, Sniper, and Kuwabara's ultimate technique.
That's season 3 though.
One of my first anime. I love it. It's one of my cousin's favorite anime too an I'm going to buy him the DVDs he's missing from his collection, because he never saw the episodes after Dark Tournament.
I know full well what I'm doing. He annoys me sometimes.
Well season four at least has a couple of nice scenes with Keiko and Yuskue, some cool designs and locations at least.
>tfw this scene
Three Kings arc actually has some cool shit in it up until the tournament when it nosedives hard. The ending makes it worth it, though.
anime form the 90s and older are too slow for todays audience. I actually appreciate the slower pacing of DBZ in some aspects, DBSuper would uses more of it.
>The ending makes it worth it, though.
You mean that shittyass copout.
I... won't die... even if all the bones in my body are broke... remember Urameshi? We must still fight... each other...
What a man.
>You mean that shittyass copout.
How do you mean?
Yusuke going emo over having to kill a psychopath was annoying
It's my favorite shounen series and that is because of 1000000% nostalgia my dude.
Asspulls, power creep, and a really lazy disappointing ending.
Well they did. They went to the demon realm...aaaaand all the S Rank demons are just kinda some normal lookin' dudes.
No, I mean the kino-as-fuck denouement final episode that caps off the entire series in a beautiful, satisfying way like the final punctuation mark at the end of a long novel.
Yu Yu Hakusho's only like 20% asspulls, that's pretty great compared to most other shounen. Hunter X Hunter's about 50% asspulls and DBZ is 90%.
YYH has far more asspulls than HxH.
No, "o my rubber nen" isn't an asspull.
I watched it like 18(?) years ago and it was great then. I would not recommend it to anyone who has seen Hunter X Hunter.
HxH steals all of YuYu's bricks and builds a better house. Like a way, vastly better house. He learned his lessons.
whatever, I'd still fuck botan unconscious