ITT: Characters that need to fuck already
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Me and OP's mother according to these dubs
You are hereby allowed to delete yourself.
Best part is they already have
Wishful thinking, I'm aware.
Holy shit, these. I want them to fuck so hard that I can't even enjoy their source material at times.
Fuck 3DPD
But he loves Emilia.
All of them & simultaneously
this needs to happen already
Fucking Japan and their no doujins
Kill yourself
how much SUFFERING and mental stress would be saving if they just did that?
This mate gets it
Why must the author cockblock them every single time they try to get it done?
I'm legitimately scared by your image.
Is there any NTR of these two?
fucking this
Touka and Master
Better to kill yourself now, user.
No sense in living life with a pathetic cuck fetish.
>cuck fetish
>implying I don't simply want to see Takagi get fucked by a man twice her size
Now we're talking
The whole thing is such a god damn let down compared to Tasogare Otome x Amnesia. I remember when I heard that Maybe's newest work was a fantasy adventure I was super fucking hyped. But as soon as I found out it was going to be a harem I dropped it.
Didn't they fuck somewhere in the OVAs?
A lot but Rei 2's death fighting one of the last angels would be devastating. Guess they'll spend time retraining Rei 3.
user and his waifu.
>S2 never ever and LN never ever translated
>Implying these two should fuck already
>Not should hold hands already
But user you are not supposed to fuck your mom.
Please repeat that again
>Inou Battle
>good taste
You're shitting me
This pains me too much
>implying mothers and sons aren't the most compatible
Kill Your Self
You just have bad taste
literally who
>Inou Battle
>bad taste
Leave now
A. Inou Battle was great
B. Mahouka was boring as shit, I just want to see those two hump.
enjoy your ban faggot
And season two will never come for that amazing show.
You just know when hes legal hes getting his v card removed by that cougar.
Mahouka was okay, only the ship is shit.
>he fucks and impregnates his entire harem
>even the spaceship
>hasn't laid his hands on sasami
What's wrong with Tenchi?
>he fucks and impregnates his entire harem
Wait what?
The most obvious in manga history.
What the fuck does that last panel even mean
momo deserves better but honestly a doujin of mineta "sticking" his dick in her isn't bad.
He fucked the cat?
lol no