Will Shaft ever end SZS? Also Kiri Komori best girl. SZS thread.
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80% of Sup Forums haven't seen/read SZS.
You're clearly mistaken as best girl is obviously Matoi
Did you laugh?
Same answer as Arakawa.
What was Sup Forums's longest ever thread, or the one where OP got the most replies?
Nami a best
I did.
Chiri is best SZS
Ruumba rap is best OP
Almost every girl is best girl. Best opening Ringo Mogire Beam!
and 90% wouldn't understand it if they did
Seems like a nightmare to translate, so not gonna bother unless I learn Japanese
>not Ringo
There's no reason to go over this again
I want to do proper anal with Chiri.
Ringo is better than basic Rumba, but not as good as the rap version or the visuals in said rap version.
>Even if they end SZS we won't hear Harumi's voice ever again
I couldn't, I wept.
Now why'd you have to go and remind us of that?
let the dead rest, and the living live.
Sorry, but Ai Kaga is the true SZS.
>she didn't laugh seven years later
Are you into pegging user?
Well if she insists I guess I would have no choice but to properly indulge her, but I would rather be on the giving end.
But I remember SZS threads being relatively popular when it was still airing.
>Ai Kaga
I'm sure she'd appreciate the proper equal retribution
They'd love to, but the complete and utter lack of sales make an ending utterly impossible to justify to their overlords.
Best SZS is Kiri, but you're spot on with the best OP.
She is perfect
Fucking nips and their shit taste.
One of my favorite anime.
>Nips don't buy it
>Nami a best
>posts Chiri
Nigga you blind?
Rumba Rap sounds better while Ringo is better to sing along.
That said, Yuugi a best.
Yes, but I avoided that thread like the plague. Whichever retard decided to sticky it should make himself taller.
Wrong. Stop being a faggot hipster.
You translate your subtitles?
>Nips don't buy it
>Good anime don't sell but generic battle harem sells.
>Interesting manga gets canned to make way for another shounen.
>Proper novels sells less than light novels.
Despair! People's bad taste are leaving me in despair!
Fapped to OP's pic while shitposting.
Shaft has been dead since they started shoveling out monogatashit.
Obscure, but interesting choice. Did it ever play in the show itself btw?
Sadly, no. Although that song is one of the more foreshadowing songs, alongside Rumba Rap imo.
Everyone always debates which is the best opening, but what is the best Ending?
Mine is Zessei Bijin
I'm split between Koiji Romanesque and Kurayami Shinjuu Soushisouai.
My men.
Shaft makes too much money from its haremshit show to work on anything interesting or original ever again.
My favorite is still Matoi but yeah, she's pretty high tier. What an absolute cutie.
I forgot
I always thought the end of this countdown was going to lead to loads of people picking up the show and SZS threads thriving, but it didn't happen.
>lack of sales
SZS has moderately good sales though.
>SZS generals
It's better this way.
Not generals, just more threads than one every two months. Though there is nothing new to talk about so maybe I'll shut up.
Rewatched like half of Zan yesterday.
Just as good as I remember it being. Still laughed at some things. Still enjoyed the topics themselves immensely. Barely an episode where I was bored by the topic and the jokes, despite the fact I remember them all. I wish more shows were as funny as SZS.
I was at work and I forgot which day it was. by the time i saw the thread, it was 2 hours too late.
So who was this guy, anyway? Manga editor?
I re watched the entire series with a friend on her first time through. She absolutely loved it.
Author's assistant.
He runs a manga school now.
And what the author is doing nowadays? The very last part of ep2 Bangaichi really got to me.
He's got a few things going, biggest of which is Kakushigoto, which is being translated.
Shaft even did a PV for it youtube.com
He's also doing another manga with Yasu, the guy who helped him with Joshiraku, called Nankuru Nee-san but that isn't being translated.
>obligatory Kamiya Hiroshi
Good for the author, though. Shaft really did a perfect job of SZS, even incorporating the meta-story of a failing manga and its failing adaptation, among the other themes. In a way, there not being a fourth season is a very important point of the whole story.
marionette a best ending
What an average bust size.
All endings are best. Though Marionette is bestest
That's one of the best thing about Zetsubous. Very few are well endowed.
>Anything more than a handful is wasteful.
>the less the bust size is, the worse the temper gets
I see. Maria doesn't count, she's a boy anyway.
Good to hear, Kumeta deserves only good things
>Not Unparalleled Beauty
Nips have shit taste what else is new
Both wrong, bestest is Omamori
Yeah, and I really needed it that day too
Wow, I haven't seen that.
>of course it's fucking kamiyan
japanese colds sure are powerful stuff. :/
Incorrect, SZS has always been big on Sup Forums.
I want to properly tie up Chiri, and do lewd things to her.
Wait, I thought they did end SZS? I remember watching it. Wait. I remember reading it.
Isn't shaft pretty much dead now outside of somethingmonogatari now anyway?
Lilycure Go Go! -intro-
Lilycure Go Go! -no intro-
Private lesson
Ringo Mogire Beam! (OVA)
Ringo Mogire Beam!
Romance Romanesque
Zessei Bijin
Zetsubou Restaurant
Gouin ni Mai Yeah
Hito toshite Jiku ga Bureteiru
Kurayami Shinchuu Soushi Souai
Kuusou Rumba (color)
Kuusou Rumba Rap
Kuusou Rumba
I know that at least a few of the KLK threads were 6k+. I don't know if any of them got 8k though.
Rolling stickies have ruined the fun anyway.
Ringo mogire beam! is probably my favourite opening of all times.