This is one of the best written manga of the decade and yet the anime adaptation is trash...

This is one of the best written manga of the decade and yet the anime adaptation is trash, almost as much an insult as Berserk (2016). Why is this allowed? Why do trashy shows get all the great production?

stop being mad at things and instead bask in the warm happiness of loli horse kisses

>This is one of the best written manga of the decade
It's trash. I hope you don't honestly believe the garbage you just wrote.
Trash manga gets trash adaptation.

>comparing it to Berserk

I just want more shota demon girl

As long as One Piece is out it's the best written manga of the decade and it's anime adaptation is worse.

It's better than Berserk

This show has all the worst SoL clichés.

>>Sup Forums

Yeah aliens, concentration camps, anthropology, normalized racism, discrimination, politics, social satire, terrorism, sexuality, identity, dimension travelling. Fucking so cliche.

I like the manga as much as the next guy, but this is definitely not well written.

Will any of those things make it into the actual 12-episode show, or are they too deep into the manga? so far the only relatively "shady" world-building thing shown was the teacher's speech.

>This is one of the best written manga of the decade

Similar themes appears in black bullet.It sure as hell didn't make it a fucking masterpiece.

Because nips have no taste.


Casual lesbians are the best.

This is actually completely untrue. It's more serious than other sol comedies (also more mature). Even in the last episode the character talked about their future careers, with Hime wondering if she should be a physician or a veterinarian.

I don't understand why General Tso's Animation Studio was chosen to do it.

Are the cost savings really that substantial when nobody seems to pay JP animators anyway?.

Not him, but whether it's bad and whether it's cliche are two different topics.

This manga is trash just like you.

Anime is for fantasy/trashy crap. Good manga (realistic slice of life/drama) is often adapted by film directors.
Also, the Japanese are cowards. They are afraid of more political works. Even Centaur's Worries is a satire on Western liberal democracy and American imperialist policies.
This new highly praised anime In This Corner of the World is just another film about the suffering of Japanese people during WW2. Which, while undoubtedly happened, was minimal compared to the atrocities committed by Japanese forces in China, Korea or Philippines.

>This is one of the best written manga of the decade

How does it feel to be so retarded?

>the anime is progressing way to slow to get into the deep end of that aspect unless they skip lots of character building chapters and rush the rest

That that user but I doubt it. I've read up to halfway through volume 5 and none of that stuff really plays a major role, although sometimes it gets mentioned briefly in the background like when they touched on how it would count as a hate crime to ride on Hime like a horse in episode 1.

>one of the best written manga

*not that user

Name a better one, smartass.


It's literally the Animal Farm of our generation

>furry shit

Wait I thought it was called Centaur's Worries?

But how do her pants work?


like this

It's called Centaur no Nayami in japanese which translates to Centaur's Worries
That's the official licensed translation by seven seas, and I guess they changed the name for it.

>Centaur no Nayami
It's definitely not bad. There's no standard of taste that can put it at bad level, Cosprayers is bad anime. This is anime you don't like for some reason. The anime is trying to do something difficult, which is represent the anxiety of growing up as a dangerous society. They're constantly trying to get you to worry that the little lovefest between the characters is a fragile momentary existence that's bound to crumble when reality sets in.
It's comparable to the otaku/weeaboo situation where they have an ideal safe experience with anime that they see threatened by the real world. You can't escape reality just like the monstergirls in the show can't escape their society, and yet they find enjoyment in life.Their triumph mirrors yours. It's a show that congratulates you for finding a hobby that you enjoy, for enjoying your time away from the real world. It's brilliant.

Volume 11, fuck that's fast has this series been out that long?

Spirit Circle. Horimiya. Yumekui Merry. Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa. Tsugumomo. I can go on.

You haven't even read Animal Farm have you?

You started greatly with Spirit Circle. But please, please... Forget about the rest. Well, except Tsugomomo.

There's actually 15 volumes out. Just the other day I found the raws, and it's mindblowing what's happening in the very latest chapters.
The main girls + the new ones (kouhai) turned into a sort of special forces unit outta nowhere.

>muh pigs
Book was lame as fuck, I mean there were some parts that were kinda cool but overall it's overrated leave that shit to school summer reading

1984 is at least relevant to shit actually happening now

That's not mind blowing, the scans I was reading before it got licensed had the alien invasion and the antarticans creating some fish god shit that was spooking the mermaids not hard to believe at all

guess i'm back in

All of those are great. You have pleb taste.

>I can go on
Please stop, you have terrible taste. You clearly enjoy cheap, dumb entertainment and fantasy trash with no relation to our current world or real issues.

I'm not saying they weren't great, or pretty enjoyable, just that their writing was kinda nromal, except those 2 series I mentioned. The rest are pretty far from "great writing". Just like with Centaur no Nayami, it's pretty enjoyable to read, and it's full of unexpected twists, but it's also far from being "great writing".
Learn to read the posts next time, before replying like a raging kid.

I meant mind-blowing as "shit pulled outta the author's ass"... Because it really came outta nowhere. Stuff like that so far only happened in the characters's dreams, not in reality. I personally think the author kinda fucked up with that.

It's all garbage. It's really sad that modern anime/manga is less mature than shows for kids from 1970s and 1980s. But I guess that's true for the whole world. In 1960s Doctor Zhivago was a blockbuster, now it's Wonder Woman.

You can fuck back to Sup Forums with that 'real issues' bullshit.

The author was heavily inspired by Lovecraft, his aliens and contemporary conspiracy theories.


Explain what's wrong with the adaptation

>anime adaptation is trash
In other news, water is wet.

Not that guy, but it's mostly rather uninspired. I don't think there is anything wrong about it, but the art is mediocre, same with music and animation.

You're still totally missing the point.
What I meant it was out of place was
the main characters's suddenly turning into a team or rambos.
You get it now? What is fucked up is not all the fantasy or sci-fi themes and stuff that the author pulls in, just how he suddenly turned the characters (highschool girls in their 1st and 2nd years) into something else, including that part with the yakuza.

Fucking this.
A few exceptions apart, anime series have been shitty ever since the end of the 90s.

>the main characters's suddenly turning into a team or rambos
Did this really happen? There is only one chapter when they act like that. When the terrorists take over the school.

>When the terrorists take over the school
Wrong series there, buddy.

This is definitely true. They don't even look good anymore, thanks to shitty digital coloring.

>tfw people consider KyoAni filtered photoshoped crap "good"
Anime is in such a sorry state it's becoming less interesting than European animated films.

>Yumekui Merry.
Is the manga actually good? Animu was ruined

Trash sells

>This is one of the best written manga of the decade


I gave up on A Centaur's Life in the chapter where they go on an exchange to a mermaid school and it's exactly the same as a regular school except everyone's sloshing around getting trench foot in shin-deep puddles and all the mermaids swim upright and the teachers wear pinstripe suits.

What's the point of making a monster manga if you're going to eradicate every last vestiges of mobster traits from your characters, yeah, I get it that when snakehead girl shows up later ut's all a racism allegory, maaaaaaaaan, but it'd have been more meaningful if you used actual human races. It was just lazy writing avoiding to have to think about how mobster society would function.

>they cut the vagina comparing scene

It's trash alright. I'd still bang the demon girl though

I doubt it. They won't change the tone of the series all that much with only 12 in hand to work with.

way better

She's gay.

Anime suffered from early adaptation syndrome, including the dreaded anime original ending. Half of the show was basically an original story.

The manga has great style anyway, definitely worth reading.

Who said it had to be consensual?

Two episodes in and we're already making judgments? Okay.

>they cut the vagina comparing scene
thats the worst part though

>he doesn't want to see girls show each other their privates

>being this gay