"Fuck Portugal" - Firaxis, 2018

>"Fuck Portugal" - Firaxis, 2018

I still haven't gotten over the artstyle. It's even more offensive than the literally who leaders.

>tfw austria is not even in the game officially but two other civs are represented by one of you

3 greece. no austria
zulu, congo, cree, maphuche no austria
tfw Australia no austria so close.

They finally fixed scythia?

I still don't get why in the ever loving fuck you'd include injuns. They never did shit and weren't an official country. Also most leaders are literal nobodies who didn't do shit

Let’s force them to add Rhodesia in the game and see what happens. If the Cree and Kongo can get in, why can’t Rhodesia?

I don't mind the artstyle as much as I fucking hate being interrupted every fucking turn with a fucking cutscene telling me that Spain is glad he's better than I am, or that China is being a cunt because I play better than the AI, or that Egypt's panties are wet because I built one more archer.

And, since you can't get rid of warmonger, EVER, I play scorched earth. If the AI declares on me, that civ gets wiped out, and fuck the rest of you. I fucking LOVE taking out Australia, that AI is a cunt. I love getting atomic tech, and assblasting them all with nukes. It's the only way to have fun with this fucked up, half assed game.

>No Hitler
>No Stalin or Lenin
>No Fidel
>No Mussolini
>No Mao
>No Kim

Will times where Meier was not afraid to use such leaders like Stalin return? Just imagine mines of salt that would emerge after this.

t. Alberto Barbosa

Why did we get this gay bitch, they could have given us Maurice of Nassau, stadhouder William III or King William I or just go with William of Nassau agian but instead we got this cunt that slid our country into complete irrelevance.

>I play scorched earth
I do that too. The very moment I see their ugly faces they get marked for extermination.

You're ass cancer for even playing this retarded shit in the first place

>World leaders react to your penis size

noticed that khmer and indonesia are in intercourse



>gain culture by murdering
What did they mean by this?

Hitler would never happen.
Stalin would result in opposite butthurt.
Fidel, literally who?
Mussolini was a shit leader with a shit army
Mao could work
Kim, a literal who like Fidel, and every other commie pawn.

My biggest problem is with who they chose to represent Poland, who the fuck is Jadwiga?

I'm guessing you're referring to Philip II and Victoria I?

Game is shit. Either buy the complete version of CIV IV or the complete version of CIV V. Both of those games are a lot more enjoyable.

Philip II and Pedro II were both Habsburger

Both Peter and Victoria had German blood

Never played any shitvilization game

>a civilization on its own and totally not British at all

Oh boy, I can't wait for diverse Canada to be included with its history erased as well.

Didn't know Pedro was the son of a Hapsburg.
I know that the Russian and English nobility are Germans, but there were Hapsburgs on the throne of England, right? So the family tree line means that Victoria is distantly related to them, correct?
I don't know, I don't want to scoop through the family tree lines.

>playing cultural marxization

Stalin has been in before so has Mao

>no belgium
>not having leopold II as king
>not being given production and gold bonus when fighting african civs

I'm pretty sure every single European royal family has at least some habsburg blood, they got around

The truth about Portugal pt 1

>not being given production and gold bonus when fighting african civs

and food

pt 2

Go fuck your mother, after your grandfather is done cornholing her.

Check half of the Africans
>Bonus when converted by colonizers
>Bonus to overpopulating cities by building more districts

delet please

> Americas
> Mapuche
> Lautaro

Argentina have a dude that liberated the whole continent in an epic campaign and they give you a ugly smelly fictional nigger to play.

Yeah of course, everyone who played Eu4 knows how bad Haps are.
A Hapsburg got on the throne of France during my Roman Empire run.

>male body height

Why are everyone such disgusting manlets compared to superior finland?

>Simon Bolivar has never been in Civ

Finns are the descendants of the ancient hyperboreans, so that doesn't count

She was the first female ruler of Poland, was coronated at 14. She was coronated as "King", to keep her arranged marriage husband off the throne. She died at 25 after giving birth to a daughter who died several weeks later. Sad as fuck story.

This crap is still running? I thought everyone had grown up and moved onto Paradox or Matrix games. You know, games that represent a reality rather than a Walt Disney fantasy.

Well I guess the Civ series may still have some value for the under 12's

sounds like she lost the game of thrones

Civ games are more complex than autism simulators

how will portugal ever recover and all that jazz
>fuck portugal
literally who

Sure, whatever appeals to your low level of education. Be happy.

>dude just do simple tasks and wait

They could add Portugal in an African expansion pack

Kongo is already in guys

I have 2700 hours in Eu4 it was basically the only game I played but the past few dlcs really fucked the game up fundamentally.

Yeah I'm still playing on 1.22. It's the last good version of the game IMHO.

I just want the next EU or Victoria to come out so I can move onto another game Hearts of Iron 4 was so disappointing.

how can we recover

Nice one meme flag shitskin.
Cherry picked maps or lies and pictures of gypsies.
I imagine your buthurt.

Playing now. This new update fucked up the game so bad. The new content is nice, but they fucked up diplomacy again. These new civ characteristics are ass backwards and make everyone perpetually pissed off.
And the map generation still FUCKING SUCKS.
You cant play true start earth without being right next to someone else. That goes for all the irl maps. And all the other maps give you these wierd elongated continents and islands.
I pissed away over a hundred dollars on this game, and im thoroughly dissapointed. I got civ 5 gold edition a few years back for 40$ and its the best game i ever played. I plan to go back to it desu. Fuck this game.

They could add the USA in the racemixing DLC



damm your superior argumentative skills got me

Didn't she not even have the power to slide you into irrelevance?

Fuck Britain. We need to leave the "Commonwealth"

They should just use Iturbide, San Martín and Bolivar, if they wanna add non-civilizations