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Literally the most reddit-tier fetish imaginable
We had ITAI the animation already(the chick wrasslin one)
I thought white-knighting and cuckoldry was reddit tier fetishes.
Cuckoldry is the enlightened thinker's fetish, you fucking uncultured swine.
Only if I'm on the receiving end.
It's only Ryona if the receiver is a girl.
That one female wrestling anime was pure ryona.
Ryona, as a fetish, is for lazy powerless people.
I mean, aren't we?
Would probably watch.
I would watch the shit out of it.
I would only like it if the person getting hurt is actually enjoying it. I don't like seeing people being scared or in pain, but only if they're clearly enjoying being abused for some reason then I'd be very aroused.
>the person getting hurt is actually enjoying it
Then what's the point?
It's cute. I'm not some psychopath who likes to see people getting hurt when they don't want to. I'm too empathetic towards what they would be feeling.
I have just the thing for you then.
Well that's not healthy. Sure she likes it but if they keep doing that S&M play at that intensity her body will end up completely destroyed in less than a month.
>S&M play at that intensity her body will end up completely destroyed in less than a month
Or her body will adapt and build up endurance then she'll be the toughest fighter in the world.
Thank's user. I really love happy endings like this.
what's the boy version
girls peeing themselves during sex is the best, its like they are ejaculating
>user doesn't think he can make a girl ejaculate for real so he needs pee as a substitute
pretty sad desu senpai
>make a girl ejaculate for real
girls(male) doesnt count
Real life.
I mean girls(female(XX Chromosomes(Ovaries)))
>tfw no gf to rear naked choke until she pees herself
2-2d gf of course...eheh...
but girl ejaculate is literally pee
No it isn't. It comes out of the urethra just like male ejaculate but its not pee. This is literally observable just by seeing that its milky white.
There was that wrestling thing, but it was incredibly boring (ie: no fanservice) save for the extra BD shorts.
I'm lazy and want to be dominated, so I guess you're right.
No it's pee user, sorry to burst your bubble, any colour difference is just diet
I'm empathetic too, that's why I like for cute girls to be comforted lovingly after they get hurt.
user it's urine. chicks don't have balls and there just isn't another magical fluid they can produce.
if it ain't semen what do you propose it is.
There's the fake ejaculate that you two are thinking about and then there's the "true" ejaculate that looks milky white.
>This study shows the other two kinds of fluids that can be expelled from the female urethra – urine alone, and urine diluted with substances from the female prostate
So it's urine, or urine. Brilliant post, user.
Read carefully user. That enzyme is basically the same thing that comes from male prostates that help sperm swim around. The only difference between the male ejaculate and the true female ejaculate is that women don't have sperm swimming around in it.
that's femdom
Ryona is an alpha fetish. If you don't enjoy bullying women then you're probably beta.
you're being trolled senpai
>gets called out on being retarded
>kek you got trolled user xD
im not him dingus
I don't know wouldn't taking advantage of things specifically weaker than you be inherently beta? if you were alpha you'd bully people that could actually hurt you back.
That wouldn't make you alpha, that'd just make you stupid.
>Betas thinking they can decide how an Alpha acts
I believe you still I just don't think the ebin trolling is an excuse for acting like a retard.
That user is right. What you're saying is basically like acting that being able to beat puppies to death makes you a badass. Beating up something vastly weaker than you doesn't make you an "alpha"
Delete this thread
Not sure how you managed to get that from a single post but I'm proud of you regardless, user, keep on working towards your dreams.
There's been too many ryona threads recently.
Thought you were
I'll delete you.
being alpha means being just the right amount of stupid.
This. Being Alpha means taking risk. People see risk taking as genius when it goes well and absolutely retarded when it goes wrong.
Actually liking ryona is gay because the fetish comes from being dominated by a superior male physically while thinking you are a girl
>Namefag saying retarded shit
Go away you pest.
This. Don't deny the truth, this is a homosexual fetish
He's right you know, you self insert as the girl, that makes you gay
Self-inserting is for turbotards. I may be an autist, but I'm not to that level.
I want to bully a cripple girl
It's ok, I only watch girl on girl ryona.
You fucking scum.
I want to feed and care for a bullied girl
Put your name back on
I won't let you
>Sup Forums suddenly likes ryona
w-what happened?
We went back in time? I remember there being plenty of ryona threads in 2008-ish.
Hi, I'm Sup Forums.
My tastes have just grown up, y'know?
No hard feelings.
Sup Forums
Asanagi was always popular here.
>this is the artist's only good piece of art
As someone who bullied a disabled girl, go for it, nothing compares to the feeling of dominance
>What is AIKA?
>What is Najica?
The best
that's just what betas say when they get bullied by alphas
You fucking cunt.
Huh, thats odd, the chick I bullied was a piano player, she could draw, but it wasn't her forte.
Dont you have enough with your Kuroinu shit?
what the fuck is wrong with people
why do I have to live in this fucked up world
Hey you, I hope you were just lying, otherwise the day I recognize you I'm gonna rip your dick and make you eat it.
What are you getting so worked up for?
Dat trips
>Implying you can get me
I'll be waiting for you here in Finland
Nah, I can guarantee people who are bullied use this kind of fetish so they can feel what's to be a dominator and give escapism from how weak they actually are
There's been not enough ryona threads recently.
>why do I have to live in this fucked up world
Because it's what you deserve.