Ange is a miracle of the universe!
Princess Principal
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Ange is a lie.
Imagine Princess taking a shit. Her small hands scrunched up as she closes her eyes in anticipation, sitting nervously on a toilet at school and waiting for her bowel movements to start. Her small pink butthole slowly opening and closing in a way that would almost be lewd if she weren't about to take a dump. An impossibly large, slimy shit log slowly snaking out of the confines of her large intestine as she strains with all her might, gasping from the sensations. Her face covered with sweat and a light blush from the embarrassment and the smell, hoping that no other girl enters the adjacent stall and discovers the earthy scent of her waste and the un-princesslike sounds being made by her poop chute. A tinge of regret as she wishes she'd eaten more healthily over the past few days so she wouldn't have to suffer so in the present. A wet plop as her shit hits the toilet bowl, staining what was previously a pristine piece of porcelain. A small moan escaping her cherry pink lips, dewy wet with saliva and a small indent from having bitten down on it during her shit, as she daintily wipes her butt and cleans herself up, hoping that she'll at least enjoy the fortune of a clean poop. Her teary-eyed expression as she keeps wiping again and again, wondering why she keeps discovering a deep brown stain on each piece of toilet paper she uses. Her sigh of relief as she finally stands up and pulls up her cute white panties, a little unsteady on her feet, and glances down while blushing at her enormous shit log, feeling relieved that she managed to get it all out. Her surprise and intense shame as she leaves the toilet stall, only to see Ange waiting outside for her with an angelic smile.
Imagine Princess taking a shit.
The nips are laughing at us.
Here is your free reply.
>foreigners are too serious
>the show is garbage
>the writer is garbage
>foreigners only pirate anime, so it doesn't matter
>show was targeting gaijins
>if you don't speak english, you won't understand the show
>what do foreigners even see in this anime
>multiple stalker/sales posts
I think this is the first time we see Ange being genuinely surprised about something.
>the toilet wasnt clogged
>That one frame where the mouth disappears
Retake plz.
This show is complicated to understand. Why make such terrible plot? No meaning at all and just confuse people.
You're really picking comments here. Looking through them most of the discussion is just about sales and wondering what kind of anime are popular in the west.
Don't think anybody at 3Hz has "analyzed" this scene as much as we have.
Hold up.
I don't think so. When you're working on a scene you see it over and over and over. If you don't catch it, the supervisor will.
They probably just decided that no one will notice Ange's mouth disappearing for 2 frames and that it wasn't worth a retake.
>Duke of Normandy
Why are they using a title that hasn't been held by the British since 1259? Normandy's in fucking France, it's been a French title since then.
Or is this an alternative timeline where the British royal family married into the Normandy line instead of the Hanover line? Why does this need to be so convoluted?
Princess has suffered enough.
So apparently 3Hz went out of its way to construct the ballroom in Maya in order to get the size and lighting right. They based everything in the room, floor patterns, ceiling designs, chandeliers, etc., off of 1:1 scale items their researchers found.
Should've called Yaraon's shit in that thread
There sure are supervisors that have the menial task of checking frame for frame. What I wanted to say is that after the episode aired some needy people with too much free time on a taiwanese basket weaving board made several webms of this scene alone for the purpose of oggling at these fine tits; much more eyes had the chance of noticing a small mistake like this.
Which princess would you principle?
Hey, Anonymous!
Shut up.
There must be hints here. We need that 3D model to analyse.
Ah yes, now the shitposting can really begin.
The backgrounds are really nice
True, I didn't notice it during my first viewing. Only when I looked at the webm.
Certainly not Ange.
What's your problem?
3DCGi is Actas's handiwork.
3hzfags won't mention Actas til (if) this show become bad, then they will blame everything to Actas.
>all this work went into constructing the ballroom
>the nips still can't figure out why foreigners like it
It's really funny watching 11's see a show with a good story, good characters, and a good setting, and then argue that there's no compelling reason to like it because it's "targeted at westerners!!!"
This scene from episode 1 is a lot clearer now. And I liked Dorothy's reaction to Ange giving in to the Princess' innocent request.
Pay no attention to yaraon and go lurk in some actual nip threads, Anonymous.
>The Queen is still referred to as the Duke of Normandy in the Channel Islands
Huh, you learn a new thing every day. It still doesn't make sense in this context though, since it's held by the incumbant monarch and isn't recognised elsewhere.
No, it's important. They could've made it Duke of Edinburgh/York/Gloucester/Kent, etc, which might have actually made sense.
The only ones bringing up studios are you guys who like inciting studio wars. If the show goes to shit everyone will blame the writer, who is known for his trainwrecks, and not Actas.
But the writing has actually been good so far, which I hope will continue till the end.
They said Albion's empire rivals that of the Romans in episode 1's intro, so I would assume France is under their control.
You just know that the same thing's happened in every single one of the last twelve cases. Dorothy's resigned by now to Ange being pussy-whipped no matter how naive Princess is being.
Why you even go yaraon? it's trash site.
The writer of this show always done well in first 6 or 7 episodes.
After that will be real test.
Seemed like an analogue for the actual British Empire circa the Victorian/Edwardian Era, which had significantly more extensive territories than the Roman Empire, but that didn't include France. Mixing it up just makes it unnecessarily convoluted, the whole East/West London-Not-Berlin thing is messy enough as is.
I'll blame Actas, 3Hz and the writer because they're all in this shit together.
Why do princesses always betray their countries? Have i missed something about nip history and the ending of ww2?
They usually don't though, unless they're the princess of an evil empire.
"Well" is a bit of a overstatement. He's been serviceable, but the writing itself was never anything that would make you say "Wow, that was really tightly-written" the way this has been so far.
Is this show good?
To be fair if England suddenly gained sole air superiority over the world, the first thing they'd do is take a dump on France. I don't think the show is aiming to be super realistic anyways.
Well, it's pretty dumb. But if Princess or Ange isn't Empress of India by the end of the series, I'll be sorely disappointed.
Terrible. Worst show this season.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
>Not highlighting Syria, Iraq and Pakistan as well and renaming it the Islamic State Empire
If you're going to Sup Forums is up at least go all out.
It's kind of horrifying to think such idea was not only acceptable at a time but also an ugly reality.
Makes you realize that even if today's world is filled with problems its still at least moving in the right direction.
>Empress of India
I think the Brown Chick could strike a deal with Ange and the Princess. She would give'em crucial informations on Duke of Normandy or something like that in exchange for her homeland gaining independence from the Kingdom of Albion. Ange would say yes.
Guess what would happen next.
>Guess what would happen next.
Not-Ghandi-chan gets shot?
Why did Ange specifically react in surprise to this gesture? Princess's earlier lines were all far more shocking.
I'm thinking that either it references something from their shared childhood, much as their first conversation did, or else she was signalling that Ange should hand her the key, as she'd worked out what they were doing and realized Normandy would trap them.
Wait, what now? So Ange is a double agent whose real name is Charlotte? But why does the little letter read she gave to the princess read "My dear Ange"? I don't get it. Is the princess also a double agent that already got switched with the real princess?
Because she didn't just say "I want to join your organization." She said "I want you organization to join me."
It shows how ambitious and commanding she is. Ange probably wasn't expecting something like that, considering the last time they saw each other, Princess was just a commoner.
I'm really liking this show, but I feel kinda lost on some of the major plot elements. Does this take place before episode 1? What's Ange's allegiance? Is it that she works for the spy organization (still not sure if it's East or West she's working for, I think West?), but her priority is the princess due to her personal connection to her?
Because the fake princess is better at being a princess than the real one.
That's a shade of meaning introduced by the translation. The Japanese is just "join together".
Ange (spy) is actually the real princess, Charlotte.
Charlotte (princess) is a commoner named Ange who switched places with Ange (spy) 10 years ago either by accident or for some unknown reason.
Normandy calls Princess "Charlotte". Charlotte is Ange's real name. The implication is that Princess and Ange swapped roles some time ago and that "Ange" (Charlotte) is the real princess.
>Does this take place before episode 1?
Episode 2 takes place before episode 1.
>What's Ange's allegiance?
The republic and she infiltrated a school in the monarchy, the same one the princess attends so she's living in enemy territory (don't ask me which is est and which is west)
The princess works for her own agenda and made a deal with them now to basically
I want more translations this is interesting. Why are they talking about foreigners in the first place? And why do they not like this show? It seems like the perfect fit for those guys.
Probably a body double prepared for the sake of being killed in the London revolution, while the real princess escapes. Things went South and she stayed alive, with the princess gone.
I don't get the foreign minister's actions
What difference does it make whether he gives the key to normandy or to princess? aren't both of them are eastern nobility?
It comes down to trusting whether the duke or the princess will use the key and blueprints for nefarious purposes. He chose to trust the princess.
It's more like "join hands with me." Still sounds more commanding than a simple "let's work together." It's like she's saying, "I have a plan, I want you to follow me."
It's literally too complicated to understand.
So how long until the evil monarchy is defeated and the good side wins?
>Why are they talking about foreigners in the first place?
Someone posted on 2ch one of Sup Forums's infographics about the show.
There is no good side.
10 more episodes.
>implying there is a good side
sounds irrational. they stated the princess has no political backing/influence, so why would he trust a little girl to help him defect? the guy is dying and wants to spend his last days with his family so it makes no sense why he would gamble like this
Ah, the one that one was linked in there. So they dont like the show or are they just suprised western people like it that much.
>the characters are employed as spies by a country that is literally a people's republic made after mass revolt against the despotic tyranny of the monarchists
>no side is good
They just dislike us.
>So they dont like the show or are they just suprised western people like it that much.
A little of both. Most of the discussion is why "foreigners" seem to like it so much.
>Foreigners like spies I guess.
There is no good side.
East is the monarchy, West is the commies.
>Or is this an alternative timeline
What, you didn't learn about that time when East and West Britain had a cold war with the London Wall dividing them, and flying battleships ruled the sky?
I mean we do say they have shit taste most of the time, so I maybe thats why. Do you know the reason why they dislike us or is it just baka gaijins?
It would be in Cornwall which is in Commonwealth territory. Morgan's wife would defect over there to be with him in Ange's deal.
That much is evident as soon as she starts talking. Both of the others are shocked at what she has to say, but Ange keeps a poker face and appears to be trying to work out what the game is (including a classic eyes-but-no-mouth shot, suggesting a meaning beyond the surface reading of their words), and it's only at that point that she reacts - and it's not a shocked or horrified reaction so much as a sudden realization.
Its not that we like it so much, its that we have good taste and nips can't into anything that isn't spelled out. Same reason why flipflappers flopped.
They just hate
Just like us.
It's the Prince and the Porpoise.
I don't know, user. I think you might be reading too much into at this point.
>Brexit will mean Scotland and Northern Ireland are gone
Isn't really Sup Forums, if anything it's a left-wing meme.
What could it mean?
you're reaching now