Can Sup Forums guess the news?

>black panther get $130million
many racist wont buy tickets

>black panther get $300million
lower than expected because racist wont buy tickets

>black panther get $600million???

Other urls found in this thread:


I absolutely can't wrap my head around this black panther shit.
It's literally just a movie right ? Why are people dancing naked in the streets and shit ?
I swear I will never understand what the fuck is up with that movie.
Who cares that much about a movie ? If it's good, you didn't waste your time, and if it's bad, well, better luck next time.

Right ?


It shows the world what Africa would be like without colonisation

Nigger behavior already does that though

The average Sup Forums user knows it's probably a passable, but ultimately mediocre capeshit cgi fest.

The Black Supremacist thinks it's irrefutable proof of Kangship, the second coming of MLK (who hated B. Nationalists, lol), and the death knell of WIPIPO around the World.

Little Timmy Dipshit and his Mom's soyboy will go because it was mentioned in a television ad.

The World turns, ages come and pass, and our Sun dims just a tiny bit more.

The Truth is, blacks wont even like it. Deep down they wont like what they are actually watching, they only like the Idea that is is somehow been painted as middle finger to White people. black comic book characters NEVER work and are 100% so obviously shoehorned and terrible they are incapable of actually being enjoyed and respected in literature, let alone comic books, an entire industry based on high-ideals of man, and the metaphorical striving for greatness.

In the 'real world', Blacks simply do not value heroism. Not in the USA, Europe, Africa itself, you name it. They flat out dont value it. They dont value altruism, self-sacrifice, striving for perfection of form and function, or extra-human idealism. They dont value law, order, truth or justice.

infact they embody the pure unadulterated opposite of all this. Wanton narcissism and death. Contempt for all laws, lawgivers and their institutions. They wish for and promote death for the police, military or any other conventional 'hero' of normal society. They have NO concept of achievement or social advancement. They have produced ZERO real-world functioning societies, they have NEVER created a nation where education and order thrive, where brother helps brother. They produce FILTHY music that promotes the worst crime and sexual behavior humanity has to offer. They have outlandish egotism where they can simultaneously be "a king or a queen" while receiving welfare and or sit behind bars.

On social media or the msm, 'woke blacks' have truly confused this hitherto obscure comic with actual real history. To them it is some kind of 'cultural movement', yet they make no effort to export its message to their own communities in the real world. its a mind boggling attempt by an industry that fundamentally fails to understand how morally corrupt black culture is to its core

Very well explained
>pic unrelated

They know people don't really want to see it, so to make up for lost revenue they are race baiting really fucking hard

>I was bully by a black when younger the post.

Yeah and No Country For Old Man shows you what the world would be with a 50 years old serial killer. I don't get the point.

Yeah well even if a movie is exactly what you wanna see, it's still nothing but a movie.

Exactly. If a movie is really shitty, they strike preemptively with le ebil nazi frog trolls.

The Russians and Drumpf are clearly behind this

Didn’t they open pre-orders for tickets online like a month in advance to rig the opening box office? And post articles warning that Nazi trolls will give it negative feedback? Then shame one critic, ONE, who gave it a rotten score because he didn’t think it was a good movie? Since when did your run-of-the-mill flash and trash superhero film, a genre that has NEVER done well in any awards ceremony, EVER, suddenly become the best movie of all time, and people are racist for not liking it?

In 2015 Black Americans lived with the constant fear of being shot by police officers, in 2018 their greatest concern is Black Panther maintaining it's perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes. This is Trump's America, you're welcome.

It's literally just one giant meme that is getting the already hysterical black population to cuck themselves even more into a fantasy world.
They are the kike's pets, they don't want to think for themselves and clearly reality is too much for them to handle anyway.
They avoid it like the plague which is exactly why the black community has so many issues, they are taught from a very young age that accountability is weakness.

This is their Passion of the Christ. But at least that was about religon, this is just a fucking superhero they're acting like its a biopic of MLK or something.

The media strategy was to make this a social justice thing so people would see it. SJW footsoldiers are doing marketing for Black Panther FOR FREE.

Ha, not even. Wikanda is simple wish fulfillment. A black Atlantis based on bunch of ass pulls by lazy comic book writers

Black Americans live in constant fear of other black Americans killing them. The police hostility towards them is just symptomatic of a toxic culture


They’re acting like there has never been a black superhero film, ever. Blade films and Hancock come to mind.


To marxists and communists the past doesn' t exist. Only the present time is important.

are you fucking dense?

I'm thinking it would be a lot more like North Sentinel Island, one of the few places on Earth not touched by European civilization.

They throw spears at helicopters and EAT visitors, usually.

Race aside.
The movie was flat out boring.
It was boring as shit.
Hours of nothing happening, but WHOA CGI EVERYWHERE.
It doesn't even deserve a 1 star.

Add in race and it might deserve a 1 star rating.

I think you mean "bullied", you stupid fucking negro.

>Black Panther is for film what Barack Obama was for the presidency

So false, empty hope and promises that ultimately lets people down, undeserved accolades with hypocritical messages and increased racial tensions. Seems about right.




Everyone, downvote this nigger movie. I want to see Tyrone mad!

>Exactly. If a movie is really shitty, they strike preemptively with le ebil nazi frog trolls.
The movie is probably your average capeshit
3/5 type
But they spent 400m+ on it and know they can't possible hope to make all that back

A tremendous embarrassment worldwide?

Truer words have never been spoken lmao.

(((Stern))) hmm.

Why are Jews always promoting non-whites ad nauseam?

>smash capitalism! But go spend your money on more expensive tickets to fill the pockets of movie executives, that’ll really teach the racists!


Lmfao this has to be a joke. Ole Stan has been pulling the Hitchcock cameo gag for years.

>The Black Supremacist
Hardly. Pissant pop-culture-consuming normies, though.

Shut up faggot.. He's telling the truth.
I grew up in East St. Louis area mother fucker. He is exactly correct in his assessment. I bet you are actually scared of black people. I've dealt with them my whole life. The only people I have ever met who say shit like you say are people who never grew up with black people. I'm not talking the token black kid at your fucking fancy private school either. I'm talking NIGGERS who lie, cheat, steal, fight, etc for no reason..
Tell us why we shouldn't be wary of these murderers??

Is Black Panther as big a step forward for colored rights as Ghostbusters was for female rights? Also good on them for keeping the name Black Panther to keep the name of that peaceful progressive group alive in the current generation.

>But they spent 400m+ on it and know they can't possible hope to make all that back

Now they know how waitresses, car mechanics, and any other kind of services when dealing with niggers feel.

Idk, some shit you think is satire is actually not. Niggers are really that dumb.

I'm gonna shit so hard on this niggers twitter. BRB

Black people are brainwashed everyday by left to believe that nothing about them matters except their skin colour. The Jews of Hollywood exploited this by telling the blacks they had to see this film because of their skin colour.


You fucking retard. This is about the weaponization of journalism and social engineering. Lurk more Reddit spacing

I think the studio executives honestly believed everyone will go see it because it's a Mavel Movie
If they had made the movie for 50m, I could see it being a great success.
But that budget is so inflated



White patents are not going to take their children to the theater to see this. Blacks are loud and violent at movies.

t. white patent (10yr old)


This is not surprising. That’s pretty much how most superhero flicks are these days. Convoluted plots, exposition through dialogue, BOOM WOW PRETTY, forced romances, BOOM WOW ZIP KABOOOOOOM the end.

Lately I have started to assume nothing is satire and all this shit is just pure stupidity. That way if I find out later that it was indeed satire it becomed a pleasant surprise. If you assume it is satire and then find out it isn't then its just depressing.

this. Usually white parents take their kids to watch a movie 2 or 3 times in a row. This won't happen with all the niglets around. White parents also don't want to get their kids blacked.

Blacks saying white people shouldn't be allowed to watch this black cinematic masterpiece

Blacks saying whites need to pay for blacks to see it

Blacks saying (((Disney))) needs to reinvest 25% of the movie profits back into the black community.

This is what happens when you pander to niggers.

>is black. the post.

Who taught you to read Toby? get back to the plantation now!

Why aren't we capitalizing on this shit with blaxit

>without colonisation
And the world's largest deposit of a rare earth metal.
Don't forget.

I watched it yesterday and it was brilliant. Rated 10/10 on imdb. Stay salty, stormfags.

This, but hide your power level. Act like people bored with the same old capeshit.

Oh wow - Hadn’t thought about that. My parents did the same thing - Avoided going to films that would pull black audiences. I also remember a few times we’d go to the theatre, see a line of loud black people buying tickets, and just walk away.

How were you able to see an advanced screening? I figured you would be banned because muh russia

They are le Russian hacker and hacked Stan Lee.

And no amount of propaganda/forced social conditioning can't override the hardwired "that's not safe" alarm in a parent's biology. Unless they can catch a show before noon when black people wake up, it ain't happening.

And somehow the technology to process it. Africa already has some of the largest deposits of rare earth metals. They just sell it to China because their population is too poor and lacking in technology to mine it themselves.

Hell, I think its actually contractual as part of the licensing rights that Stan have a cameo.

Headline should be:
"Sad desperate racists trolls mad that people aren't universally recognizing the superiority of black power."

the sun doesnt dim each day you retard, if anything it gets bigger and brighter in its way to becoming a red giant

this is why pretty words suck, faggot


Very pull put mate

I refuse to believe that troll has fingers dainty enough to type a review on imdb

I swear to God Sup Forums is being raided by underground marketers. WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS MOVIE ON Sup Forums? NOBODY!

this is a marketing campaign, and part of the marketing campaign involves shitposting on Sup Forums

they did the same thing for hidden figures, and polacks continued to shill hate-buzz about the movie for weeks

we're getting played

It's been swallowed by a left right battle. Most normal people will try to ignore it. The people "reporting" on it are not the normal people though.

The biggest movie for black culture ever is completely based of the works of two white men.

Gib me gib me gib me.
Niggers are stupid which why they need to be treated like children.

Damn that makes sense. And ifive been headed the opposite way.

But that's exactly what is surrounding this movie.

I didnt know Neal DeGrass Tyson browsed Sup Forums.

fake news just those retarded leftists trying to brainwash more minorities to perpetuate the slow eradication of whatever's left of the "white race" because we're so terrible

black fragility is very real. niggers are the lowest form of life on this planet.

It's pic related but instead of people rioting, we have blacks dancing around the statue as if it was a god.

>Now they know how waitresses, car mechanics, and any other kind of services when dealing with niggers feel.

Kek. And so true. But don't forget ""inner city public school teachers"". We all start out with altruistic intentions. And finally we realize it's a lost cause.

the best part is that the civilisation of wakanda is only prosperous due to the exploitation of its natural resource and thus much of its progress can be linked to economic trade for technology as opposed to invention of the technology itself.

>2h 14min

A capeshit film should never be this long--every capeshit film that lasted longer than 100 minutes always seemed like it dragged on forever and tended to be an absolute bore-fest. The Dark Knight Rises comes to mind when I think of a capeshit movie this long. The only redeemable aspect of that film ended up being the big guy 4 you meme. I didn't even finish the entire movie because it was so boring that I shut it off.


I knew the IMDB score would reflect the true value of this movie. It always did, I don't even know where all this rotten tomato hype is coming from. Been checking IMBD scores for more than 17 years or so. Most of the time accurate, there is no amount of trolling that can alter a movies real score. IMDB score has a complex system where the votes of true movie buffs count more than normal pleb. stupid SJW niggers can't do shit there.

black panther will go down to between 5 and 5.5


wtf wrong gif. dont even remember downloading that shit


Well now that Disney bought Fox entertainment, I can finally like Mickey Mouse.

>tfw some micropenis guy gets more pussy than i do

wakanda hsan't evolved much socially, they argue by punching each other in the head until one wins, who is then the boss

I actually would prefer you download it illegally. They are misrepresenting the racist community, I bet they didn't even ask any racists

Nobody is attacking the movie.
It's fucking great, it proselytizes the greatness of ethnic nation states and homogeneous populations. It shows the world that the best future is beneath benevolent dictatorships that enforce strict border control and culture preservation.
Fucking idiots are saying that people are attacking it to push a false narrative.

wtf Sergey, the memo clearly said you're supposed to shill against this movie. See me in my office in 5.

>I don't even know where all this rotten tomato hype is coming from.

after the tremendous failure of TLJ was accurately reflected on RT the studios got together and clearly sicced their army of fixers on the site.

and now that the black panther is getting 'real' reviews' on IMDB that is also magically 'shutting shit down'

So are they giving in to not make the kids angry?


This. We wuz kangs amirite?