Is this even remotely true?
Is this even remotely true?
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More than Obama and Bernie combined
How many billions did they receive in benefits? Twice what they contribute? Three times?
They kind of left out the 100 Billion illegals cost the government every year, but hey yellow text
Probably including sales tax and all the other shit that's not income tax.
What a disgusting fucking sentence.
"Dreamers" don't pay taxes, that's part of the reason they're a fucking blight. Whoever wrote this subversive shit should be fed feet first through a wood chipper.
Now how much did they receive directly, and how much was spent as a consequence of them being here? I bet it's more than 11.64 Billion
>Is this even remotely true?
No. The end result is they would actually cost the country money. 26 Billion over the next decade.
Absolutely subversive...simultaneously anti-Trump and soaking with subdued statism
11.64b would make a fine start on that wall.
It's almost like Trump isn't millions of people.
Holy fuck, EACH individual dream payed 11.64 billion dollars? why do we even have debt then?
There's no way that's even remotely true. That comes out to over 10000 in taxes each. If you make 20k per year, you pay around 2k in taxes. Maybe that's what WE PAY THEM in taxes.
>Blumpf possibly pays less taxes than 2 million other people combined
$135 billion.
Nope. They are assuming that all dreamers are working and all dreamers are paying the average in taxes every year, which kinda also goes against their narrative that most of them are students. It's also a bullshit comparison: "690,000 supposedly paid a total of x (they didn't), how much did YOUUUUU pay?"
Actually they do pay taxes (it at least they supposed to), that's one of the things about daca it gives them ITINs so they can pay taxes. That 11bill number is total bullshit though.
Which is all the more insulting becuase the answer is a lot.
We pay a fucking lot, and we pay a fucking lot more becuase of you parasite scurrying over the boarder and shitting out more parasites all draining the system without paying into it.
No, everyone pays taxes, the point is they don't get to frame it like these faggots make this country a single dime.
Hah, so Mexico DOES pay for it in the end
If you count all illegal aliens, they pay about $20 billion in taxes, but cost the tax payers $135 billion, for a net loss of $115 billion.
I work with them in a skilled trade. Not only do they not pay taxes their families collect welfare. We are talking six figures living the dream. You don’t understand how bad it is.
No. Its not even close to truth, how the fuck are you such a useful idiot you don't know that.
>$11.64 Billion / 1.8 Million is $6,467 per DACA person
>In 2005, Trump paid $35 Million In taxes from $150 Million In earnings, making it 25%
Yes I’d say he pays more
$135 is ONLY state paid benefits.
Slav lost here.
What's a "dreamer?"
Sorry, I think I may have been wrong about that, Better source
It's the subversive lefts new world for illegal parasite.
To be fair, this is all illegal immigrants (about 11 Million) not DACA only (1.8 Million). If you do the math though, it’s $22 B vs $11.64 B in taxes paid.
> Chutzpah: the jewish "virtue" of making claims so outrageously false they make people believe them
They cost more than they contribute.
Of course the cost in social services these muds consume is very probably 10X whatever "taxes" they pay.
Oh and Donald Trump is a fucking citizen. You can call foreign invaders any cutesy name you like but they're no more than pillaging orc hoards.
>11.64 billion / 1.8 Million
pathetic to even boast about this.
You misspelled aid
>"Dreamers" don't pay taxes
>"How can someone be some misinformed?"
>Check flag.
>"Oh, right..."
Yeah, because young, working people costs governments money. Fucking mutt goblino.
illegal aliens pay taxes ???
Dreamers are not illegal. That's why they are referred to as "Dreamers".
>11,000,000 people allegedly paid taxes
>vs one dude
God I hate these people
Average tax burden of 13k? Doubt it
Sales tax. but that's about it. Astoundingly net negative.
How much money they paid in taxes is irrelevant. They are not here legally so should be deported.
End of story.
Nah they're still illegal. What they're doing is still unconstitutional no matter how u put it. The program should be wiped clean and destroyed, its a huge fucking scam that Obama created.
How many dreamers are there? 10 million probably.
That's fucking nothing per person, and they are a net drain of 100+ billion a year.
They're a virus.
haha no, not even close.
They also consumed $20 billion+ in welfare
>A total of 1.3 million young undocumented immigrants who are enrolled or eligible for DACA contribute $2 billion a year in taxes, state and local, according to the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy. This includes personal income, property, and sales taxes.
>who are enrolled or eligible for DACA
>eligible for DACA
being eligible doesn't make you a daca kid, you are just a regular illegal if you didn't enroll. The number of enrolled daca kids is under 700,000, so that $2billion is can be adjusted down.
Per this ITEP think tank, the 11 billion in taxes is the total estimate of ALL illegals in the country, so 10 million or more produce 11 billion in taxes. whoopdedoo
I can't even imagine the audacity these people have. Every other country on earth would be tourtureing my balls with a car battery before deporting me if I acted this way/
>1.6m people paid more taxes than 1 person
There is no way this is true. For that $11 billion to be true every DACA enrolled person would have to make $65,000 a year.
It can be true if they count state sales tax and gas taxes.
If 3.5 million people pay about 3000+ a year on various taxes, the sum works out right. I'd like to see the formula they used to arrive at the figure.
PROTIP: they don't mean income tax.
they will pay state and local taxes like property/sales but not federal income tax
I'm sure Trump paid quite a bit in sales tax, as well.
From what I remember, there are 10 million dreamers in the US.
11,000,000,000/10,000,000=611.11 on average.
That's 9 times less than the average person.
The sources that use are flimsy to say the least. Their math is,,, not that good and they cite their own websites articles for a lot of numbers.
I would take this graph with a grain of salt.
how the fuck does one pay taxes without a social security number?
sales and property taxes, plus I guess indirectly by whatever your employer ends up paying
Tax identification number
But I dunno how illegals are “forced” to get one
>Taxpayer Identification Number
>identity theft
Even if it was, DACA costs aproximately $26 billion
Based off of generous estimations. But the same generous estimations show they cost taxpayers ~90 billion.
I don’t think it was dreamers. It was more than likely the migrant farm workers who go home at the end of the growing seasons.
B-but Jimmy Kimmel showed me that DACA recipients can get their own special tax IDs and legally pay taxes....... He wouldn't lie, would he?
Not every illegal is eligible for DACA so the number is much less than the total number of illegals but more than the number enrolled. I think the number of eligible DACA illegals is 1.8 million.
screencapped the brilliance
This, it probably counts in state sales taxes on every item they buy as well.
Yes they can receive a TIN, but like many illegals they just simply just steal a social from a dead person or a newborn because applying for one means that the government can track them.
was that in sales tax or something? even tourists pay that.
It would be interesting to compare the sales tax of *legal* foreign visitors to that figure. I bet you Canadians pay more than that.
Literally 10 times
I made around $26k a few years back and paid around 4k in taxes(Social,Medicare,Federal and state)
I have saved this since OP is going to spam his dumb shit for (you)'s in the future.
>comparing hundreds of thousands of leeches to ONE person
>how much in millions of public school education did they steal WHILE OVERCROWDING OUR CLASSROOMS?
>everyone knows illegal parents (who evade taxes while undercutting our job market), their daca kids and their eventual daca anchor babies are a HUGE net DRAIN on our society
Then let’s see those tax returns. You’ll have to understand that the IRS, as part of the federal government, can’t be trusted to release accurate information so you’ll have to furnish the relevant tax documents.
>50 million people paid more taxes than one guy
Checkmate Drumpf!