Eh, it was alright

Kept seeing this getting rave reviews everywhere so I bought it off of Comixology. It was OK. No offense to the author but the MC was kinda just a pathetic little shit most of the time and I didn't find her very sympathetic most of the time. There are a couple funny bits here and there but it it doesn't really get interesting until she actually gets goes to the love hotel an her experience afterwards coming to terms with what makes her really happy but by then it's already over.

Other urls found in this thread:

its getting rave reviews from people that relate to it.

Japan cant into good gay representation.

For the most part, this but on other part you can gain empathy

This was an autobiography though

Japanese homosexuals don't know how to be proper homosexuals.

Yeah, it wasn't anything special. I think the praise is more about people who can empathize with the author rather than people who find genuine value in the narrative structure or the art. If we're talking narrative the MC doesn't really have an arc outside of no longer being a completely self-destructive wreck by the end of the story. She's still damaged and so whipped she couldn't bring herself to touch the SECOND partner she paid to be with.

>MC was kinda just a pathetic little shit most of the time

That was the point, some people, like the author, felt and acted in that way because they fucking need therapy or something to help them improve for being such shit beings.


It's a confessional of a depressed lesbian.
In case you hadn't noticed, there's a lot of very vocal depressed lesbians out there who absolutely love anything that one-sidedly glorifies their self-indulgent psychosis.

It's not praised because it's a good or well-presented story. It's praised because it tells some people exactly what they want to hear.


She fucking hates herself

So is this the welcome to the nhk of lesbians?

You're overprojecting a little bit. It's praised because of it being a candid biopic of a depressed lesbian ultra-sperg; you're not really supposed to like her, but watch her madness unfold from /r9k/-tier self-hatred and see where it led her as she matures and realizes "what" the fuck she is.

It's interesting, but nothing worth dropping money for and a passing read unless you like autobiographies of navel-gazers who really did need a lot of fucking help.

Normalfags need to get out.

shitty b8

More like the /r9k/ of lesbians.

>implying people don't narcissistically glorify their self-hatred all the time

The self-deprecation always has an ironic tone. It's always the same note, too: "I don't understand why the world sucks so I guess I'll disingenuously blame myself because the whole world can't be wrong right? teehee."
She constantly dances around the narcissistic conclusion she clearly buys into and feeds faux humility in its stead. Part of its rhetoric is trying to show that blaming yourself for the world not suiting you, as the MC pretends to do, is an untenable position.

People only like it because of the MC is a cute 28 years old virgin cute girl (at least the character she used to represent herself is cute).

That may be true for those that are not clinically depressed. I haven't read the manga, but isn't the MC just that?


bad comic with shit art by a whiny dyke

As far as I recall, the MC never gets herself tested or diagnosed with anything, so any claims of "Clinical" depression are self-diagnoses at best. The author definitely tries her best to portray the character as being bewilderingly unhappy for completely incomprehensible reasons beyond her control, but so does every histrionic self-diagnoser with a victim-complex. That, and having clinical depression also doesn't necessarily preclude one from being narcissistic or as insufferably self-assured as the author portrays the main character. You can't be a 'medically bad person,' that doesn't excuse anything.

The climax of her with the prostitute hit me hard because the concept of intimacy is completely alien to me and I know my first time is going to be exactly as awkward.

Why is there still people who think that any story needs the character to end turned into a better version of herself/himself? Why people think other readers read this because obviusly those readers like the character and can't be critics toward her? Not everybody read or watches things because they need to blindy like the MC.
And I think is an interesting work, and you can decide if is work your money, not faggots talkikg about muh narrative and structure.

If this isn't irony then kill yourself asap please.

I hope she at least gave the prostitute a tip for keeping up with her whiny virgin ass

This entire manga just resonated with me except for the lesbian bits

>implying America can into good gay representation with forced progressive agendas

Also delet dis


here Korra teaches how become lesbians after having the same white boyfriend.

It's getting rave reviews because it's gay theme clicks good with the west fans crowd. While it's main theme is more are to learn to be self-sufficient, when extent of MC's lesbianism is quite questionable- many people who fails to integrate into society tends to drift toward same-sex relationships for several reasons,

>has depression, a diagnosable issue that consumes you
>pathetic little shit
Grow up

Did the MC ever get a diagnosis though?

The conclusion was so fucking disappointing though.

She does take medicine for it though, so I'd assume she does have clinical depression.

Women who try to beat the dick become depressed. Who knew?

t. shounenfag that requires a happy ending with the MC getting married and having two kids in every fucking manga they read

>white boyfriend
Weren't they Asians or whatever the in-universe equivalent was?

Isn't care for mental health issues in Japan really shitty?

>sozin wasn't terrible for starting a hundred year war and genociding entire peoples
>it was for banning gay marriage

Yes, generally.

only a little

At least you won't end up bankrupt because of it in japan.

I can agree with you, but the conclusion and ending still left me unsatisfied, but that's because of my personal tastes and because I can't stand people like the author.

I like how they really fucking needed the little insert commenting on it, just to make sure the point was hammered in

I think so, she was taking medicine and mentions meeting a doctor about it.

I hope some of you are baiting, otherwise >>/r9k/ you need to go back

Are some of you baiting, or are you seriously that far gone?

I prefer the one where a site sets up two sisters together on a blind date and they ended up fucking and becoming girlfriends.

Nice samefagging there

>It's praised because it tells some people exactly what they want to hear
Most commercially successful stories are based on this to some degree. Why do you think so many people are waiting for their Hogwarts letter or watch dumb shit about a bland black haired loser MC being transported to a brand new world where he's the chosen one and the most OP guy in the world? If self indulgent psychosis is what you want, I think you'd have a field day with these.
I don't see why pretty much everyone and their mother should be allowed to do this shit except lesbians.

Yet she published a book so everyone else can see. Women love to play "pity me".

She's an artist so, yeah she did. Your first autobiographical work?

>female virgin has depression
>sees a prostitute and makes a webcomic to vent her frustrations
>male virgin has depression
>writes about his imouto fucking chads, murders his roommates and goes on a shooting rampage
Really jogs the noggin

Honestly, the fact that she's a lesbian seems less important to the flow of the narrative than the fact that she's absurdly sexually repressed in general and a complete sperg when it comes to interacting with people.

Writing a book about yourself is very self centered. Normally people are embarrassed about situations like this, so the only explanation left for this behavior is that the author wanted attention. The fact that it is a woman writing it just reinforces that since attention is like crack to them.

You forgot option B,
>sits at home in perpetual loneliness
>blows his brains outs
>nobody cares because nobody is left to care

>Normally people are embarrassed about situations like this, so the only explanation left for this behavior is that the author wanted attention.
I don't understand why you're so upset that a woman wrote about something people wouldn't want to talk about when it gives them an opportunity to read something they can relate to.

I think you are just projecting, user-kun

>I don't understand why you're so upset
I'm not upset, I'm stating a fact. The only one upset here is you that I'm stating this. Stop projecting.

You seem upset

>I don't like what you're saying so I'll put words in your mouth and reduce it to a strawman about my pet tumblr issue
Nice. Do you feel victimized yet?

>You forgot option B,
>sits at home in perpetual loneliness
>blows his brains outs
>nobody cares because nobody is left to care
I know you're just cherry picking but if someone is depressed they have the opportunity to receive help or do something about it, and the author chose to use a pen instead of killing herself or harming other people for the sake of attention.

Who are you quoting?

>telling others to stop projecting in the post following someone telling you to stop projecting

It's okay to be 12 user, but this site might be too much for you.

Should have went with the latter

I only see chapter 4 and nothing after. Anyone have a link to chapter 5 and beyond?

>Should have went with the latter

>being too retarded to read the timestamps
I was in the middle of posting that when the other one posted. Stop deflecting. Maybe you should learn how this site works or go back to whatever shit hole you came from.

She's a garbage and a dyke

>More projecting


I think a better comparison would be
>female virgin has depression, solicits a prostitute
>so brave! such insight! character development!
>male virgin has depression, solicits a prostitute
>beta as fuck, get a job, work out, ditch your nerd hobby, don't be a creep, etc

why so triggered

what are you going on about.
no one is saying she's brave or whatever.

When will /r9k/ leave?

>the MC was kinda just a pathetic little shit most of the time and I didn't find her very sympathetic most of the time.

It's completely autobiographical. The "MC" isn't even slightly fictionalized; this is all shit the author actually did. Don't expect this to have the kind of narrative arc a fictional manga would; she's just telling it like it was, and she's a super awkward closeted lesbian in a pretty homophobic and sexist society. This much spaghetti is to be expected.

>Women love to play "pity me".

Holy fuck, are you baiting or are you not aware that easily 80% of Western indie comics is the authors whinging about their manpain?

>completely autobiographical
People still write those? Get a blog.

Not anime and manga.

She already did. IIRC this was posted online before being published as a tankoubon.

How is the art?

What is it abour baggy-eyed girls?

>guys you'll never believe this, but I suspect the author of "My LESBIAN Experience With Loneliness" is... A HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!

You're a retard and/or a ESL peasant, so who are you to judge?

>being so retarded you participate in timestamp autism

bags_under_eyes is my fetish

I bought a used copy.

Would this qualify as yuri?

>proper homosexuals

You have to be one miserable fuck to not relate even a little bit. I refuse to believe you're this pedantic and aren't simply being a contrarian. I mean we're on Sup Forums.


I enjoyed it. Certainly isn't the best thing put to paper, but it was alright. The artstyle kept it from becoming brooding and annoying, but it still allowed the author to express her emotions well enough for me to get it. I guess relating to the whole anxiety thing is a bonus too, but outside of that it was still enjoyable.

According to your depiction is genderbent NGE

10/10 will eventually jerk off to.

she can't give a tip, she has no penis

People only care because it's lesbians, and they wanted to see lesbians rub clits together.

What japanese males does that?

I guess the Welcome to the NHK authour is also a woman. I mean it's fine when a dude publishes a manga about fucking hating himself and being unable to integrate into society, and ends it with him not being able to do it. But if it's a female mangaka all of a sudden it's all women. Fuck you dickweed, learn to appreciate a work for it's own merits, instead of focusing on shaming the person who put it out there.


Ask me how I know you are a tumblr dyke


Just read it, it was alright

I hope she continues it


Is this real? And people say The Last Airbender movie was the worst thing to happen to the series