Why not?
The MC is a shit mary sue self insert and the gold digging raptor is better.
>came here from Sup Forums
>exactly what i expected
You don't have to go back.
I prefer leaving
It's cancelled I believe. So the editors asked that too.
It was kinda shitty desu, and not because of the monster girl designs.
They could've turned it around.
Ah well.
I wanted more just for the cute raptor. The dude should make a new series but focusing on the MC's friend and his raptor girlfriend.
And the ankylosaur cutie.
She could fit a cow in that thigh gap.
Probably the most retarded kind of monster girl. Truly disgusting shit.
Some user made a thread using that pic long ago. He got banned for it.
what is this? an excuse for zoophilia?
Mods are retarded.
It wouldnt be so bad if her stories didn't center around her eating garbage.
Former delinquent plot point made him less shitty
Made him more shitty.
>I am a bland self insert nice guy
>Oh my this cute girl who just happens to be my fetish just fell on my lap
>Isn't it adorable how she's completely dependent on me because she is incompetent at everything?
>Oh and I am secretly a super strong former delinquent so no one fuck with me u wouldn't like me when I'm angry
tfw it even got licensed for english release
If it went for a few more volumes there might be an anime too about that t-rex girl roaming around naked and eating garbage
We could get a series of half-length episodes.
It's a fetish manga you fucking dimwit don't expect Inio Asano level characters
That doesn't change the fact that the MC is garbage.
You know she reminds me of Churio, kinda. Only less retarded.