One Piece

Spoilers tonight.
Last predictions time.
Is the arc over or not?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's over
Big Mom will fight SHs in Elbaf

Sanji x Nami chapter, please

Yes, its over.
And if its not they'll fight some B tier villains, definitely not BM.

Best pairing! Incredible chemistry in the manga and great doujins!

Obviously, but if someone posts fake spoilers I at least expect it to be dripping with unfunny memes.
is just nothing. It's not trying to be funny or realistic. It's just a waste of a post.

When will the series fucking end?

Nope. Arcs just begun. BigMeme will get BTFO by Luffys hands and these threads will be composed of hackposters.

Reminder that Oda's Best friend is a convicted pedophile


There's going to be a scene of closure between Sanji and Pudding and a farewell scene from the Sun Pirates where Jinbe is made an official member of the Straw Hats

Other than that, it's over.

Lola will defeat Big Mom

>Luffy's out of energy
>Sanji's back
>They already have the poneglyph
>Zoro, and the rest of the strawhats arent there
>Bege just left
>Luffy needed help to defeat the weakest sweet commander earlier this arc
>Repeatedly said they'll come back for BM later
Why are you Luffykids so stupid? Are you trolling?

We also need to find out who Pudding really is.

Be honest what do you think that caption says because that's not what I get out of it

Is Moria stronger than Sanji?

Spoilers for next chapter

Chapter 873 A maiden's tears

Big Mom begins rampaging through the cake covered Sweet City

Smoothie tries to stop Big Mom and Big Mom punches her clear into a pile of buildings. Smoothie lives but is unconscious, Big Mom pirates remark that no one other than a Sweet Commander could withstand a direct hit from Big Mom

Katakuri commands Daifuku to continue chasing the Straw Hats and Firetanks while he uses his Mochi ability combined with Perospero's Candy ability, and Compote begins evacuating Sweet City through her fruit ability, a Paramecia that turns any fruit or vegetable into giant sized transports, and makes several pumpkin carriages and peach air-ships to ferry civilians away

They shout at Streussen that the only way to calm Big Mom is to make another cake, but he insists it's impossible because the kitchen has been turned into cake. Pudding approaches Big Mom and tries to calm her down, but Mont D'eur, remembering what happened to Moscot, tries to shout her down before Big Mom stares at her scarily. She begins to cry.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats continue to escape, making it half way towards the Sunny, when Sanji suddenly stops and turns back towards Sweet City. Jinbe asks him what's the hold up, and he says 'I hear a maiden's tears falling down..."

Else where, Caesar is racing to the docks to steal a boat to take, already making plans to make the Cat Burglar pay for what she said, when suddenly cannon fire destroys all ships at the docks, much to his shock. He turns towards the sea, wondering what could have done it, when he stares in shock: a Beast Pirates ship with a Pterodactyl on the front mast has appeared on the horizon shooting up the shoreline. He cries out, "Q-q-q-QUEEN!?!"

No because Moria's bounty is higher.

>>Luffy needed help to defeat the weakest sweet commander earlier this arc

Not a Luffyfag but I hate this meme. Watering down some biscuits doesn't mitigate the fact that Luffy did all the hard work and effectively beat Cracker with one attack.

"Surpass a yonko" about damntime

Wait shit

Bounties aren't power levels

Fake and gay.


You're doing it wrong.
Fake post closer to actual release time (8-12 hrs from now)

Im not denying Luffys feats. Luffy did great against a Yonkos commander but he wouldnt have won without Namis help. The fact he had a hard time against Cracker tells me he isnt ready for Smoothie or Katakuri, let alone BM/

Cracker's powers were a bad matchup for Luffy's

Luffy relies on brute force which Cracker could just tank with an army of unlimited biscuit soldiers. Luffy won the moment he could actually land a blow since Cracker was too used to using his biscuits and didn't know how to handle taking a hit on his own. With Smoothie and Katakuri he wouldn't have that problem and could fight them in his more traditional style.

>when suddenly cannon fire destroys all ships at the docks
we get it you like fairy tail

Not to mention Luffy simply being able to eat the soldiers for unlimited stamina. Luffy would have jobbed to any other sweet commander desu. How he is supposed to face any of the Yonkou without another timeskip/training arc is beyond me.

I had small laugh at word "Pterodactyl"

I still hope her eye is just some deformation and she fucked up with BM's mind to make her think she's important. It'd make her backstory way more interesting.

Nah, she works for the marines

Don't you remember how he developed gears in span of like ~2 days without apparent training simply because he wanted to get stronger? H

Things that still need to happen this arc

>pudding/sanji issue resolved and farewell
>pedro dying
>big meme being BTFO and somehow being appeased enough to consider allying with the SH

What would awakened Robin be like?

When are you faggots gonna understandbthat Luffy's major streght isn't his combat abilitie but his carisma to attract people to his cause, for fucks sake it was espelled for you during Marineford

I don't think he was eating them for stamina. It was just easier than punching them

Also considering the he didn't use King Kong Gun, he didn't go all out on Cracker either

Kill yourself, joyboy

not a single one of those needs to happen lol

>big meme being BTFO and somehow being appeased enough to consider allying with the SH
Fuck off meme loving retard

>watching OP youtubers

If Big Mom gets a second arc none of that needs to happen.

>trying to legitimize SaPu

This shipping shit is getting out of hand.

The only thing worse than the excessive shipping and "xfags btfo" memes is the one user that won't stop using "big meme" all day

OP is ending on chapter 1200, BM needs to get taken down now or it's too late.

I get the Nami/Luffy/Sanji whoever stuff because even if it's gay at least they're major characters with a lot of major interactions together but Pudding is like Viola and a cover story character at best all this stuff is crazy reaching.


>Implying she won't get ZEHAHAHAHA'd

Its mostly LuNafags looking to get rid off Sanji. This is classic shipping behavior. I think thats also true for Hancock but i legit like Hancock better.

Sanji will fall in love with another one off character next arc they don't have to do this

That's what Elbaf is for.

Who do you think you are? Oda? fucking retard

While I don't ship, Pudding and Sanji obviously do need some resolution, regardless of what exactly will it be.

Maybe but Sanji will always try getting with Nami and pairing him with someone definitively takes him out of the picture.

>This week marks the first chapter of One Piece post-Caesar

How will you cope Sup Forums?

>Is the arc over or not?

the answer is no

why do these fake spoilers sound like genuine spoilers?

Year of Jinbe 's death spoilers tonight

Just read all of the one piece chapters in a week.
I have concluded most of it is shit but it is all worth reading for buggy__

dub > sub
every VA except Luffy's is surprisingly good so far (200 episodes in), hopefully they don't change up

He still has to leave WCI. And he still might get a cover story after the alliance. Everything will turn alright.

They'll have to. BB and Sengoku's VAs are dead

>someone likes the dub of One Piece
Man there are some truly awful people out there

I want to ____ Carrot

Japanese VA is also pretty mediocre most of the time if you really pay attention to it.

We also need Sanji apology scene and Nami reconciliation.

speaking of va and buggy... did anyone else notice that fang's voice actor is buggy's?

Blackbeard's VA is alive. His dad, who voiced Gol D. Roger, died.

Mihawk's original voice actor also died a few years ago.

it's definitely better than the Japanese dub, and that's coming from somebody who prefers subs 99% of the time

I'm referring to the English VAs

We could write an alternative WCI storyline using all the fake spoilers that came out since the beginning of the arc.

Wait, you mean the dub, my bad

Nami should be the one apologizing. She was a fucking cunt.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

I hope to God the arc doesn't end like this, Luffy's practically lost every fight in it. (Cracker doesnt count because Nami helped so it wasn't fair) We just need 10-20 chapters of fighting so the SH crew doesn't come off as weak and cowardly.

>Crew is about to leave
>Luffy turns around and says "I can't leave, if I run away, I'll never be able to be the pirate king!
>Goes to fight BM
>When he arrives, there are half-eaten clothes everywhere
>"Hahahaha mamamama, looks like you returned mugiwara"
>Luffy closes his eyes
>"I have to get stronger to defeat you"
>Suddenly the ground is all bouncy
>Luffy opens G4
>"I have now matured"
>Sinks into the ground, then explodes right back like bellamy did with springs
>Delivers a blow to BM, sending her flying away

>Sanji beating the crap out of Luffy was justified because of Zeff
>Nami' anger wasn't justified even though she has seen her captain almost beaten to death by her crewmate
Nami IS a cunt, but she wasn't wrong in her behaviour.

Just awful.

>This is what fightfags actually want to happen

He also voices Robo Ky in guilty gear xrd. although not playable yet

The worst idea for this arc finale I've seen. And that Includes SaNa delusion.

Zoroposter, where's your image?

Nami and Sanji will kiss. And you will still be mad :)

Can't wait for you to get BTFO when this arc officially ends.

You see? And this faggot is still better than

>K-Kaido will kill Jinbe for sure
>S-So what if Jinbe's now included on all the advertising and color spreads

Good thing you're not writing this story.

I never knew I missed you user

I dropped it

Anyone else hoping Big Mom manages to steal someones lifespan?

Imagine the shitstorm if she took 40 years from Carrot.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

Could it be that because Zoro's been away for so long, you're beginning to disappear? Be strong, you can live through this!

IKR. Can't wait for LuNafags to eat crow. :P


I wish your dad pulled out

>Imagine the shitstorm if she took 40 years from Carrot.
Eh, most of Carrot fans here are furries so they don't care for old Carrot.

Fucking cringe.

The story probably ends in a few months.

who cares about years as long as it's not all.

Funny enough I was actually pretty sleepy when I made that first post.

Sanji-kun loves it when she doesn't wear underwear that's why she never does

Could Blackbeard defeat Big Mom?