Everyone says he's alpha

>everyone says he's alpha
>10 mins in and he's getting grabbed and threatened by a random bitch and allowing it

Man why don't we get male protags who would uppercut a chick for pulling this shit?

alpha /= bitchy sshole

It's for alphas to make them feel safe and then rape them


let the summer be

Alpha=Not letting people fuck around with you like in the OP

>opinion based on the first 10 minutes
i don't think he is an alpha, but man you shoul watch more
the point is that araragi kun isn't a pussy that backs off when a girl makes a move
he is perverted as everyone wants and harem mc to be

>he is perverted as everyone wants and harem mc to be

He's no rance though

He's alpha because he fucks all the bitches.

Rance and DS are products of their time. These days you'd only get things like that one faggot from that NTR fantasy manga, whose infiinitely more pathetic and unlikeable than either of them.

Araragi is fine for what he needs to be.

He's alpha but also a fucking retard. Him & his siblings are all hot, charismatic nutjobs, maybe it just runs in the family or something.

>Parents are policemen
>Arararagi can't help but help girls out
>Karen is justice incarnate
>Tsukihi copies them

Pretty much desu

Shuraragi doesn't give up. Just wait till you watch Nise.

>Kiss-Shots biggest sexual experience ever.
>Reverse boobface

Well, there was the time where Oshino stole her heart. Pity she never noticed.

And then he plowed that random bitch and started dating her

I wouldn't count that sexual


Traditionally having your heart stolen counts as romantic, but maybe not if it's literal. And then there's .

Stealing her first kiss, to shut her up.

>Koyomi becomes a cop
>Karen becomes a cop
>Tsukihi goes to America to study dance
what the fuck happened

Shinobu does really pay attention to all the other girls around Araragi. In Kabuki she implied that she has been keeping her eyes on Snake. Araragi is not that dense, he right off realized what Shinobu implied right her when she asked him: "Don't you have something tell me" That kiss was basically:
>Don't worry about that.
Shinobu is basically a little girl when it comes to romance

Kazuma is the only LN protag who doesn't put up with annoying bitches.

He tried to save some chick one time and she tried to kill him and he just said fuck that and dropped her.

Kazuma is another example of based harem mc, it's a shame thtat s3 never and that he only wants to fuck explodololi

more cg?

Too cool for you.

>falling for the alpha/beta meme

The only reason why people call him alpha is because he hit and take all the girls that come for him and more

He's pervert\siscon\lolicon and many other things

I always she was more distant to araragi than karen heck i think he like karen much more

Hurting a woman is not alpha, in fact, it's the opposite

1. He already knows she's somehow supernatural, and he's dealt with supernatural beings capable of killing him in the past.
2. Did you notice the part where she stuck a razor blade in his mouth? That'd deter anyone from making any sudden movements
3. He walked her home gently all night later on.

Only betas would actually say that.

>the measure of how acceptable hurting someone is depends on the gender of the victim

Letting a women hurt you for no reason is the signs of a beta wimp

>he's mistaking that Kazuma for the original

>that fucking mirror
That never fails to get me.

>Man why don't we get male protags who would uppercut a chick for pulling this shit?
I gotchu.


Good god that looked retarded. Avoiding this franchise wasn't a mistake at all.

alphas don't beat women

>the bait is set, now all I have to do is wait :^)

This nigga should draw a fighting manga really. That guy's got killer moves.

I'm asking you seriously, did you earnestly feel like that didn't look retarded?

i assume it works the same way for alphas not beating men, right?

I unironically thought that entire fight scene was fucking fantastic, one of the best I've seen in quite a while actually.

Is this an unpopular opinion?

I'm asking you seriously, did you earnestly feel like you were trying hard enough?


An alpha usually would not need to resort to violence to put a woman in her place but there are exceptions.

>hitting a woman who's weaker than you

What's the deal with the mirror?

I've tried to watch this series multiple times but I could never get into it. Is there any substance to it or does it just pretend to have substance as a vehicle for silly conversations and cool art? Are there any messages or themes it has? It seems like it would be impossible with so many different overlapping series. I want to like it but it just seems stupid as is.

It's alright, nothing to write home about though.

It's so the table can watch themselves in their pathetic state of being

No, the only reason anyone watches it is for the girls. There is no plot, no deep characterization, no drama, no excitement, no anything else.

The girls are pretty much the only content it has. Just think "Staring at a wall + girls" and that's pretty much it.

If you just want girls, you're better off going to Gelbooru. At least there you can use your imagination to fantasize that those girls actually having interesting personalities.

Learn Japanese.

I find every arc contains a few kernels of truth and substance within them, but there is a lot of fluff, but I find the fluff very entertaining along with the meaningful bits of narrative as well.

I think if you can't get through Bakemonogatari you are not going to enjoy the series in general, it is probably the most straightforward and formulaic portion of the series, and the most dense from a meaningful narrative standpoint as well, although it has been years since I've watched it so I might be misremembering.

>An alpha usually would not need to resort to violence to put a woman in her place but there are exceptions.
t. true alpha mail

What kind of substance would you say there is in the very first arc? I can almost see something, but it all feels flat to me.

that last part was silly, but the movie up until then had properly set up the expectation of the viewer so that it wouldn't feel out of place. That and the animation was fantastic.

I'm surprised if it didn't feel out of place in the context of the movie. The art and all the colors are very atmospheric, and that atmosphere happens to directly and wholeheartedly oppose what I saw in the webm.

>that atmosphere happens to directly and wholeheartedly oppose what I saw in the webm.
Then you clearly didn't really watch much of any of the movies.


He is alpha only when it comes to hs sisters and lolis, everything else walks over him as if he was an insect.

Just a warning
He gets his ass kicked and gets outsmarted by girls like 90% of the time

It was pretty good I think, honestly the Bakemonogatari scenes are predictable as a whole, however

>fight start
>beat the living shit out of araragi for ~3m
>someone helps him in some way or another

one of my favorite animes but the fight are always like that

Tsukihi doesn't know what she wants from life but also refuses to just go with the flow and get stuck in some shitty desk job. So you get her trying out random bullshit.

anime niggas be like "aninari is bad"

I digged Zaregoto more tbqh.

>what is magical realism
Learn how to immerse user

>Sup Forums is infested with a bunch of self inserts
wew lad
the fact that people think that these hoes are hard or something
Even Shinji can bonner them with the right tools

>Sup Forums is infested with a bunch of self inserts
First day here?