Are these characters from Pripara or Aikatsu?
PriPara, Aikatsu, etc
Is this character from flowering heart or balala?
They are from Rilu Rilu Fairilu. Rippu is on the left nad Rose is on the Right. They are gay for each other, but Rippu has a boyfriend.
Rose-chan also has her own humaru stud, don't forget.
>ep 39 subs never
Nice poem, it has a haiku vibe to it.
I didn't watch it, sorry. Just were reading comments.
That is a picture of my wife, Mirei.
She looks rather sm0l.
Your wife looks extra cute today.
Winter, come back.
To be fair, when I got my first girlfriend we would hold hands, grab each other's asses and sometimes perform oral sex on each other in class just so we could be "accidentally" discovered. It feels silly thinking of it now, but you feel so delighted about having someone you just want to show it off.
Riajuu should die in a fire.
Jigoku Mimiko in PriPara.
Spiteful failures at life should at least shut up about it.
die norms
I want to fuck Lala in class.
Just watched the new PriPara. I really didn't expect that ending. I thought it was most likely she'd see the light and embrace PriPara. That would have been to early for my taste, so I'm pretty happy with what happened.
I want to bang this dream.
I want to fuck Lala.
t's OK.
"Suger" means "sucks" in Swedish.
Just started watching this. Didn't expect to see RL lolis to be honest. Mia-chan is cute though.
Remember their names for when you watch DMF.
Do your best today!
Get real nerd, I'm watching anime all day.
Must do my best to inseminate the Strawberry.
I want to die.
Nice girl. I really like her clothes. Tights especially. And her voice seems familiar, but I can't remember where have I heard it.
You serious son, it's the motherfuckin asumi kana.
I'm impressed, I thought this episode was gonna be meh but it turned out to be one of the best ones of IT.
Who does Mimiko's voice? I always liked, but she did an extraordinary job this episode.
>Tights especially
Do you also hold the belief that tights and pantyhose can drive men wild?
Post the one where Aira-chan wears a beret.
Nice episode. Had a lot of fun at the end. The beginning part seemed a bit generic "a girl from the street becomes idol because real one was away". Have seen a lot of it in magical girl idol shows from 80th. But the second half was very thrilling and exciting. Aira is cute and sexy and I enjoyed watching her falling and hurting herself. She makes really cute faces. This anime looks a lot like Aikatsu, but seems a bit lacking. But I like it nevertheless.
I want to dock with Aira.
>This anime looks a lot like Aikatsu, but seems a bit lacking.
Oh, just you wait.
Sure they do. Just like feet, toes and armpits.
>This anime looks a lot like Aikatsu, but seems a bit lacking.
You're up for a real ride.
Post the ones where idols wear no pants.
Aikatsu wishes it could be Pretty Rhythm.
Funny enough, it tried, if you notice the early Aikatsu appeals are pretty much short versions of the Prism Jumps.
I'm sorry /ai/. I watched the first five episodes of Aurora Dream, and all the aggressive het was bothering me. Then after hearing you guys say it gets even more aggressive and about a marriage, I ended up just skimming through the whole series and I chanced upon the marriage proposal scene. Seeing a main character just be in love with a cute boy like that...
...I don't know. I couldn't take it. I just can't deal with all that militant vanilla het. It fucking kills me. So I deleted the whole series. I'm sorry for being such a useless waste of bandwidth. I don't know what happened, I'm like a fucking caricature of a /u/shitter now.
It's too late for you now user. Maybe you should watch some GochiUsa instead.
You really need to learn to self insert user.
>I'm like a fucking caricature of a /u/shitter now.
Nah, you're more like a super puretyfag, which is worse.
You're fucking pathetic user, and I never say that.
Watch Lady Jewelpet as penance.
It's your loss, not ours, user.
I know it's too early to judge after only one episode, but for now I like Ichigo more than Aira and overall quality of Aikatsu seems a bit higher. Pretty Rhythm has better first episode CG, though. Sorry if I misspoken and offended someone, it was just my inferior opinion.
Self inserting as a straight female attracted to boys her own age is gay. The only acceptable types of self insertion are self insertion into homosexual females and self insertion into little girls that are attracted virgin males over the age of 30.
I don't really care if that's true or not, but it made me smile pretty hard, thanks.
But isn't that just as bad?
What a shame user, you're gonna miss out the best /ai/ shows.
>isn't that just as bad?
Literally marriages proposals before the first half of the show is over, also it's lewd as fuck.
Well it's just that you're a bit confused just like many who go into aurora dream expecting another Aikatsu. PR is a different genre entirely, more of a sports series with a real plot that gets pretty nuts later.
>overall quality of Aikatsu seems a bit higher
Well sure, Aikatsu has much higher production values, especially the first season. Pretty Rhythm looks like it's made on a really small budget by comparison until Rainbow Live.
What are they doing?
At least you tried, I avoid PR for that same reason. For me romance has no place in a Idols show.
I really don't understand you, user. Your loss though.
Prism stars are not idols.
Prism Stars are not idols though.
>But isn't that just as bad?
It wouldn't be penance if it was easy.
Mouth-on-mouth kissu in the first episode.
I'll check it out, I typically like MS more than idols anyway. As long as the love interest isn't as annoying as Syaoran or something.
>I really don't understand you, user
I'd write another essay about the correlation between effective avoidance of cuckoldry and straight male lesbian self-insertion, but I got shit to do. Surely I'll start this argument again later when I get triggered by another het show though, and I'll elaborate then.
What's wrong with liking Puretty?
the korean must explode
Puretty a shit, they were better as the shuffle units rather than being by themselves.
>I'll check it out, I typically like MS more than idols anyway.
Mobile Suits?
I expect 2 pages next time. Don't disappoint me.
mimiko better come back as mimi-chan with twin tails and a permanent blush stickers.
I heard there was an /ai/ discord on the last thread
Where do I find this discord
Is it really worth finding?
Side-jerks makes me sad.
Of course it is
I bet there's a lot of cute ainons in it
I only pop in to see Akatsukin's weekly essay on the newest Stars episode.
Who is Akatsukin?
It doesn't exist, it's a meme. We invented it precisely so that you would keep asking, and you fell for it hook, line and sinker!
You're not fooling me
There's a link and I'm going to get it
The man bringing Aikatsu to the english-speaking world and the only one who understands its MASTERFUL WRITING.
basically a morals question with people wanting to fuck lala and people wanting to amputate limbs from ichigo.
There's a place where you can find it. You should be able to figure it out if you're not an /ai/ newfag.
Great, people want to dismember Ichigo now too?
Has he published a thesis on Aikatsu?
They're not people though. Edgelords are subhumans and the dregs of society
But I cant find it if you don't tell me
Come on user
Does that place you're referring to (not the nonexistent Discord) even operate anymore?
But the discord exists
No it doesn't.
Yes it does
Lying isnt cool
Really, why should we guide you straight to it?