Make a character that's suppose to have huge breasts

>make a character that's suppose to have huge breasts
>they're actually just mosquito bites

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Go big or go home

why can't nips draw tits worth a piss? I don't mind big titties but 99% of the time they end up looking like gigantic, disproportionate balloons.

This. A little gravity does a lot of good.

I rather have mosquito bites than her disgusting innie nipples,

seriously, look at these. she may as well be a boy

My brothers.
I can't begin to explain how much more eroticism some sag adds.

Anime and hentai really fucked me up. Those do look small to me.

it's always good to meet some fellow patricians.


How much is too much?

I've yet to see it, I hope you're not implying what you posted is big though. May as well be a flat chest.


>tfw want to post Manyuu webms but nipple mod is on his crusade again and I don't want to get banned

I think I've gotten banned for posting Yuuko from Triage X like 10 times now.
Worth it.

Ah, it is rare of us gentlemen of high intelligence to meet together and agree upon the necessity of gravitational pull applied on a women's chest.

have a rare stitched chifusa




Mosquitoes come and suck your blood.

ok, so for animating said huge tits would cost them billions of yen

they just couldn't AFFORD to make it happen
you can draw them easier with sag, but that is static and not in any motion

The lack of nipples in the main series was disappointing. It was like only 4 episodes where they showed nipples?

Have you tried the OVAs?

Might wanna save this for safe keeping.

You mean the few minute BD specials and still shots? Yeah. I'm just talking about the main series.

Also you only had one scene of breast expansion where Chifusa's nipples were exposed. That was a bit disappointing too.

The OVAs are pretty good though. Plus you Kagefusa.


Yeah, the short BD specials. You can't go wrong with lactation.

Blue board, retard.


I'm gonna go rewatch the series because of this gif, thanks.

more like boob board

And here I was thinking that a was just full of horny teachers that just started puberty

>horny teachers that just started puberty
what did he mean by this


Allowed under New Moot's rules.
Mods need to realize this.

Check the rules, retard.



>translation never

I know the series becomes crap after the anime but I would like to see that Kagefusa mom arc translated.
Good love story.

Was the brunette a guy or girl?

She's a shotacon/lesbian.

>tfw want to post another Manyuu manga chapter but now unsure if I'll be unjustly banned for no reason

What special was that in? I have all of them downloaded and can't find it.

Post as much nipple as possible man. Complain in IRC if a hotpocket does ban you and show them

Flashback time for Kagefusa's mom.



















delicious nipplemouthpussy







And thus Kagefusa was conceived.





Oh yea, this is Chifusa's mother btw. Kagefusa's mother felt sad and betrayed even though she knew he obviously would've married someone like that due to his position in the Manyuu clan. At least he took care of Kagefusa.





She's wring a rather strongly worded letter.



Keep it up user.

That's some terrible size consistency.

I just realized that I fucked that up entirely. The old woman is Kagefusa's grandmother, not mother. Anyway here's the omake at the end. It;s an Eva ripoff.



wheres her mom then?

Honestly do not think she appears in the comic at all except for maybe another flashback. Dead perhaps? No idea, don't speak jap.

Shit's site-wide, right?

Nope, Sup Forums exclusive. And it's only because Sup Forums fought the mods tooth and nail over them trying to enforce a nipple ban when Gook Moot took over.

Also this is the Manyuu family tree. 母子 means mother and child, 元恋人 means ex-lover, 夫情 means friend, 兄 is brother, and 妹 is sister with Chifusa and Kagefusa being half-sisters.

Also I'm out. Bye bye.

>tfw no more Manyuu OVAs

I want more onsen fun.

top stuff

what counts as inplicit sex?


We already have it much better than it was in 80s and 90s anime.