Princess Principal

It just sucks because even though my IQ is 130, it's not high enough to be able to follow this anime. You need a minimum of 140 IQ to follow this. But realistically to be able to enjoy it properly you should have 150+.
There are people making charts for each episode on how to follow this anime, but even those charts require an IQ of 120 to be able to understand.
Does anyone have any exercises I can do to raise my IQ?

But my IQ is 82 and I understand it

My IQ is 145, I have a doctorate in national security policy and seven years of experience as an intelligence analyst. I still don't understand who the princess is or why she didn't just hide the key up her butt

Princess is Agne. Agne is the princess but only during that one scene. They traded buttholes and couldn't store anything in them for a few days

they do cavity check.

Anyone have this webm?


I am not sure if this is heavy memeing or if you guys are actually brainlets but I will enjoy anyway


>cavity checking all those important looking people
I highly doubt it.

If dorthy put the key in between her boobs, would they check?

The very fact that these even exist should prove that this show is too fucking complicated for a normal person to understand.

It only proves that one user is autistic and a few others have ADHD.

It's not as bad as the madoka threads

>seven years as an intel analyst
Yeah big deal, I have close to 4 and most of the people I work with are pretty fucking retarded.

the only anime you need a 140+ iq to fully appreciate is oreimo and naruto

The key handoff to the princess was just a pretense, her real goal is to reunite with her long-lost twin

Yeah there's just exercise where you tie a rope to a object that's high up then you tie it around your neck. When you jump you release some sort of chemical which improves your neurons

You should try it user

is op being serious or just baiting? cause I liked fringe and might try this.

It's a joke.
The thing is a pretty simple, straightforward story.

Whoever seriously thinks IQ represents the absolute level of inteligence or something like that should hang themeselves. There are a lot more factors that should be considered rather than just problem solving bullshit.

>Implying problem solving isn't exactly what intelligence is
Any dumbass can memorize a book.

Are these a joke? Did people actually not understand it?

This show is literally insulting me since I don't understand it.

It's not a joke. I can't even understand the fucking graphics though, so whatever. They use huge words that make them impossible to read.

If you think the 2nd edpisode essay is accurate you're the one that doesn't understand.

I'm curious what part of it you think is wrong. The only part I was not sure of is if Ange and the Princess were relatives, and that was the purpose behind Operation: Changeling, or if it was the switch as the essay seems to think.

From what I am seeing the relative scenario seems more likely.

I'm dumb, ok?
Fuck off already.

These "I don't get it" jokes are getting old. Get some new material, you hacks

The thing here, user, is that not all problems are solved in the same way. Memory, spatial reasoning, creativity. You can't live just by sitting in your chair and doing mental gymnastics.

>You need a minimum of 140 IQ to follow this
Shit anime.
I just want cute girls

In part 5 it says Ange told Morgan she can help him defect to Cornwall.

He is from the Commonwealth. He wants to make the deal with the Kingdom in order to be with his family. Therefore his wife is in the Kingdom. If Ange says "I can help your wife defect to Cornwall", that implies Cornwall is within the Commonwealth. Ergo, there is no need for Morgan to defect at all if he takes Ange's deal.

Given that fact, the translation of the smudgy note in part 4 is wrong. Instead of "My purpose is to grant Mr. Morgan's asylum" it should be "My purpose is to prevent Mr. Morgan's asylum", his defection to the Kingdom.

Also the additional notes in part 5 say he owns several coal mines in Cornwall, but he only used the Cornish term for a mine Bal; they don't necessarily have to be in Cornwall.

The chart you posted has the typo "Has has thus..." in the Belligerents - Kingdom of Albion section 2nd paragraph, but a newer one fixed it already. It still needs changes to the Cornwall stuff though. Also part 3 in the 3rd paragraph "multiple soliders" is a typo. That might be all.

What exactly does the note say between 'My dear Ange' and 'Charlotte'?

>My dear Ange,
>I have waited a long time for this moment. There are many things I'd like to talk about.
>But there is little time to explain my dearest Ange
>I have become a spy like you became a princess.
>I'm a spy on a mission. My purpose is to procure Mr. Morgan's key.
>Would you lend me your dress for this purpose?
>I'll explain in detail later.
>I have to take responsibility for your difficult years
>Sorry to spoil your dress...
>Yours truly,

ur a faggette

The note is on the episode 2 infographic in part 4.

You know, that letter is incredibly emotional for someone as stone cold as Ange.

This series at least opened my eyes, Sup Forums is full of brainlets.

yep, her dere side.
Or it's just another lie again.

>not realizing that upon first coming here

I have an IQ 130 flat, I haven't yet watched this show yet.
Will watching it prove my IQ or will it disprove it? I will contemplate this quandary until the end of the season.

You don't have an IQ of 130 idiot

Does this mean that I have to watch the show? I'm desperately trying to maintain my IQ at an even number, going even 1 point above or below might drive me insane. I arrange all of the furniture in my house in a fractal shape.

It all makes sense if the note is saying 'My purpose is to grant Ms. Morgan's asylum'. Which is possible given how hard to read it is.

Solely for being into anime you must have a sub 100 IQ, I don't get why you guys lie about your IQ on the Internet. I'm 90~ IQ and proud.

My IQ is 151. I am a lawyer, a accountant, been serving as a police and human rights lawyer and I dont get anything about the anime

Loli ain't known for their smarts.

I have an IQ of 160, I'm Japanese, I like anime with complex stories, I wrote the script of this anime and even I don't understand what's happening.

I'm Stephen Hawking and I don't understand the plot of this anime


My IQ is 168 and I work as an aerospace engineer for SpaceX and boy I can tell you, we can see this plot from outer space!

I want to titty fuck her so bad


So if Morgan is from the West and trying to deliver stolen blueprints to Duke Normandy in the East, why does this say he's trying to deliver them to the West? Is it just a flub?

This was the one thing that threw me off. Everything else made sense, but I was having a hard time figuring out what Morgan was doing exactly.


I live next to a SpaceX HQ and/or branch. Are you in Seattle?

I do actually! Well, only during term, otherwise you'll find me in China.

It was probably a flub, he was obviously handing over the key to the blueprints to Normandy, whose a major figure in the East.

I'm looking for a roommate if you want to live near Microsoft campus. Literally 3 min drive from SpaceX. Cheaper than the market rate for rent at my place because of a locked-in rate.

How do you feel about Ange? No lying please.

I want to literally be Ange

She doesn't look flashy enough to be the main character.

Hair regrowth episode when.

well, if someone meade it maybe its an indicator that it was needed.
Sometimesthe subs are so shitty that we have to do extra legwork (like getting another sub to compare and try to make sense of the situations). In this case, the subs were good enough to realize what the fuck is going on.

having said that, while I dont need it, I appreciate the time and effort that were put in that graphic so others who have trouble with english or with this kind of exposition can grasp all the situations without too much hassle and dont need to navigate a sea of shittalk.
To whoever made that, you are doing god's work kind Sup Forumsnon

As a GITS fan, I would like having those kinds of guides around to have better efficiency levels at shitposting management on the threads.

Please don't blame the subs for your stupidity.

>people say the show is easy
>they have to write entire novels to explain 20 minute episodes

Just when you thought the Beatrice bullying couldn't get any worse, this happens.

Gee maybe the people who don't find it hard to follow aren't the same ones who these are being written for?

Only if you are dumb enough to need episode 2 recap in text form.

He did it for fun

I didn't know I wanted a show like this

any other shows with cute girls doing espionage things?

Let's stop for a moment and talk about this cutie pie.

The vocals kind of ruin the OP

Do you think the Commonwealth know Ange's identity?

I'm sorry for your shit taste. Sounds like you need to be given asylum.

This is actually pretty good, even though it's from 3hz.

Don't flop, please.

i agree with him. The singer has a good voice sure, but English is clearly not her first language. It's off putting and an unfortunate pairing to a really great composition.

Everything from 3hz


They believe they found a random girl who for some reasons look exactly like the current Princess. Having operatives that looks like world leaders is an SOP for actual intelligence agencies.

You can help it, just buy this more.

EP3 Arggggggg...

Why are the designs on this show so fucking good?

Is it Sunday yet?

Because you're a homosexual.

>tfw 140 IQ brainlet
At least I get the minimum requirements because this anime is good.

You can only pick one, choose wisely.

We should not let a hobo rule the glorious British Empire under any circumstances.


Japanese ninja has the best body.

Ange because she's literally perfect.

Cutie in the hijab

It's a literal synopsis with less than 30 lines of putting 2 and 2 together. I'm actually amazed people are this dumb. I can't tell if people can't read or they just have the attention span of a goldfish.

Top hat

The one who is a pure and respectable woman by Islamic law.

20 year old schoolgirl.

I'd pick the halal one.

Why does the Royal Princess of London wear a fucking veil?

Princess Pringles is god-tier delicious.

>Princess goes on a mission without covering her face
>"Oi, is that the princess over there?"

You and me user

The one from the black lizard planet.

Would you a high school girl (hag)?