/UBI/ Basic income is not comunism

Society would benefit from it.

You can't prove me wrong.

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I would be for UBI if sterilization was a requirement to recieve it

True that

What are you some sort of moral god?

People's potential to really contribute to mankind is IQ, so by logic sterilization must be done after an IQ test if you hit lower than 100 no child if you hit +130 have as many as you want.

if you have a lot to contribute to society, society will reward you for it.

why don't you rock your ancap flag, weirdo

There's no reward for work that you don't get by being a neet.

wow nice

Turns out IQ is a poor measure of success overall. It's a nice plus, but if your culture/values are shit, so will be your life regardless of IQ.

Somebody bust out the Nietzsche quote where he talks about men being paid to simply exist.

i think you took a wrong turn back at reddit, friendo

In theory, in theory comunism works, in theory.

Have you noted how real wages stagnated do you know that inequality rises?

Why should the wage of a banker increase more over time than the wage of anybody else?

It's still the best one available.

Of course if you plant roses in a desert they go to waste, that's what is happening here we just call them 'lost generations'

you're getting off topic. do you have a point?

>UBI is not communism
>It's best a major aspect of how communism works
>But society would still benefit
>Unlike all the times when it didn't
>I'm a smart person

Yeah, your model of the world isn't accurate or valid.

so don't forcibly take money from productive members of society and give it to unproductive members of society. case closed.

>/UBI/ Basic income is not comunism
yes it is

and american society is the first communist society on this planet.

They will pioneer all of this bullshit. You will see.

Hedonic Treadmill. Bukowski wasn't working class and had zero comprehension of the stoic lifestyle that is in fact the only route to happiness.

Now that I've trashed your gay quote, I will trash your gay proposal: UBI isn't real and cannot be. The way that price signalling actually works, the presence of "free money" naturally accounts itself into the system. Prices would readjust and you would see no difference in living quality except that value would be lost due to administrative costs.

Try that, and see what happens.

Hint: in south america sometimes they rob/kill you if they happen to like your smartphone or your sneakers

You know, I somewhat enjoy work. I don't like how regimented they expect me and specifically me to be, but that's because I'm a fucking white male who interloped into STEM. Otherwise, I enjoy basically solving puzzles for a living and having the qt Indian testing girls depend on me to know what the defects actually mean.

Just keep that in mind, not everyone is a dreary project manager or a tradie that gets dirty or a tired warehouse lugger or a trucker who sits in sweltering hot truck cabins for hours a day. I feel for these people, maybe not the project manager (because I'm sceptical that they're actually contributing value), but they're needed and it's such a challenge to remind them of that. They do not have fun jobs that make.

The issue about IQ is that at the higher levels there's certain mental issues that arise, yesterday I learned Einstein's first surviving son that he had with a truly intelligent woman had schizophrenia. My IQ, whilst not actually amazing, is also over extended and I have bipolar. Lots of east Asians have massive IQs but are almost always depressive when they do, suicide rates are ridiculous in Japan and south Korea.

Women aren't attracted to depression or schizoid personalities, they want someone they can depend on rather than people who periodically need someone to depend on. When you're depressed, what you need is someone's arms that you trust completely, physically, emotionally and mentally. Western women these days are too selfish for that.

Here's my point, it's hard enough already to get high IQ people to breed in the best of situations. It's damn right dysgenic when you're raising their taxes to support low IQ neets.

So much agreement.

Ideally, money should be used for soft eugenics and high IQ people need the leg up. Most of us are insane.

Good thing I can shoot back.
Sage reported and thread hidden.

A better solution to UBI qualification is to make those who want UBI or welfare, work for the government on manual labor jobs. Such as cleaning streets, cleaning subways, building and maintain roads, building monuments, maintain public spaces. Forgoing any right to sue or being insured. We have the technology to mointor work productivity. I think it's a better solution than just giving it for free. Basically slave labor for under minimum wage.

>why should
How about why DOES.

The reason that a banker's wages rise more over time is... Actually they don't, it's capital gains, bankers generally don't work salary jobs.

But the reason that their capital gains inflate over time relatively speaking is that the workers' wages are suppressed by mass immigration, increasing technology devaluing their labor, and a the ineffectuality of collective bargaining in the face of the two aforementioned eventualities.

So, a bunch of ultra-right wing policies like flinging out shitskins and rejecting new technologies are actually the two most effective ways of resolving this issue since collective bargaining is already legal and hasn't worked.

Regardless "Should" has no place in any economic discussion. Economics is an empirical science with empirical rules, and attempting to subvert them can only have a net negative effect.

This. I apparently have an IQ of 125 with an official test, but im stupid as fuck. You can have a high IQ but not use all of those points.

Comunism is based on class society, and eliminating the upper dominating class making the eliminating the private propriety and seizing the 'means of production'

Ubi implies none of that it implies eliminating poverty, reducing inequality, giving more opportunities, individual independence, reducing crime, and if done globally immigration.

>ubi us gommunism!

Holy fuck you people are retards, for the love of god take a polisci class.

UBI would ensure we all have same amount of bones to gnaw on while our civilization collapses around us you ignorant cuck.

Bukowski was a lazy selfish alcoholic pseud.

society would obviously not benefit from it long term. it would give birth to the softest men ever - an entire generation of soylords.

struggle is life

Who would want to work so that others can sit on their ass and do nothing? People need incentive in their life, with UBI the number of NEET's would sky rocket and don't even get me started on all that niggers and shitskins that would flock the country that would offer such income. UBI is just super corrupted version of the welfare.

>Women aren't attracted to depression or schizoid personalities, they want someone they can depend on rather than people who periodically need someone to depend on.

lol women want a violent and unpredictable and narcissitic chad who does whatever the fuck he wants and flips out occasionally, giving her the drama and titillation all women love. if you're not an unhinged sociopath, no woman will ever be content in the relationship. regardless if you're depressed or schiziod etc.

so my point, who cares what women are attracted to? what they're attracted to is fucking retarded.

you realize the suicide rate of whites in america is higher right. though coming from a kiwi who makes walls of text about how persecuted he is as a white male im not surprised you get basic things wrong

>The way that price signalling actually works, the presence of "free money" naturally accounts itself into the system. Prices would readjust and you would see no difference in living quality except that value would be lost due to administrative costs.

Increasing productivity also modifies that.. seriously that kind of flaw has been checked by economists worldwide.

Quite maquiavelic senpai, the people won't take that kind of shit, also is quite inefficient.

Intelligence is like an empty bottle, you still have to fill it with water the IQ determines how big is the bottle and the bottleneck.

>hurrr people would be lazy and wouldn't do anything if they didn't have to worry about money!
>pretty much every scientific and philosophical advancement in history has come from people who rich enough that they didn't have to work

If UBI would make people lazy and not want to do anything, then explain why Darwin, Euler and Newton who were so rich they'd never have to work a day dedicated their lives to science? And you can even look at contemporary examples, Warren Buffet could have retired forever in the 90's and lived a life of pleasure, but he didn't.

Communism is based on class society, and eliminating the upper dominating class, eliminating the private property and seizing the 'means of production'

Ubi implies none of that it implies eliminating poverty, reducing inequality, giving more opportunities, individual independence, reducing crime, and if done globally immigration.

Pic related is how universal basic income works.

That is the most uneducated post I've ever seen.

Well we basically already do it anyways. It is called a tax return. Most of the people that get them do not actually pay anything in taxes.

Yeah, struggle produces the best men..
Would you ratter by living in finland or in a struggle society like mexico or maybe ruanda.

> Society would benefit from it.
The weak would benefit from it, you mean.
Well, they would for a while anyway.
When the resources inevitably run thin they'll suffer the most.

Au contraire my friend.

Welfare is a really corrupted system that DESINCENTIVES working and to gib 1$ you have to waste in the best of cases 1$ in bureocrats.

Do you know how much takes to consider it an succes when the EU sends help to poor countries?

About 20% the rest doesn't even arrive.

Regards working, UBI won't allow a expensive lifestyle and anybody who can would work if it's worth it..

Poverty is better solved by providing them with the necessities of life so what little income they do receive they can either save or use recreationally. Simply giving them money isn't an option because it removes the purpose of money as an incentive in their life.

I hate high taxes, but if a poor person has shelter and isn't starving, all they have left is how to spend their time. Instead of defining poverty by a resentful comparison of luxuries, which is what ridiculous social science Marxists do (they basically want redistribution so they can buy more nice shoes, something awkward high IQ people don't understand), define poverty by the bear minimum needed for life. You've got government housing, lots of places have food stamps or EBI, you even have some public health care if you're not American. You don't need to simply be given money because there's no assurance you'll spend it on what you need.

I care what women are attracted to because in this horrid matriarchal welfare state women hold all the reproduction cards. They choose who breeds, they are the force of selection in the evolutionary survival and selection process.

It's just something I've noticed.

Low IQ people act like tipsy high IQ people except all the time, I have no issues socialising at all when I'm tipsy and not worried about my mental illness.

You're not actually intelligent enough to understand my point, are you?

Far left societies are dysgenic, high IQ people's problems are internal and complex. Low IQ problems are almost entirely materialistic, you're already receiving enough help in matriarchal welfare states.

They did that thanks to the recompense mechanisms we have on our brains.


free bitcoins yes or no

If the entire welfare state was replaced by UBI, it would be cheaper for taxpayers because it would cut out all the bureaucracy involved with having multiple programs. Since it's not means-tested, the poor wouldn't be discouraged from trying to make more money for fear of losing their benefits, and it would be pretty much a tax refund for everyone. There are plenty of other arguments in favor of UBI, but the idea isn't even worth considering until immigration is kept under control.


And just who is going to pay for this?
Because it sounds an awful lot like theft. How is this not theft? You're taking away the earnings from one person to give to another. This is called redistribution of wealth, a fundamental component in not just theft but communism as well.

You can't have such a system in place and have it run successfully. The high-earners will either lose incentive because their shit gets redistributed, or they move out of the country altogether.

Pic related. OP, you are a fag.

What annoys me the most is that everyone in Britain says "ha, the Spaniards have a huge unemployment rate, we're better than them!" when the average Spaniard lives a life of bliss compared to the average Brit who lives a life drab wage slavery and has a massive alcohol problem because of it.

The average lives fine for the moment, it's the youth who paid the crisis.

With no jobs, no future, debt, massive emigration, immigration.

In the future we may be greece, but for now public debt has been a soft cushion..

Who needs UBI when you can get paid pennies to produce clips and data for the AI ZOG God


fuck off socialist

>Gib UBI
>shiet nigga whyz I needz ta do NE TING productive?
>*degeneration intensifies*
Even a cursory study of psychology would have told you this. I don't need to prove you wrong. You were wrong from the beginning, immature strawman OP.

If Bukowski had UBI, we would have drank himself to death before he was 30, and there would be no record of him existing. That drunken hypocrite only survived into mild fame because of the dead end jobs that forced him to keep his shit together a few hours a day.

pathetic, you do those things because of the extreme comfort and leisure they allow you to procure yourself, goods and services which are themselves provided by other people attempting to buy such things

UBI is communism and it shall not fucking pass

Look, i exist and if i could get paid just for that i know id be just a gigantic lazy piece of shit, i am the reason why UBI will never work. Im not gonna try to make it look like other people are the problem I DONT WANT TO WORK

Yeah I really hate time, how everyone can have a clock, beds, clothes, food, having a sanitary place to groom myself, being mobile and having a care, and *holy shit* do I hate having a productive place in the fabric of society. What a con man.

Then it would force employers to give better offers.

Every living creature is responsible for feeding and sheltering itself. No living creature is obligated to feed and house any other. That retard doesn't even realize that foe one to consume without producing, someone else must be forded to produce, but not be permitted to consume. His right to force me to labor for his benefit is canceled out by my right to force him to labor for my benefit. The object is not to be grateful. IT is to survive. That Bukowski guy is just a lazy, stupid, entitled, self centered piece of shit who has an inflated sense of self esteem, combined with low intelligence and even lower moral character.

Bukogowski was a genius. He was into the NEET ideology before its time. He was a visionary ahead of his time.

its not about getting a better workplace or better pay, i simply dont want to work for anything and even the things im semi-passionate about i put off to just laze around the house all day

The problem is not that work is not rewarding is that I dont want to work or do anyting for another huan being, but i have too otherwhise id cant fucking keep my current stardar of living. Give me free shit and i wont work a single day of my life

Yeah lets give everyone money, surely that won't fuck inflation in the ass and be the exact opposite of taxes

But many of the NEETs will invent things or make music or art or crafts or new recipes to share to the world.

well im 27 and counting and let me tell you i havent done shit

UBI = temporary patch = to the gulag with you bourgeois swine

I'd be fine with such an arrangement personally.

If he was a genius, then he is even worse than I thought. He is merely a thief, attempting to rationalize his laziness and moral turpitude. What did this "genius" ever produce, except hot air and a childish rationalization of believing himself worthy of living his life being supported by others, while giving NOTHING in return? Oh, right, he is a "genius" because he is a lying, lazy thief which is the definition of a genius, according to leftist vermin.

I'm all for criticizing the modern work environment but did that faggot really complain about having to shower and brush his teeth and hair?

He produced ideology. He produced new ideas that not many people had at the time.

If this scenario is not what you desire you can start your own business.

People who do the basic minimum in school and chase instant gratification will always end up as slaves to corporations.

Nah, scumbags have pretty much always tried to rationalize their depravity. There have always been thieves, who try to justify their thievery. The guy was a stupid piece of shit, who was popular among other pieces of shit. He was beloved by lazy, lying thieves because he himself was a lazy, lying thief.

He was the comfy NEET ideology before his time. How do you not see this?

après nous le déluge

>starved to death penniless



>Basic income is not comunism*


>Society would benefit from it.

>You can't prove me wrong.

Literally everything you said is shit. Basic income is communist in its ideology. Philosophy, government and logic not your strong suit?

This thread is full of retards who don't understand anything about UBI.

... By spending LESS on UBI than what's currently being spent in (as an example) the United States Welfare (Food stamps, section 8, TANF, Social Security, Federalized Pensions, State Pensions, SSI, etc) systems, by providing 22,000 a year to every adult citizen there would be a net savings of 10%.

That's spending less, and injecting real capital into the system-- Not food stamps, or vouchers or whatever else that's not money.

(Aggregated over state, federal and local subsidies)


> society would benefit

no, individuals would benefit, single mums, families, entrepreneurs, elderly, kids; neets, real people..